Strategic::Wiki - Turn Any Directory into a Lightweight Wiki

        > strategic-wiki init
        > edit .strategic-wiki/config.yaml
        > strategic-wiki make
        > strategic-wiki up

    Strategic Wiki (SW) lets you turn any directory on your computer into a
    wiki. Every file in the directory is a wiki page. All SW files are put
    into a ".strategic-wiki/" subdirectory. SW uses git for wiki history. If
    your directory is already a git repo, SW can use its GIT_DIR, or it can
    set up its own. SW is a Perl Plack program, so you can run it in any web
    environment. The 'up' command will start a local web server that you can
    use immediately (even offline).

    Strategic::Wiki installs a command line utility called "stategic- wiki".
    This command can be used to create and update the wiki. It can also act
    as a git hook command.

    See Strategic::Wiki::Manual for more information.

    Strategic::Wiki is a Perl project created and maintained by Strategic
    Data, a company in Melbourne Australia that uses Perl and contributes to
    the Perl and Open Source communities.

    Ingy d��t Net <>

    Copyright (c) 2010. Ingy d��t Net.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.
