NAME Encode::Arabic::Franco - Turns Franco-/Chat-Arabic into actual Arabic letters SYNOPSIS use Encode::Arabic::Franco; while ($line = <>) { print decode 'franco-arabic', $line; # 'Franco-Arabic' alias 'Arabizy' } # oneliner $ perl -CS -MEncode::Arabic::Franco -pe '$_ = decode "arabizy", $_' DESCRIPTION Franco-Arabic, aka Chat Arabic, Arabizy, is a transliteration of Arabic, commonly used on the internet. It restricts itself to the ASCII charset and substitutes numbers for the Arabic characters which have no equivalent in Latin. Franco-Arabic is not standardized. This module is far from complete. IMPLEMENTATION Currently nothing more than a chain of tricks �� la: $str =~ s/3'/��/g; $str =~ s/7'/��/g; GIT REPOSITORY SEE ALSO Encode, Encode::Encoding, Encode::Arabic, Wikipedia article on Franco Arabic Buckwalter Arabic Morphological Analyzer (Might be employed in future) AUTHOR Ahmad Fatoum <>, COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2016 Ahmad Fatoum This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.