DFC README ========== Alpha Release 4 February 27, 2001 QUICK INSTALL ============= 1. Install Documentum's DFC 4.1 2. Install a JDK (1.3 preferred) 3. Install JPL 4. Install Db::DFC ABSTRACT ========= Db::DFC is a set of Perl 5 modules that enable the use of Documentum's Foundation Classes (DFC) in Perl. It relies on JPL (Java-Perl Lingo module) to facilitate the connection between Perl and the Java-based DFC. The following paragraphs discuss: 1. JPL - getting and installing 2. dm_JCast - what it is, how it works, and why it's needed 3. Db::DFC - installing, using, documentation 1. JPL ====== JPL is a critical part of Db::DFC. You can obtain it two ways. The first is to download the Perl source code (either from www.activestate.com, or www.cpan.org). The second -- and better -- way is to get it from the JPL CVS archive. The latest version of the JPL module can be obtained from the CVS archive. Free CVS clients can be downloaded from www.cyclic.com. The latest version of JPL in CVS has been updated to operate with Sun's JDK 1.3. If you don't have a Java Developer's Kit (JDK) installed, download one from www.javasoft.com. You can check out the latest version of JPL using the following CVS settings: set CVSROOT=:pserver:anoncvs@as220.org:/home/cvsroot cvs login # use blank password cvs checkout jpl You can check out the previous version of JPL using the following CVS settings: export CVSROOT=:pserver:anoncvs@as220.org:/home/cvsroot cvs login # use blank password cvs checkout -rsnap-10212000 jpl I have also created a PPM-installable version of JPL and posted it at: http://www.erols.com/theroths/perl_stuff.html This version was created on NT 4, using JDK 1.3 and Perl 5.6. You can install it by typing: ppm install JPL-Class.ppd ppm install JNI.ppd Follow the directions packaged with JPL to install it. We are particularly interested in the JNI (Java Native Interface) portion of the installation. I will warn you, this install is not trivial! Make sure you set jpldebug = 0 in the JNI.xs file or you will get lots of debug stuff on STDOUT. 2. DM_JCAST =========== The dm_JCast Java file included with Db::DFC is used to cast Java objects from Perl. In particular, it casts IDfPersistentObjects to sub- interfaces. The install routine will copy the dm_JCast.class file to the <perl>/lib/site directory. Examine this Java file -- you may need/want to modify it. Also, examine the methods in the DFC.pm file. These methods will need to be updated to reflect any changes made in the dm_JCast Java file. This file and the accompanying methods in the DFC.pm file are necessary because the DFC relies on Java's ability to cast object types as part of its implementation. For example, to create a new dm_document, the DFC forces you to create a IDfPersistentObject and then cast it to an IDfDocument. In Java: IDfDocument document = null; document =(IDfDocument)session.newObject("dm_document"); document.setObjectName( "doc1" ); This type of casting is not possible in Perl, yet is necessary because the setObjectName method is only available through the IDfDocument interface. session.newObject() returns an IDfPersistentObject by default, regardless of what object type you pass to it. The solution is to use the methods of the DFC.pm which use the dm_JCast Java class file. In Perl: $dfc = Db::DFC->new(); $doc = $session->newObject("dm_document"); $doc = $dfc->castToIDfDocument($doc); $doc->setObjectName("doc1"); castToIDfDocument is a method of DFC.pm. You must instantiate an instance of Db::DFC in every script that requires casting. Db::DFC automatically instantiates a dm_JCast object. This is an awkward solution but until someone has a better one, this one works. 3. Db::DFC ========== Db::DFC is a set of Perl 5 modules that enable the use of Documentum's Foundation Classes (DFC) in Perl. It relies on JPL (Java-Perl Lingo module) to facilitate the connection between Perl and the Java-based DFC. Documentum's DFC Java files must be installed on the machine running Db::DFC. Db::DFC consists of 92 Perl modules, 1 test script, 2 examples, and documentation. 3.1 INSTALL Db::DFC ================== After installing JPL, do the usual to install Db::DFC: perl makefile.pl nmake nmake test ** you will need to edit the test script to insert your Docbase, user, and password ** the test script reports false negatives for methods that return VOID nmake install 3.2 USING Db::DFC ================ To use Db::DFC, simply use it in your Perl program. Example: use Db::DFC; $dfc = Db::DFC->new(); $DOCBASE = "docbase"; $USER = "user"; $PASSWORD = "passwd"; $DOMAIN = "domain"; $FILE = $0; $dfclient = DfClient->new(); $idfclient = $dfclient->getLocalClient(); $idflogininfo = DfLoginInfo->new(); $idflogininfo->setUser($USER); $idflogininfo->setPassword($PASSWORD); $idflogininfo->setDomain($DOMAIN); $idfsession = $idfclient->newSession($DOCBASE,$idflogininfo); $pobj = $idfsession->newObject("dm_document"); $doc = $dfc->castToIDfDocument($pobj); $doc->setObjectName("this file"); $doc->setContentType("crtext"); $doc->setFile($FILE); $doc->save(); print "\nDocument Id:" . $doc->getObjectId()->toString() . " created.\n"; $query = DfQuery->new(); $query->setDQL("select object_name,r_object_id from dm_document where object_name = 'this file'"); $col = $query->execute($session,0); while ($col->next()) { $row = $col->getTypedObject(); print $row->getString("object_name") . " has Id: " . $row->getString("r_object_id") . "\n"; } $col->close(); $session->disconnect(); 3.3 OBJECT/METHOD SUMMARY ========================= A summary of the objects and methods implemented by this version of Db::DFC can be found in the Db-DFC.html file included with this archive. This module was created with DFC v4.1.2.79. Most classes and methods have been implemented. The exceptions are: DfClientX and IDfClientX (these classes are only used in a COM/DCOM environment); DfObject and IDfObject (these classes are the root classes of the DFC and are not instantiated; therefore there should never be a need to access them); and DfRegistry and IDfRegistry (these classes are only valid in Microsoft Windows and rely upon Microsoft Java classes not present by default). 3.4 KNOWN ISSUES ================ Casting. The fact that casting is required is not ideal and I think the implementation in Db::DFC is clunky. But, it's all I can come up with at the moment. Exceptions. Java exceptions are reported but not trapped. Fatal Java exceptions (i.e. could not logon) will kill your script but others (i.e., could not create a new object) will not. 4.0 SUPPORT =========== Db::DFC is authored and support by me, M. Scott Roth (michael.s.roth@saic.com). Please feel free to contact me.