This purpose of this plugin is to let your Kwiki User edit pages even
more easily. They only have to type some characters into a given form,
submit it, and done. Not even Kwiki formatter syntax knowledged

The basic idea is from hompage editing, they provide a nearly
WYSIWYG web interface to edit your homepage, because the have many pr���
defined HTML templates, which are a big form, after you submit that
form, what you just inputed replace the original input fields, becomes
the content of the generated page.

One application of Kwiki::PageTemplate is that you can let your
Kwiki site becomes an on-line registration site. With Kwiki::Search
you can even have a full-text search to all registrations immediatly.

See Kwiki::PageTempaltes' perldoc for more usage information.

Kang-min "Gugod" Liu