#!\usr\bin\perl # Written by Richard Graves # # This script is used to issue config commands to a cisco device # using either telnet or SSHv1 # # Special mention to Vladimir Parkhaev and Benjamin Trott for Net:SSH:Perl # Without those two folks, this script would not be possible! # # Props to Joshua Keroes for Net::Telnet::Cisco and Jay Rogers for Net::Telnet # # ARGV[0] = Device list file # ARGV[1] = Command list file # ARGV[2] = noprompt option # ARGV[3] = Device Type # ARGV[4] = Username # ARGV[5] = Password # ARGV[6] = Enable Password # # To run without being prompted use the following format: # # main.pl DevList CmdList noprompt DevType(numeric) Username Password Enable-Password # # DevTypes are 1-Router, 2-Switch, 3-Firewall #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; no warnings; #use Net::Ping; my ($file, $line, %devices, $cmdfile); $file=$ARGV[0]|| die "Usage: $0 [device list filename] [command list filename] noprompt [Device Type Numeric] [Username] [Password] [Enable Password]\n"; #grab filename as cmd line arg if (-e $file && -r $file) #if file exists and is readable { open(IN, "$file"); #open the file using the IN filehandle } while($line=<IN>) #while data is coming in from file { unless($line=~ m/^\#+/) #unless the line starts with # do the following.. { if($line=~ m/(.{1,15})\t(.+)/) #match the IP from the hosts file { $devices{$1}=$2; #push it into a hash } else #otherwise do nothing { } } } close(IN); #close the filehandle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #This will be passed to the script that actually connects to the devices $cmdfile=$ARGV[1] || die "Usage: $0 [device list filename] [command list filename] noprompt [Device Type Numeric] [Username] [Password] [Enable Password]\n"; #grab filename as cmd line arg my (@CONFIGVAR, $CONFIGVAR); my ($cntr, $line); if (-e $cmdfile && -r $cmdfile) #if file exists and is readable { open(IN, "$cmdfile"); #open the file using the IN filehandle } while($line=<IN>) #while data is coming in from file { unless($line=~ m/^\!+/) #unless the line starts with ! do the following.. { $cntr++; if ($cntr > 20) { die "Please limit number of commands to 20!\n"; } else { push (@CONFIGVAR, $line); } } } close(IN); #close the filehandle #close the filehandle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my ($DEVUSER, $DEVPWD, $ENBPWD, $timer1, $timer2, $timer3); my ($DevType, $GoNoGo, @timearray, $mnth, $yr, $OutputFile, $ErrorFile); push (@timearray, localtime(time)); $mnth = @timearray[4] + 1; $yr = @timearray[5] + 1900; $OutputFile = "$mnth-@timearray[3]-$yr-@timearray[2]-@timearray[1]-@timearray[0]-Output.txt"; $ErrorFile = "$mnth-@timearray[3]-$yr-@timearray[2]-@timearray[1]-@timearray[0]-Error.txt"; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($ARGV[2]=~ m/noprompt|NOPROMPT/) { $DevType=$ARGV[3]; $DEVUSER=$ARGV[4]; $DEVPWD=$ARGV[5]; $ENBPWD=$ARGV[6]; goto NOPROMPTSTART; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use Term::ReadKey; #Remove comment if term::readkey is available print("\n1. Cisco Router\n"); print("2. Cisco Switch\n"); print("3. Cisco PIX Firewall\n"); print("\nPlease select a Device Type: "); $DevType=<STDIN>; chomp($DevType); if($DevType=='') { die "\nYou Must Enter a Device Type!\n"; } print("\nEnter your Username: "); $DEVUSER=<STDIN>; chomp($DEVUSER); ReadMode('noecho'); # don't echo #Remove comment if term::readkey is available print("\nEnter your Password: "); $DEVPWD=<STDIN>; chomp($DEVPWD); print("\nEnter your ENABLE Password: "); $ENBPWD=<STDIN>; chomp($ENBPWD); ReadMode(0); # back to normal #Remove comment if term::readkey is available #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Display config update, last chance to say no.. print("\n\n***************************************************\n"); print("*** Please review the following config changes. ***\n"); print("*** This is your last chance to abort!!! ***\n"); print("***************************************************\n\n\n"); print (@CONFIGVAR); print("\n\n\n***************************************************\n"); print("\n\n\nContinue? (Y/N): "); $GoNoGo=<STDIN>; chomp($GoNoGo); if ($GoNoGo=~ m/Y|y/) { } else { die "\n\n***Aborted***\n"; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOPROMPTSTART:; my ($numdev); $numdev = keys( %devices ); print "\n\nNumber of devices to touch: " . $numdev . "\n\n"; $timer1 = time; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my ($Key, $Value); while(($Key, $Value) = each(%devices)) #step through hash for each device { if($DevType=='1') { print `perl CCS_sub_Telnet.pl $Key $cmdfile $DEVUSER $DEVPWD $ENBPWD $OutputFile`; #call script that actually connects to device } elsif($DevType=='2') { print `perl CCS_sub_Telnet.pl $Key $cmdfile $DEVUSER $DEVPWD $ENBPWD $OutputFile`; #call script that actually connects to device } elsif($DevType=='3') { print `perl CCS_sub_SSH.pl $Key $cmdfile $DEVUSER $DEVPWD $ENBPWD $OutputFile`; #call script that actually connects to device } #and pass needed variables } $timer2 = time; $timer3 = $timer2 - $timer1; print ("\n\nOperation Complete: $numdev device(s) touched in $timer3 seconds\n\n"); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #After action report my ($cntr2, @FailDev, $BadDev); if (-e $OutputFile && -r $OutputFile) #if file exists and is readable { open (AFTER, "$OutputFile"); #open the file using the AFTER filehandle } while($line=<AFTER>) #while data is coming in from file { $cntr2++; if($cntr2>=1) { if($line=~ m/.?Successful/) { } else { $line =~ s/^\s+//; #$line =~ s/\s+$//; push (@FailDev, $line); } } } close (AFTER); if ($#FailDev>0) { $BadDev = $#FailDev; print ("\nThe following $BadDev devices failed to complete successfully:\n\n"); print (" @FailDev\n\n"); open (PRINTRPT, ">>$ErrorFile"); print (PRINTRPT "@FailDev"); close (PRINTRPT); } =head1 NAME Combined Cisco Script =head1 DESCRIPTION This script is used to issue config commands to a cisco device using either telnet or SSHv1. This is the main script, the other two scripts CCS_sub_telnet.pl and CCS_sub_SSH.pl are also required =head1 README =head1 PREREQUISITES This script requires: Perl 5.8 or higher Net::SSH::Perl Net::SSH::Perl::Constants Net::Telnet Net::Telnet::Cisco =head1 COREQUISITES CCS_sub_telnet.pl CCS_sub_SSH.pl =pod OSNAMES any =pod SCRIPT CATEGORIES Networking =cut