
a curses UI to display and/or change a ZFS dataset/snapshot properties.


App::ZFSCurses is available on `CPAN <>`_ and can be
installed using `cpanm <>`_.

.. code-block:: console

    $ cpanm App::ZFSCurses

``zfscurses`` can be run in two different "views":

.. code-block:: console

    $ zfscurses datasets

to display the list of ZFS datasets found on the system.

.. code-block:: console

    $ zfscurses snapshots

to display the list of ZFS snapshots found on the system.

Make sure to run ``zfscurses --help`` to display the help. A manual page can be
shown using ``zfscurses --man``.

Needless to say you must use the ZFS filesystem for ``zfscurses`` to work. In case
you don't, a warning will show up and the application will automatically exit.


App::ZFScurses leverages the ``zfs`` command to do the heavy lifting and
to present information in a comprehensive way to the user.


App::ZFSCurses is built with `Curses::UI
<>`_. To navigate around the UI, use the
following keystrokes:

- **Up/Down** ��� move the cursor up or down.
- **Enter/Space** ��� validate selection.
- **Tab** ��� change focus around.
- **Ctrl+q** ��� quit the UI.
- **F1** ��� when browsing a dataset/snapshot properties, F1 will show a help
  message about the selected property. You must first select a property using

Listboxes showing the different datasets/snapshots/properties are searchable:

- **/** ��� search forward in the list.
- **?** ��� search backward in the list.


Mouse support is enabled. You can click on any UI component (textbox, list) as
well as buttons.


What does it look like in practice? See the `project's wiki


3-clause BSD.