[](https://github.com/Leont/net-postgres/actions) Name ==== Net::Postgres - an asynchronous postgresql client Synopsis ======== ```raku use v6.d; use Net::Postgres; my $client = await Net::Postgres::Connection.connect-tcp(:$host, :$port, :$user, :$password, :$database, :$tls); my $resultset = await $client.query('SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id = $1', 42); for $resultset.hashes -> (:$name, :$description) { say "$name is $description"; } ``` Description =========== Net::Postgres is asynchronous implementation of (the client side of) the postgresql protocol based on `Protocol::Postgres`. It is typically used through the `Net::Postgres::Client` class. Client ====== `Net::Postgres::Client` has the following methods new(--> Protocol::Postgres::Client) ----------------------------------- This creates a new postgres client. It takes the following named arguments: * Str :$host = 'localhost' * Int :$port = 5432 * Str :$user = ~$*USER * Str :password * Str :$database * TypeMap :$typemap = Protocol::Postgres::TypeMap::Simple * Bool :$tls = False if `$tls` is enabled, it will pass on all unknown named arguments to `IO::Socket::Async::SSL`. query($query, @bind-values --> Promise) --------------------------------------- This will issue a query with the given bind values, and return a promise to the result. For fetching queries such as `SELECT` the result in the promise will be a `ResultSet` object, for manipulation (e.g. `INSERT`) and definition (e.g. `CREATE`) queries it will result a string describing the change (e.g. `DELETE 3`). For a `COPY TO` query it will `Supply` with the data stream, and for `COPY FROM` it will be a `Supplier`. Both the input types and the output types will be typemapped between Raku types and Postgres types using the typemapper. query-multiple($query --> Supply[ResultSet]) -------------------------------------------- This will issue a complex query that may contain multiple statements, but can not use bind values. It will return a `Supply` to the results of each query. prepare($query --> Promise[PreparedStatement]) ---------------------------------------------- This prepares the query, and returns a Promise to the PreparedStatement object. terminate(--> Nil) ------------------ This sends a message to the server to terminate the connection listen(Str $channel-name --> Promise[Supply]) --------------------------------------------- This listens to notifications on the given channel. It returns a `Promise` to a `Supply` of `Notification`s. ResultSet ========= A `Net::Postgres::ResultSet` represents the results of a query, if any. It defines the following methods: columns(--> List) ----------------- This returns the column names for this resultset. rows(--> Supply[List]) ---------------------- This returns a Supply of rows. Each row is a list of values. hash-rows(--> Supply[Hash]) --------------------------- This returns a Supply of rows. Each row is a hash with the column names as keys and the row values as values. arrays ------ This returns a sequence of arrays of results from all rows. This may `await`. array ----- This returns a single array of results from one row. This may `await`. value ----- This returns a single value from a single row. This may `await`. hashes ------ This returns a sequence of hashes of the results from all rows. This may `await`. hash ---- This returns a single hash of the results from one rows. This may `await`. PreparedStatement ================= A `Net::Postgres::PreparedStatement` represents a prepated statement. Its reason of existence is to call `execute` on it. execute(@arguments --> Promise) ------------------------------- This runs the prepared statement, much like the `query` method would have done and with the same result values. close() ------- This closes the prepared statement. columns() --------- This returns the columns of the result once executed. Notification ============ `Net::Postgres::Notification` has the following methods: sender(--> Int) --------------- This is the process-id of the sender message(--> Str) ---------------- This is the message of the notification Todo ==== * Persistent connections * Connection pooling Author ====== Leon Timmermans <fawaka@gmail.com> Copyright and License ===================== Copyright 2022 Leon Timmermans This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.