NAME iptables2dot - turn iptables-save output into graphs for GraphViz SYNOPSIS iptables2dot [options] [iptables-save-output-file] OPTIONS --help Print a brief help message and exit. --manual Print the manual page and exit. --add-optdef optdef Provide an option definition for an iptables option that is unknown to the rule parser from App::Iptables2Dot. If the program dies with the message *unknown argument in rule: --unknown-opt arg*, you could run it like this: iptables2dot --add-optdef unknown-opt=s iptables-save-output This may allow you to finish your analysis of iptables-save-output-file without having to modify the module source in *lib/App/*. Look at App::Iptables2Dot for further information. --edgelabel Provide labels at the edge showing the input or output device for a jump rule. --omittargets targetlist Omit some jump targets in the *dot* graph when given together with "--showrules". Multiple targets are separated by comma. --showrules/--noshowrules Show/don't show the rules for the chains. Default is "--showrules". --showunusednodes/--noshowunusednodes Show/don't show chains without jumps to other chains. Default is "--noshowunusednodes". --tables tablelist Only print the tables given in *tablelist*. The tables in *tablelist* are separated by comma. Possible tables are "nat", "raw", "mangle" and "filter". Defaults to table "filter". --use-numbered-nodes With a true value the nodes in the dot file will be named node0, node1, .. noden and provided with a label showing their name froms iptables-save output. This option can help if the filter rules contain chains with a dash in their name, which is not allowed as input for dot. DESCRIPTION This program takes the output from the command "iptables-save" on Linux and turns into input suitable for the "dot" program from GraphViz. It takes the output form "iptables-save" either from standard input (STDIN) or from a text file whose name was given on the command line. It writes the graph description for the "dot" program to standard output (STDOUT). The main purpose of this program is to get an overview of a given iptables configuration and understand the possible jumps between different chains in the tables. I usually make a printout of the graph for the different tables and have it at hand when studying the rules. The typical workflow is: $ sudo iptables-save \ | iptables2dot -noshowrules -table filter \ > $ dot -Tpdf -o iptables-filter-overview.pdf Although it is possible to make a detailed graph of an iptables configuration containing all rules, I wouldn't recommend this in most cases. In those configurations, where you would need the graph to comprehend the rules, the resulting graph would be a mess. When the graph looks neat and is legible on A4 paper, you would probably understand the configuration without it. But it could be handy to explain the rules to someone else, following them with a pencil or your finger. You would do this to get a detailed graph: $ sudo iptables-save \ | iptables2dot -edgelabel -table filter \ > $ dot -Tpdf -o iptables-filter.pdf DIAGNOSTICS "unknown argument in rule: %s" The program will die with this message showing the rule for *iptables-save* that contained an unknown option. Since the rules are parsed by "GetOptionsFromString()" from module *Getopt::Long*, you may workaround this by adding the unknown option to the array @optdefs at the top of Apt/ After that please file a bug at <> or send me a notice at to have it fixed in one of the next releases of this distribution. Alternatively you may want to use the program like this iptables2dot --add-optdef unknown-opt=s ... if the program dies with message *unknown argument in rule: --unknown-opt arg ...* and you don't want to touch the library file *Apt/*. AUTHOR Mathias Weidner <>