README for Module::CoreList 1.95 =head1 NAME Module::CoreList - what modules shipped with versions of perl =head1 SYNOPSIS use Module::CoreList; print $Module::CoreList::version{5.00503}{CPAN}; # prints 1.48 print Module::CoreList->first_release('File::Spec'); # prints 5.00503 print Module::CoreList->first_release('File::Spec', 0.82); # prints 5.006001 =head1 DEPENDENCIES This module has external dependencies on the following modules: Module::Build 0.18 Test::More =head1 INSTALLATION perl Build.PL perl Build test and if all goes well perl Build install =head1 HISTORY What changed over the last 3 revisions =over =item 1.95 Wednesday 21st July, 2004 Data from Jos�� Pedro Oliveirafor 5.8.4 and 5.8.5 =item 1.94 Monday 12th July, 2004 Applied fixes from Lars Thegler ( tickets #6919, #6920, #6922, and #6923) Data from Jose Pedro Oliveira for 5.005_04, 5.8.3, and 5.9.1. =item 1.93 Friday 14th November, 2003 Data for 5.9.0 and 5.6.2 =back =head1 AUTHOR Richard Clamp E<lt>richardc@unixbeard.netE<gt> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2002 Richard Clamp. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Module::Info>, L<perl>