[](https://travis-ci.org/tokuhirom/p6-HTTP-Server-Tiny) NAME ==== HTTP::Server::Tiny - a simple HTTP server for Perl6 SYNOPSIS ======== use HTTP::Server::Tiny; my $port = 8080; # Only listen for connections from the local host # if you want this to be accessible from another # host then change this to '' my $host = ''; HTTP::Server::Tiny.new(:$host , :$port).run(sub ($env) { my $channel = Channel.new; start { for 1..100 { $channel.send(($_ ~ "\n").Str.encode('utf-8')); } $channel.close; }; return 200, ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'], $channel }); DESCRIPTION =========== HTTP::Server::Tiny is a standalone HTTP/1.1 web server for perl6. METHODS ======= * `HTTP::Server::Tiny.new($host, $port)` Create new instance. * `$server.run(Callable $app, Promise :$control-promise)` Run http server with P6W app. The named parameter `control-promise` if provided, can be *kept* to quit the server loop, which may be useful if the server is run asynchronously to the main thread of execution in an application. If the optional named parameter `control-promise` is provided with a `Promise` then the server loop will be quit when the promise is kept. VERSIONING RULE =============== This module respects [Semantic versioning](http://semver.org/) TODO ==== * Support timeout COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2015, 2016 Tokuhiro Matsuno <tokuhirom@gmail.com> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.