# NAME SMS::Send::VoIP::MS - SMS::Send driver for VoIP.ms Web Services # SYNOPSIS Configure /etc/SMS-Send.ini [VoIP::MS] username=myuser password=mypass did=8005550123 use SMS::Send; my $sms = SMS::Send->new('VoIP::MS'); my $success = $sms->send_sms(text=> 'Hello World!', to =>'+17035550123'); use SMS::Send::VoIP::MS; my $sms = SMS::Send::VoIP::MS->new; my $success = $sms->send_sms(text=> 'Hello World!', to =>'+17035550123'); my $json = $sms->{__content}; my $href = $sms->{__data}; # DESCRIPTION SMS::Send driver for VoIP.ms Web Services. # METHODS ## send\_sms my $success = $sms->send_sms(text=> 'Hello World!', to =>'+17035550123'); # PROPERTIES ## username Sets and returns the username string value which is passed to the web service as "api\_username" $sms->username("override"); ## password Sets and returns the password string value which is passed to the web service as "api\_password" $sms->password("override"); ## did Sets and returns the "did" string value (Direct Inward Dialing Number aka the From Phone Number) which is passed to the web service as "did". ## url Sets and returns the url for the web service. Default: https://voip.ms/api/v1/rest.php # SEE ALSO [VoIPms](https://metacpan.org/pod/VoIPms), [https://www.voip.ms/m/apidocs.php](https://www.voip.ms/m/apidocs.php), [https://voip.ms/m/api.php](https://voip.ms/m/api.php) # AUTHOR Michael R. Davis, mrdvt92 # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2024 by Michael R. Davis MIT