NAME Mail::Exchange::Tutorial - Introduction to the Mail::Exchange classes and Interface DESCRIPTION Introduction Microsoft Exchange, as a server application, uses a proprietary binary protocol when communicating with Microsoft Outlook as a client program. This protocol is tightly connected to the internal format used to store message objects, which in turn is tightly connected to the binary format (.msg) that Outlook uses to store messages in files. Right now, the Mail::Exchange classes are little more than a facility to read and write .msg files, but it is expected they grow into a more complete way to interact with an Exchange Server in the future. Data structures A Message object, in Exchange/Outlook, is something like a Property Container, that contains a list of property/value pairs. Many often-used properties are pre-defined by Microsoft, having constant, unique, property IDs, along with property types like String, Integer, Time etc. A (more or less) complete list of these properties is defined in [MS-OXPROPS], and they are made available by the Mail::Exchange::PidTagIDs module. In addition to those properties, Microsoft defines named properties as well. These may be string named properties, which are, for example, used for non-standard Internet Headers, or numerical named properties, which abbreviate often-used strings with a 2 byte number, and define a data type, just like the standard properties do. These numeric named Properties are listed in Mail::Exchange::PidLidIDs. There are two data object types may occur more than once in a message object - Attachments and Recipients. A message can have only one sender, but several recipients, with each of them having properties like email address, address type ('To', 'Cc', 'Bcc'), and real names. Thus, Attachments and Recipients have their own Object type, of which zero or more instances can be attached to a message. Mail::Exchange::Attachment and Mail::Exchange::Recipient are the classes to handles these data objects. Reading Message Files When creating a new Message object, the new() method can be given a filename parameter. This will read in the complete message object, from which properties can be extracted afterwards: my $msg=Mail::Exchange::Message->new("my.msg"); print "Subject: ", $msg->get(PidTagSubject), "\n"; Writing Message Files Message Files can be created by modifying existing ones, or by creating them from scratch. Also, there is a method to import a MIME-formatted email message into a Message object. Modifying existing Message files To modify an existing message file, read it in as above, set the properties you want changed, and write it out to the same or a different file name: my $msg=Mail::Exchange::Message->new("original.msg"); $msg->set(PidTagImportance, 2); $msg->set('received-spf', 'none', 6, PtypString, "00020386-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"); $msg->setSubject('new subject'); $msg->save('changed.msg'); The primary method to set Properties is the "set" method. Its first parameter is either a standard PidTag property, a numeric named PidLid property, or a string named property. In the case of PidTag or PidLid properties, their type is already known to the message object, but for string named properties, the property data type and property use guid must be given. Property data types are defined in, while GUIDs can be taken from [MS-OXPROPS] section 1.3.2. The above example GUID is defined to contain Internet Headers. For some often uses Properties, there are abbreviation functions, like setSubject. These abbreviation functions may set several properties at once, so it makes sense to use them where possible. Creating message files from scratch The Mail::Exchange::Message->new method, when called without a file parameter, creates an empty message object, but sets a few of the most important message properties in it. However, it does NOT set the message type, which can be one of Calendar entry, ToDo task entry, Mail, or various others. So, to create an email message, it is better to use Mail::Exchange::Message::Email->new to create an email message object. (At the time of this writing, Email ist the only existing subclass, more are expected to be implemented in the future). After creating an empty message, set some properties in it and save it, like in my $message=Mail::Exchange::Message::Email->new(); $message->setUnicode(1); $message->setSender(''); $message->setDisplayTo("Doe, John <>"); $message->setSubject("trying out message files"); $message->setBody("hello world"); my $recipient=Mail::Exchange::Recipient->new(); $recipient->setEmailAddress(""); $recipient->setDisplayName("Doe, John"); $message->addRecipient($recipient); $message->save("mail.msg"); If you want to prepare a message to be sent by Outlook, set the "mfUnsent" message flag before saving it: $message->set(PidTagMessageFlags, mfUnsent); This way, you'll get your standard "send" button from Outlook, so you can prepare a message from perl, review it in Outlook, and send it just like you'd written it yourself. If you don't set this flag, the message will be displayed by outlook like one in your inbox - you can reply to it, forward it, or save attachments as files, but can't send it again. Adding recipients For each recipient you want your message to have, you need to create a Mail::Exchange::Recipient object and add it to the message: my $recipient=Mail::Exchange::Recipient->new(); $recipient->setEmailAddress(''); $recipient->setDisplayName('Doe, John'); $recipient->setType("To"); my $recipient=Mail::Exchange::Recipient->new(); $recipient->setEmailAddress(''); $recipient->setDisplayName('Dae, Mary'); $recipient->setType("To"); my $recipient=Mail::Exchange::Recipient->new(); $recipient->setEmailAddress(''); $recipient->setDisplayName('Bob'); $recipient->setType("Cc"); $message->addRecipient($recipient); $message->setDisplayTo("Doe, John; Dae, Mary"); $message->setDisplayCc("Bob"); Adding a recipient will _not_ make that recipient show in the To: and CC: boxes in Outlook, you have to use setDisplayTo, setDisplayCC (and setDisplayBcc) to set these entries. Adding attachments Just like with recipients, you can add attachments to a Message object: my $attachment=Mail::Exchange::Attachment->new("file.dat"); $message->addAttachment($attachment); If you pass an existing file name to the constructor, all properties that can be derived from the file (name, content, extension, creation and modification time, ...) will be set automatically. Or, you can use a string for the contents of a file, but you'll have to set other properties yourself: my $attachment=Mail::Exchange::Attachment->new(); $attachment->setString($content); $attachment->setFileName("string.dat"); $attachment->set(PidTagCreationTime, mstime_to_unixtime(time()); $attachment->set(PidTagLastModificationTime, mstime_to_unixtime(time()); $message->addAttachment($attachment); Reading MIME Mail files To read in a MIME mail file, use Email::MIME to parse it first. Then, you can use the Mail:Exchange::Message::Email->fromMIME constructor to turn it into a Message object: open(MAIL, "<$message.mime"); do { local $/; $mail=<MAIL>; }; close MAIL; $parsed=Email::MIME->new($mail); $msg=Mail::Exchange::Message::Email->fromMIME($parsed); $msg->save("message.msg"); AUTHOR Guntram Blohm <gbl at bso2001 dot com> REFERENCES A good amount of documentation by Microsoft can be downloaded from: BUGS Probably many. This implementation is quite new, so there's lots of stuff not finished yet. However, the basic functions work. Still, please don't use this library in a context where bugs might do any harm. As always, there is no warranty at all.