Log::Journald - Send messages to a systemd journal

      use Log::Journald;
      use Sys::Syslog qw/:macros/;

      # Easy.
      journald_log(LOG_INFO, "Hello from PID $$!");

      # Send arbitrary fields, even binary data
      Log::Journald::send(PRIORITY => LOG_INFO,
           MESSAGE => "Hello from PID $$!",
           PERL_PACKAGE => __PACKAGE__,
           _YOLO => "SW\x00AG");
           or warn "Could not send log: $!";

      # Raw
           "MESSAGE=Hello from PID $$!");

    Please consider this an alpha quality code, whose API can change at any
    time, until we reach version 1.00.

    This module wraps sd-journal(3) APIs for easy use in Perl. It makes it
    possible to easily use systemd-journald.service(8)'s structured logging
    capabilities and includes location of the logging point in the source
    code in the messages.

    Backends for Log::Dispatch and Log::Log4perl exist: Use
    Log::Dispatch::Journald and Log::Log4perl::Appender::Journald

    journal_log PRIORITY MESSAGE
        Log a message at given priority. Exported by default.

        Returns true upon success, false while setting $! on failure.

    send KEY VALUE ...
        Log a message with given key-value pairs. "MESSAGE" and "PRIORITY"
        keys are mandatory. See systemd.journal-fields(7) for list and
        description of known fields.

        Returns true upon success, false while setting $! on failure.

    sendv STRING ...
        Same as above, apart from that instead of key and value pair,
        strings that contain key and value concatenated with "=" are
        expected. This avoids an extra copy and might me slightly more

        Returns true upon success, false while setting $! on failure.

    *   Sys::Syslog -- Traditiona logging mechanism. The module provides
        useful macros.

    *   sd-journal(3) -- Description of C language API for journal.

    *   systemd-journald.service(8) -- Manual of the journal service.

    *   Log::Dispatch::Journald -- Log::Dispatch backend.

    *   Log::Log4perl::Appender::Journald -- Log::Log4perl appender.

    "journal_log()" terminates the message at a NUL byte. You need to use
    another interface to log binary data.

    To get priority constants, you still need to include Sys::Syslog.

    There's no way to override caller depth. Therefore if you add a wrapper
    for any of this module's interfaces, you'll get the location of the
    wrapper in the messages.

    A way to disable or override inclusion of code location would be nice.

    Copyright 2014 Lubomir Rintel

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    Lubomir Rintel, <>

    The code is hosted on GitHub
    <>. Bug fixes and feature
    enhancements are always welcome.