NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::I18NUtils - provide some helper functions for I18N VERSION version 0.21 SYNOPSIS In your startup: sub startup { my $self = shift; # do some Mojolicious stuff $self->plugin( 'I18NUtils' ); # more Mojolicious stuff } In your template: <%= datetime_loc('2014-12-10', 'de') %> CONFIGURE If you use a default format other than %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S for dates in your application, you can set a format for the parser. E.g. if your dates look like 10.12.2014 12:34:56 You can add the plugin this way $self->plugin( I18NUtils => { format => '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S' } ); HELPERS This plugin adds those helper methods to your web application: browser_languages Return a list of languages defined in the Accept-Language header. my @languages = $c->browser_languages; or your browser accepts those languages: <%= join ', ', browser_languages() %> Samples: Accept-Language: en-ca,en;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.6,de-de;q=0.4,de;q=0.2 returns your browser accepts those languages: en-ca, en, en-us, de-de, de datetime_loc This helper returns the givent date and time in the localized format. <%= datetime_loc('2014-12-10 11:12:13', 'de') %> will return 10.12.2014 11:12:13 If you omit the language it will be retrieved from Accept-Language header <%= datetime_loc('2014-12-10 11:12:13') %> # Accept-Language: de, en;q=0.8 will return 10.12.2014 11:12:13 date_loc Same as datetime_loc, but omits the time <%= date_loc('2014-12-10 11:12:13', 'de') %> will return 10.12.2014 If you omit the language it will be retrieved from Accept-Language header <%= date_loc('2014-12-10 11:12:13') %> # Accept-Language: de, en;q=0.8 will return 10.12.2014 currency If you need to handle prices, the helper currency might help you <%= currency(1111.99, 'ar', 'EUR') %> <%= currency(1111.99, 'de', 'EUR') %> <%= currency(1111.99, 'en', 'EUR') %> will return ��� ���������������� 1.111,99 ��� ���1,111.99 If you omit the language it will be retrieved from Accept-Language header <%= currency(1111.99, 'EUR') %> # Accept-Language: de, en;q=0.8 will return 1.111,99 ��� decimal <%= decimal( 2000, 'ar' ) %> <%= decimal( 2000, 'de' ) %> <%= decimal( 2000, 'en' ) %> will return ���������� 2.000 2,000 If you omit the language it will be retrieved from Accept-Language header <%= decimal( 2000 ) %> # Accept-Language: de, en;q=0.8 will return 2.000 range <%= range(1, 2000, 'ar' ) %> <%= range(1, 2000, 'de' ) %> <%= range(1, 2000, 'en' ) %> will return ��������������� 1���2.000 1���2,000 If you omit the language it will be retrieved from Accept-Language header <%= range( 1, 2000 ) %> # Accept-Language: de, en;q=0.8 will return 1���2.000 at_least <%= at_least( 2000, 'ar' ) %> <%= at_least( 2000, 'de' ) %> <%= at_least( 2000, 'en' ) %> will return +���������� 2.000+ 2,000+ If you omit the language it will be retrieved from Accept-Language header <%= at_least( 2000 ) %> # Accept-Language: de, en;q=0.8 will return 2.000+ METHODS register Called when registering the plugin. # load plugin, alerts are dismissable by default $self->plugin( 'I18NUtils' ); AUTHOR Renee Baecker <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2017 by Renee Baecker. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)