    Data::Layout::BuddySystem - Layout data in memory allocated via a buddy

     use Test::More tests=>10;
     use Data::Layout::BuddySystem;
     use utf8;

     my $b = Data::Layout::BuddySystem::new;                                        # Create a new buddy system

     $b->allocField(@$_) for                                                        # Allocate fields in the buddy system
       [����=>6], [����=>0], [����=>6],[����=>0],[���� =>4], [����=>5], [����=>0], [����=>3], [����=>3];       # Name and log2 size of each field

     my $s = $b->generateStructureFields('Struct');                                 # Generate structure definition

     ok nws($s->()) eq nws(<<'END');                                                # String representation of methods associated with generated structure
    package Struct;
    use utf8;
    sub ����    :lvalue {vec($_[1],   0,    1  )}
    sub ����    :lvalue {vec($_[1],   1,    1  )}
    sub ����    :lvalue {vec($_[1],   2,    1  )}
    sub ����    :lvalue {vec($_[1],   1,    8  )}
    sub ����    :lvalue {vec($_[1],   2,    8  )}
    sub ����   :lvalue {vec($_[1],   2,   16  )}
    sub ����    :lvalue {vec($_[1],   2,   32  )}
    sub ����    :lvalue {vec($_[1],   2,   64  )}
    sub ����    :lvalue {vec($_[1],   3,   64  )}

      if (1)                                                                        # Set fields
       {$s->����(my $����) = 1; ok $���� eq "\1";
        $s->����(   $����) = 0; ok $���� eq "\1";
        $s->����(   $����) = 1; ok $���� eq "\5";
        $s->����(   $����) = 3; ok $���� eq "\x05\x03";                                      # Byte fields
        $s->����(   $����) = 7; ok $���� eq "\x05\x03\x07";
        $s->����(   $����) = 9; ok $���� eq "\x05\x03\x07\x00\x00\x09";                      # Word field

      if (1)                                                                        # Set and get an integer field
       {$s->����(my $����) = 2; ok $s->����($����) == 2;                                        # Set field
        $s->����(   $����)++;   ok $s->����($����) == 3;                                        # Increment field
        ok $���� eq "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3";                                        # Dump the memory organised by the buddy system

    Implements the buddy system described at
    <> in 100% Pure
    Perl. Blocks can be identified by names or addresses which remain
    invariant even after one buddy system has been copied to a new one to
    compact free space. Each named allocation can be accessed via a
    generated method which identifies an lvalue area of a "vec" in perlfunc
    string used to back the memory organised by the buddy system.

    Create a new Buddy system

  allocField($buddySystem, $name, $size)
    Allocate a block in the buddy system, give it a name that is invariant
    even after this buddy system has been copied to a new buddy system to
    compact its storage, and return the address of its location in the buddy

         Parameter     Description
      1  $buddySystem  Buddy system
      2  $name         name of block
      3  $size         integer log2(size of allocation)

  alloc($buddySystem, $size)
    Allocate a block and return its address

         Parameter     Description
      1  $buddySystem  Buddy system
      2  $size         integer log2(size of allocation)

  locateAddress($buddySystem, $alloc)
    Find the current location of a block by its original address after it
    has been copied to a new buddy system

         Parameter     Description
      1  $buddySystem  Buddy system
      2  $alloc        address at which the block was originally located

  locateName($buddySystem, $name)
    Find the current location of a named block after it has been copied to a
    new buddy system

         Parameter     Description
      1  $buddySystem  Buddy system
      2  $name         name of the block

  freeName($buddySystem, $name)
    Free an allocated block via its name

         Parameter     Description
      1  $buddySystem  Buddy system
      2  $name         name used to allocate block

  free($buddySystem, $alloc)
    Free an allocation via its original allocation address

         Parameter     Description
      1  $buddySystem  Buddy system
      2  $alloc        original allocation address

    These methods provide statistics on memory usage in the buddy system

    Total allocated space in this buddy system

         Parameter     Description
      1  $buddySystem  Buddy system

    Total free space that can still be allocated in this buddy system
    without changing its size

         Parameter     Description
      1  $buddySystem  Buddy system

    Total space currently occupied by this buddy system

         Parameter     Description
      1  $buddySystem  Buddy system

    These methods copy one buddy system to another compacting free space in
    the process.

   copy($buddySystem, $order, $copy)
    Copy a buddy system to compact its free space, the largest blocks are
    placed in (0) - ascending, (1) - descending order of size, blocks that
    get relocated to new positions in the new buddy system will still be
    accessible by their original address or name

         Parameter     Description
      1  $buddySystem  Buddy system
      2  $order        order
      3  $copy         optional copy method to copy an old allocation into its corresponding new allocation

   copyLargestLast($buddySystem, $copy)
    Copy a buddy system, compacting free space, the new addresses of
    allocations can be found in wentTo, the largest blocks are placed last

         Parameter     Description
      1  $buddySystem  BuddySystem
      2  $copy         copy method to copy an old allocation into a new allocation

   copyLargestFirst($buddySystem, $copy)
    Copy a buddy system, compacting free space, the new addresses of
    allocations can be found in wentTo, the largest blocks are placed first

         Parameter     Description
      1  $buddySystem  BuddySystem
      2  $copy         copy method to copy an old allocation into a new allocation

    This method generates a blessed sub whose methods provide named access
    to allocations backed by a "vec" in perlfunc string

   generateStructureFields($buddySystem, $package)
    Return a blessed sub whose methods access the named blocks in the buddy
    system. The blessed sub returns a text representation of the method

         Parameter     Description
      1  $buddySystem  Buddy system
      2  $package      structure name

    The following methods will be exported by the :all tag

    "alloc($buddySystem, $size)" "allocField($buddySystem, $name, $size)"
    "copy($buddySystem, $order, $copy)" "copyLargestFirst($buddySystem,
    $copy)" "copyLargestLast($buddySystem, $copy)" "free($buddySystem,
    $alloc)" "freeName($buddySystem, $name)" "freeSpace($buddySystem)"
    "generateStructureFields($buddySystem, $package)"
    "locateAddress($buddySystem, $alloc)" "locateName($buddySystem, $name)"
    "new()" "totalSpace($buddySystem)" "usedSpace($buddySystem)"

    This module is written in 100% Pure Perl and is thus easy to read,
    modify and install.

    Standard Module::Build process for building and installing modules:

      perl Build.PL
      ./Build test
      ./Build install


    Copyright (c) 2016 Philip R Brenan.

    This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or
    modified under the same terms as Perl itself.