# $File: //depot/OurNet-Query/README $ $Author: autrijus $
# $Revision: #2 $ $Change: 1924 $ $DateTime: 2001/09/28 15:12:25 $

This is the README file for OurNet::Query, OurNet::Site and
OurNet::Template, a scriptable query and template extraction
suite, by Elixir Group and OurInternet Inc.

After installation, please type 'sitequery -h' to see available
arguments and options.

* Installation

OurNet::Query uses the standard perl module install process:

perl Makefile.PL
make install

Alternatively, you could install this distribution with
all prerequisite modules via CPAN's bundle mechanism:

% perl -MCPAN -einstall+q-Bundle::Query-

* Copyright

Copyright 2001 by Autrijus Tang <autrijus@autrijus.org>.

All rights reserved.  You can redistribute and/or modify
this bundle under the same terms as Perl itself.

See L<http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>

* Introduction

The contents of most web sites are formatted in ill-structured HTML,
makes it extremely difficult to incorporate other site's services into
your own. Even if such hand-coded attempts are made, the lack of
streamlined representation forbids you from integrating other service's
contents, or re-formats them into the same style.

This project aims to provide a set of utilities for streamlining the
process of sending multiple queries, converting them into your own
format, and build full-text index for future searchs.

See the manpage of OurNet::Query for more information.