# NAME Net::Groonga::HTTP - Client library for Groonga httpd. # SYNOPSIS use Net::Groonga::HTTP; my $groonga = Net::Groonga::HTTP->new( end_point => '', ); my $res = $groonga->status(); use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($res); # DESCRIPTION Net::Groonga::HTTP is a client library for Groonga http server. Groonga is a fast full text search engine. Please look [http://groonga.org/](http://groonga.org/). # CONSTRUCTOR Net::Groonga::HTT->new(%args); You can create instance with following arguments: - end\_point :Str API end point URL for Groonga httpd. Example: Net::Groonga::HTTP->new(end_point => ''); - ua : Furl Instance of Furl to access Groonga httpd. Example: Net::Groonga::HTTP->new(ua => Furl->new()); # METHODS - `$groonga->call($function, %args)` Call a http server. Function name is `$function`. Pass the `%args`. This method returns instance of [Net::Groonga::HTTP::Response](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Net::Groonga::HTTP::Response). - $groonga->load(%args) $groonga->load( table => 'Entry', values => \@values, ); Load the data to database. This method encodes _values_ to JSON automatically, if it's arrayref. - $groonga->select(%args) - $groonga->status(%args) - $groonga->select(%args) - $groonga->delete(%args) - $groonga->column\_create(%args) - $groonga->dump(%args) You can use these methods if you are lazy. # LICENSE Copyright (C) tokuhirom. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR tokuhirom <tokuhirom@gmail.com>