Cache::Memcached::Turnstile - Thundering Herd Protection for Memcached

      use Cache::Memcached::Turnstile qw(:all);
      my $memd_client = Cache::Memcached::Fast->new(...);
      my $value = cache_get_or_compute(
        key          => "foo", # key to fetch
        expiration   => 60,    # [s] expiration to set if need to compute the value
        compute_cb   => sub { ... expensive computation... return $result },
        compute_time => 1,
        wait         => 0.1,
      my $value_hash = multi_cache_get_or_compute(
        key          => [["foo", 60], ["bar", 120]], # key/expiration pairs
        compute_cb   => sub {
          my ($memd_client, $args, $keys_ary) = @_;
          ... expensive computation...
          return \@values;
        compute_time => 1, # approx computation time per key (see below)

    This is a prototype of a Thundering-Herd prevention algorithm for
    memcached. As most such systems, it doesn't play entirely nicely with
    incompatible modes of access to the same keys, but that's not so much
    surprise, one would hope. Access to different keys in the same memcached
    instance through different means is perfectly safe and compatible.

    The logic in this module should be compatible with any Memcached client
    library that has the same API as the Cache::Memcached::Fast module at
    least for the following methods: "get", "set", "add", "gets", "cas". It
    has only been tested with the aforementioned client library.

  The Problem Statement
    The algorithm described and implemented here attempts to provide means
    of dealing with two kinds of situations. Most similar systems appear to
    be targeted at the first and more common situation only:

    1 A hot cached value expires. Between the point in time when it expired
      and the time when the first user has recomputed the value and
      successfully filled the cache, all users of the cache will, in a naive
      cache client implementation, attempt to recalculate the value to store
      in the cache. This can bring down back-end systems that are not
      designed to handle the load of all front-ends that rely on the

    2 A normal web environment has rather friendly, randomized access
      patterns. But if your cache has a number of near-synchronized clients
      that all attempt to access a new cache key in unison (such as when a
      second or a minute roll around), then some of the mechanisms that can
      help in situation 1 break down.

  The Solution
    A very effective approach to deal with most causes of situation 1) is
    described in [2]. In a nutshell, it's a trade-off in that we accept that
    for a small amount of time, we will serve data from a stale cache. This
    small amount of time is the minimum of either: the time it takes for a
    single process to regenerate a fresh cache value, or a configured safety
    threshold. This has the effect that when a cache entry has expired, the
    first to request the cache entry will start reprocessing, and all
    subsequent accesses (until the reprocessing is done) will use the old,
    slightly outdated cached data. This is a perfectly valid strategy in
    many use cases and where extreme accuracy of the cached values is
    required, it's usually possible to address that either by active
    invalidation (deleting from memcached) or by simply setting a more
    stringent expire time.

    That approach does not handle situation 2), in which many clients
    attempt to access a cache entry that didn't previously exist. To my
    knowledge, there is no generic solution for handling that situation. It
    will always require application specific knowledge to handle. For this
    situation, there is a configurable back-off time, or a custom hook
    interface to intercept such cases and handle them with custom logic.

  The Algorithm
    Situation 1 from above is handled by always storing a tuple in the cache
    that includes the real, user-supplied expiration time of the cached
    value. The expiration time that is set on the cache entry is the sum of
    the user-supplied expiration time and an upper-bound estimate of the
    time it takes to recalculate the cached value.

    On retrieval of the cache entry (tuple), the client checks whether the
    real, user-supplied expiration time has passed and if so, it will
    recalculate the value. Before doing so, it attempts to obtain a lock on
    the cache entry to prevent others from concurrently also recalculating
    the same cache entry.

    The locking is implemented by setting a flag on the tuple structure in
    the cache that indicates that the value is already being reprocessed.
    This can be done race-condition free by using the "add", "gets", and
    "cas" commands supplied by Memcached. With the command that sets the
    being-reprocessed flag on a tuple, the client always sets an expiration
    time of the upper-bound of the expected calculation time, thus
    protecting against indefinitely invalidating the cache when a
    re-calculation fails, slows, or locks up.

    On retrieval of a cache entry that is being reprocessed, other clients
    than the one doing the reprocessing will continue to return the old
    cached value. The time this stale value is in use is bounded by the
    reprocessing time set as expiration above.

    There are a number of conditions under which there is no such stale
    value to use, however, including the first-use of the cache entry and a
    cache entry that is used rarely enough to expire altogether before a
    client finds it to be outdated. The pathological variant is one in which
    a large number of clients concurrently request a cache value that is not
    available at all (stale or not). In this situation, the remedy is
    application dependent. By default, all clients but one wait for up to
    the upper-bound on the time it takes to calculate the cached value. This
    may result in a slow-down, but no Thundering Herd effect on back-end
    systems. If a complete failure to provide the cached value is
    preferrable to a slow-down, then that can be achieved by providing a
    corresponding custom callback, see below.

      I am of the firm (and learned) opinion that when you're in such a
      situation, your cache is no longer strictly a cache and memcached is
      no longer the appropriate technology to use.

      See <> and
      <> for examples of prior

    Optionally exports the "cache_get_or_compute" and
    "multi_cache_get_or_compute" functions which are the main API of the
    module. Also recognizes the standard "Exporter" semantics, including the
    ":all" tag.

    This function is the single-key implementation of the Thundering Herd
    protection. "cache_get_or_compute" will attempt to fetch or compute the
    cached value for the given key, and will try really hard to avoid more
    than one user recomputing the cached value at any given time.

    The first argument to "cache_get_or_compute" needs to be a Memcached
    client object, typically a "Cache::Memcached::Fast" object. It's
    followed by named parameters. The "key" parameter is required and
    indicates the Memcached key to retrieve and/or store. The "compute_cb"
    parameter needs to be a function reference that will, on cache miss,
    compute the value to store in the cache and return it. It is invoked as
    "$callback->($memd_client, $parameter_hashref)" where $parameter_hashref
    is a hash reference of all other parameters provided to the
    "cache_get_or_compute" call.

    The "compute_time" parameter (in integer seconds) indicates a high
    estimate of the time it might take to compute the value on cache miss.
    You can generally be a tad generous on this. It defaults to 2 seconds.

    The "expiration" parameter indicates the desired expiration time for the
    computed value. It defaults to 0, which is unbounded retention. That is
    not usually a good idea, so make sure to provide a better value. The
    unit is seconds from "now" or, if more than 30 days, it's considered a
    Unix epoch (Memcached rules, not ours).

    Finally, the "wait" parameter can either be a function reference, a
    number (may be fractional, in unit of seconds), or it may be omitted
    altogether. If omitted, "wait" will be set to the "compute_time"
    parameter if one was explicitly provided. Otherwise, it defaults to 0.1
    seconds to avoid blocking clients too long.

    If "wait" is a number (or it was set to a number as per the
    aforementioned defaults), and if the running process has a cache miss,
    but there is another process already updating the cached value, then we
    will wait for "wait" number of seconds and retry to fetch (once).

    If "wait" is a function reference, then that function will be called
    under the conditions we'd otherwise wait & retry. The function is
    invoked as "$wait->($memd_client, $parameter_hashref)". Its return value
    is directly returned from "cache_get_or_compute", so if you want logic
    similar to the *wait, then retry* logic that is the default, then you
    could use a callback like the following:

      wait => sub {
        my ($memd_client, $args) = @_;
        # ... custom logic here ...
        # Retry. But don't go into infinite loop, thus the empty callback:
        return cache_get_or_compute($memd_client, %$args, "wait" => sub {return()});

    This function is the multi-key implementation of the Thundering Herd
    protection, that is, it attempts to minimize the number of client-server
    roundtrips as much as it can and reaches for Memcached's batch interface

    "multi_cache_get_or_compute" will attempt to fetch or compute the cached
    value for the each of the keys, and will try really hard to avoid more
    than one user recomputing any given cached value at any given time. Most
    of the interface mimicks that of the single-key version as much as
    possible, but there are some important differences highlighted below. As

    "keys" needs to be a reference to an array containing array references
    of key/expiration pairs. "compute_cb" receives an extra, third,
    parameter as compared to the single-key implementation: A references to
    an array containing the keys for which values need to be computed. (This
    list of keys is possibly only a subset of the original set of keys.) The
    callback needs to return a reference to an array of values which
    correspond to the computed values for each input key in turn.

    The "wait" parameter works fundamentally the same as in the single-key
    function, but the callback variant also receives a third parameter: The
    list of keys whose values weren't available from the cache and couldn't
    be locked for computation. The callback is expected to return a hash
    reference of keys and values. This is different from the "compute_cb"
    interface to allow for easy calling back into
    "multi_cache_get_or_compute" for retries (see the "wait" example for the
    single-key implementation above).

    As with the single-key variant, "compute_time" is the additional
    cached-value life time for a single value, so should at least be an
    upper bound (or slightly more) on the computation-time for a single key.
    Alas, there is a trade-off here: Since the implementation seeks to limit
    the number of roundtrips as much as possible, it will pass all
    keys-to-be-computed to one run of the "compute_cb". This means that the
    computation time can add up to be significantly more than the single-key
    "compute_time" value, so the "compute_time" parameter may have to be
    adjusted upwards depending on the situation and relative cost. Failing
    to do so will result in seeing more hard cache misses on concurrent use
    as well as an increase in the number of cache entries being recomputed
    multiple times in parallel, which this module aims to avoid in the first

    In other words, the rule of thumb for the multi-key interface is: Be
    somewhat generous on the "compute_time" setting and provide a separate
    and appropriate "wait" time or implementation.



    <> and
    <> for examples of prior art.

    Steffen Mueller, <>

    Rafa��l Garcia-Suarez, <<gt>

    This module was originally developed for With approval from, this module was generalized and put on CPAN, for which the
    authors would like to express their gratitude.

     (C) 2013 Steffen Mueller. All rights reserved.
     This code is available under the same license as Perl version
     5.8.1 or higher.
     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of