NAME Lingua::AR::Regexp - Regular Expression character classes for Arabic SYNOPSIS use Lingua::AR::Regexp; use utf8; $_ = '������'; say 'Has a Hamza' if /\p{Lingua::AR::Regexp::IsHamza}/; say 'Hamza fixed' if s/(?<=\p{Lingua::AR::Regexp::IsSplitting})�����/��/g; DESCRIPTION METHODS AND ARGUMENTS IsHamza Check whether character is or has a Hamza (Including maddas) IsTashkeel Check whether character is Tashkeel (short vowels) IsHamzaMark Check whether character is a Non spacing mark (\p{Mn}) Hamza (Including maddas) IsLetterWithHamza Check whether character has a Hamza (Including maddas) IsSplitting Matches characters that break the horizontal stroke of the word. GIT REPOSITORY SEE ALSO AUTHOR Ahmad Fatoum <>, COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2016 Ahmad Fatoum This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.