Data::HanConvert - The data for converting between traditional and
    simplified Chinese languages.

    This distribution does not contain code but data to be used by other
    programs. They are split into 4 modules that needs to be seperately

        use Data::HanConvert::cn2tw;
        use Data::HanConvert::cn2tw_characters;
        use Data::HanConvert::tw2cn;
        use Data::HanConvert::tw2cn_characters;

    Once required, these corresponding hashref are available:


    The one named with "_characters" suffix contains only
    character-to-character mapping, while the other contains only
    phrase-to-phrase mapping. The mapping are split into different files
    because they are significantly larger and may not be required depending
    on the scenario of use.

    Notice that this data set is for conversion purposes. The phrases
    dataset are not necessarily containing only valid dictionary phrases,
    but may contain random long-ngrams solely for disambiguation purposes.
    Users are encourged to review the data set before using this data for
    other purposes.

    Audrey Tang <>
        The origial data collection work from Encode::HanConvert

    Yo-An Lin <>
        The php builder

    Kang-min Liu <>
        The Gugod

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    (SPC, 0x20) ��������� (TAB, 0x09) ���������

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    ��������������������������������� github ������������ @gugod ���

    This work is CC0 <>.

    To the extent possible under law, Kang-min Liu has waived all copyright
    and related or neighboring rights to Data::HanConvert. This work is
    published from: Taiwan.