NAME XML::Easy::SimpleSchemaUtil - help with simple kinds of XML schema DESCRIPTION The rules by which some class of thing is encoded in XML constitute a schema. (A schema does not need to be codified in a formal language such as Schematron: a natural-language specification can also be a schema. Even if there is no explicit specification at all, the behaviour of the interoperating processors of related XML documents constitutes a de facto schema.) Certain kinds of rule are commonly used in all manner of schemata. This module supplies functions that help to implement such common kinds of rule, regardless of how a schema is specified. This module processes XML data in the form used by XML::Easy, consisting of XML::Easy::Element and XML::Easy::Content objects and twine arrays. In this form, character data are stored fully decoded, so they can be manipulated with no knowledge of XML syntax. INSTALLATION perl Build.PL ./Build ./Build test ./Build install AUTHOR Andrew Main (Zefram) <> COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2010 PhotoBox Ltd Copyright (C) 2011 Andrew Main (Zefram) <> LICENSE This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.