#! /usr/local/bin/perl -w # cvsmv - recursively add and remove CVS entries so as to move a tree. # Copyright (C) 2000 John Tobey. All rights reserved. # Distribute under the terms of the Perl v5.6.0 license or later. # Send bug reports to <jtobey@john-edwin-tobey.org>. # v0.1 Wed Apr 5 15:21:25 EDT 2000 # TO DO: # Handle cvs options. # Lock stuff. # See if everything is according to spec. # Add robustness and verbosity for errors resulting in inconsistency. # Don't fail when moving added but uncommitted files. # Document with pod. use 5.006; sub usage { return <<USAGE; Usage: cvsmv FILE NEW - do this after mv FILE NEW cvsmv DIR NEW - do *NOT* first mv DIR NEW cvsmv ... DIR - do this after moving files, but not dirs, to DIR You move the files, I move the directories, I move stuff in CVS. I commit every move so I can add appropriate log messages. USAGE } use strict; use File::Spec::Functions; use File::Path; $| = 1; our $opt_cvs = "cvs"; our @opt_cvsopts = (); our $opt_quiet = 0; #our $opt_verbose = 0; sub runcvs { my (@cmd) = ($opt_cvs, @opt_cvsopts, @_); print join (' ', map { /\s/ ? "'$_'" : $_ } @cmd), "\n" unless $opt_quiet; system (@cmd); if ($?) { die "The following command failed with status ".($? >> 8).":\n@cmd\n"; } } # could do a getopt here. my $dest = pop @ARGV; my @src = @ARGV; if (@src < 1) { die usage(); } if (my @funny = grep { -e && !-d(_) && !-f(_) } @src, $dest) { die "Can't move nodes of unusual type: ".join(', ', @funny)."\n"; } if (@src > 1 && !-d($dest)) { die "$0: When moving multiple files, last argument must be a directory.\n"; } if (@src == 1 && -d($src[0]) && !-e($dest)) { rename_dir ($src[0], $dest); exit; } if (!-e($dest)) { die "$0: Target $dest does not exist.\n"; } if (my @still_there = grep -f, @src) { my ($msg); # This behavior could be friendlier, but it's consistent with that of # standard cvs commands. if (@still_there == 1) { $msg = "$still_there[0] still exists; move it first."; } else { $msg = join ("\n\t", "Move these files first:", @still_there); } die "$0: $msg\n"; } if (-f($dest)) { if (-d($src[0])) { die "$0: Can't move directory onto a file.\n"; } rename_file ($src[0], $dest); exit; } move_to_dir ($dest, @src); exit; # Move some files and directories to an existing directory. sub move_to_dir { my ($dir, @args) = @_; my (@targets); if (!-d(catdir ($dir, 'CVS'))) { runcvs ('add', catdir ($dir, 'CVS')); } foreach my $arg (@args) { my ($target); $target = canonpath (catfile ($dir, (File::Spec->splitpath ($arg))[2])); push @targets, $target; # -f($arg) has been ruled out. if (-d($arg)) { if (-e($target)) { die "$0: Can't overwrite $target. Move it out of the way.\n"; } } else { if (!-f($target)) { if (-e $target) { die "$0: $target is not a regular file.\n"; } else { die "$0: $target does not exist.\n"; } } } } while (@args) { my $arg = shift @args; my $target = shift @targets; if (-f($target)) { rename_file ($arg, $target); } else { rename_dir ($arg, $target); } } } sub rename_file { my ($oldname, $newname) = @_; # XXX CVS manual says this won't work if $newname contains /, but # experiment with version 1.10.7 shows otherwise. runcvs ('add', $newname); runcvs ('commit', "-mRenamed file $newname, formerly $oldname", $newname); runcvs ('remove', $oldname); runcvs ('commit', "-mRenamed from $oldname to $newname", $oldname); } # Return lists of the dirs, files, and uncommitted files under CVS in dir. # XXX This implementation is based on experiment, not looking at docs. sub cvs_ls { my ($dir) = @_; my (@dirs, @files, @uncommitted); open my $entries, catfile ($dir, 'CVS', 'Entries') or die "$0: Can't read entries file in $dir: $!"; while (defined (my $line = <$entries>)) { if ($line =~ m,^/([^/]+)/0/,) { push @uncommitted, $1; } elsif ($line =~ m,^/([^/]+)/\d,) { push @files, $1; } elsif ($line =~ m,^D/([^/]+)/,) { push @dirs, $1; } } return (\@dirs, \@files, \@uncommitted); } sub rename_dir { my ($oldname, $newname) = @_; my ($dirs, $files, $uncommitted); ($dirs, $files, $uncommitted) = cvs_ls ($oldname); print "mkdir $newname\n" unless $opt_quiet; mkdir $newname, 0777 or die "$0: Can't create directory $newname: $!\n"; runcvs ('add', $newname); foreach my $entry (@$dirs) { rename_dir (catdir ($oldname, $entry), catdir ($newname, $entry)); } foreach my $entry (@$files) { my $oldfile = catfile ($oldname, $entry); my $newfile = catfile ($newname, $entry); rename $oldfile, $newfile or die "$0: Can't rename $oldfile as $newfile: $!\n"; rename_file ($oldfile, $newfile); } foreach my $entry (@$uncommitted) { my $oldfile = catfile ($oldname, $entry); my $newfile = catfile ($newname, $entry); rename $oldfile, $newfile or die "$0: Can't rename $oldfile as $newfile: $!\n"; runcvs ('add', $newfile); runcvs ('remove', $oldfile); } runcvs ('remove', $oldname); # If we can move all the non-CVS stuff, delete the old dir. # Otherwise, issue a warning. if (opendir my $olddir, $oldname) { my @nonentries = no_upwards (readdir $olddir); my $all_gone = 1; foreach my $nonentry (@nonentries) { next if $nonentry eq 'CVS'; my $oldfile = catfile ($oldname, $nonentry); my $newfile = catfile ($newname, $nonentry); if (rename ($oldfile, $newfile)) { print "mv $oldfile $newfile\n" unless $opt_quiet; } else { $all_gone = 0; if (! $opt_quiet) { print STDERR "Warning: Could not rename $oldfile to"; print STDERR " $newfile: $!\n"; } } } if ($all_gone) { print "rm -rf $oldname\n" unless $opt_quiet; rmtree ([$oldname]); } } else { print STDERR "Warning: Could not open directory $oldname: $!\n"; } }