[](https://travis-ci.org/moznion/p5-Test-Fluent-Logger) # NAME Test::Fluent::Logger - A mock implementation of Fluent::Logger for testing # SYNOPSIS use Test::More; use Test::Fluent::Logger; # Enable the function of this library just by using # (Activate intercepting the fluentd log payload) use Fluent::Logger; my $logger = Fluent::Logger->new( host => '', port => 24224, tag_prefix => 'prefix', ); $logger->post("tag1", {foo => 'bar'}); # Don't post to fluentd, it puts the log content on internal stack $logger->post("tag2", {buz => 'qux'}); # ���Either # Get internal stack (array) my @fluent_logs = get_fluent_logs; is_deeply \@fluent_logs, [ { 'tag_prefix' => 'prefix', 'time' => '1485443191.94598', 'message' => { 'foo' => 'bar' } }, { 'tag_prefix' => 'prefix', 'time' => '1485443191.94599', 'message' => { 'buz' => 'qux' } } ]; # Clear internal stack (array) clear_fluent_logs; @fluent_logs = get_fluent_logs; is_deeply \@fluent_logs, []; # DESCRIPTION Test::Fluent::Logger is a mock implementation of Fluent::Logger for testing. This library intercepts the log payload of fluentd and puts that on stack. You can pickup log\[s\] from stack and it can be used to testing. # FUNCTIONS ## `get_fluent_logs(): Array[HashRef]` Get fluentd logs from stack as array. Item of the array is hash reference. The hash reference is according to following format; { 'tag_prefix' => 'prefix', 'time' => '1485443191.94599', # <= timestamp 'message' => { 'buz' => 'qux' } } ## `clear_fluent_logs()` Clear stack of fluentd logs. ## `activate()` Activate intercepting the log payload. ## `deactivate()` Deactivate intercepting the log payload. # SEE ALSO - [Fluent::Logger](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fluent::Logger) # LICENSE Copyright (C) moznion. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR moznion <moznion@gmail.com>