Mail::Audit::Attach - Mail::Audit plugin for attachment handling.

      use Mail::Audit qw(Attach);

      my $mail = Mail::Audit->new;

      # ...

      my $num_attachment = $mail->num_attachments;
      my $attachments = $mail->attachments;

      remove_attachments(filename => "\.(exe|scr|pif)",
                         smaller_than => 20000);

      $mail->remove_attachments(mime_type => "text/html");

      foreach (@$attachments) {
              if ($_->mime_type =~ |^image/|);
              if ($_->filename =~ |\.(vcf)$|);

      $mail->make_singlepart; # if possible

    For the purpose of this plugin, an attachment is a MIME part that has a
    filename. Files attached to non-MIME messages will not be discovered.

    This is a Mail::Audit plugin which provides easy access to files
    attached to mail messages. Besides Mail::Audit, it requires the
    "MIME::Entity" module.


        Returns the number of attachments found

        Returns a reference to a list of attachment objects

        Removes attachments from the mail that match the criteria specified
        via the options, or all, if no options are specified. Currently, the
        following options (hash keys) are supported:

            Specify a regular expression; attachments whose MIME type or
            filename matches this expression are removed.

            Specify file size limits; attachments smaller or bigger than
            these limits are removed.

        An attachment must match all of the criteria to be removed. Returns
        the number of attachments removed.


    The attachments are a subclass of "MIME::Entity". Check out MIME::Entity
    to learn about useful methods like "mime_type" or "bodyhandle" that are

        Returns the size of the attached file.

        Returns the original filename given in the MIME headers.

        Returns the filename, with /\:;[]| and whitespace replaced by
        underscores, or 'attachment' if the original filename is empty.


        Removes the attachment, ie. detaches the corresponding MIME entity
        and purges the body data.

        Saves the attachment as a file in "$location". "$location" is
        assumed to be a directory if it ends with a '/', or if "-d
        $location" is true. In this case, "save" uses "safe_filename" for
        storing the file inside that directory. Otherwise, $location is
        assumed to be a fully-qualified path with filename.

        In both cases, "save" checks whether the target file exists and
        appends '.n' to the filename, with n being an integer that leads to
        a unique filename, if necessary.

        Returns the filename used to save the file, or undef if an error
        ocurred (you might want to take a look at "$!" in that case).

        Note that the attachment is not removed.

    Christian Renz <>

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    Mail::Audit. MIME::Entity.