#!/usr/local/bin/perl # bulkzone # Create buld DNS entries in a slightly more intelligent fashion # # Pragmas # use strict; use warnings; # # Includes # use Net::Netmask; # # Global Variables # use vars qw/$VERSION $Network $Reverse $Zone $Block $Opts /; $VERSION=1.0; # # Subroutines # sub help { print <<EOHELP Usage: $0 --network "" Read the perldoc for information on all command line options. EOHELP ; } sub cmdopts { my ($a); while (@ARGV) { ($a)=shift(@ARGV); if ($a eq "--network") { $Network=shift(@ARGV); } elsif ($a eq "--reverse") { $Opts->{reverse}=1; } elsif ($a eq "--revzone") { $Opts->{revzone}=shift(@ARGV); } elsif ($a eq "--domain") { $Opts->{domain}=shift(@ARGV); unless ($Opts->{domain} =~ /^\./) { $Opts->{domain}=".".$Opts->{domain}; } unless ($Opts->{domain} =~ /\.$/) { $Opts->{domain}.="."; } } elsif ($a eq "--prefix") { $Opts->{prefix}=shift(@ARGV); } } if ($Network) { unless ($Network =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\/\d+$/) { help(); exit 2; } } else { help(); exit 2; } return; } sub display { my ($network,$opts)=@_; my ($block); $block=Net::Netmask->new($network); if ($Opts->{reverse} || $Opts->{revzone}) { reverseZone($block,$opts); } else { forwardZone($block,$opts); } return; } sub forwardZone { my ($block,$opts)=@_; my ($index,$size,$host,$prefix,$fmt); $size=$block->size()-2; $fmt="%s\tIN\tA\t%s\n"; $index=1; $prefix=$Opts->{prefix} || "h"; while ($index <= $size) { $host=sprintf("%s%x",$prefix,$index); printf($fmt,$host,$block->nth($index)); $index++; } return; } sub reverseZone { my ($block,$opts)=@_; my ($zone,$start,$end,$prefix,$domain,$fmt,@data); $fmt="%s\tIN\tPTR\t%s\n"; $prefix=$opts->{prefix} || "h"; $domain=$opts->{domain} || ""; (@data)=$block->inaddr(); while (($zone,$start,$end)=splice(@data,0,3)) { if ($Opts->{revzone}) { next unless ($zone eq $Opts->{revzone}); } my ($network,$loop,$ip,$order,$host); $network=revIp($zone); print(";Reverse Zone: $zone\n\n"); for ($loop=$start;$loop<=$end;$loop++) { $ip="$network.$loop"; next if ($block->base eq $ip || $block->broadcast eq $ip); $order=$block->match($ip); $host=sprintf("%s%x%s",$prefix,$order,$domain); printf($fmt,$loop,$host); } } return; } sub revIp { my ($zone)=shift; my ($network,@rz,@ipc); (@rz)=split(/\./,$zone); (@ipc)=reverse(splice(@rz,0,3)); $network=join(".",@ipc); return $network; } # # Main Program # # See what command line options are passed to us cmdopts(); # Once the network is determined, start the loop display($Network,$Opts); # # Exit Block # 1; # # POD # =head1 NAME =head1 SYNOPSIS $ bulkzone.pl --network > dnsfile =head1 DESCRIPTION Bulkzone is used to create large pools of DNS entries for a nameserver zonefile. Anyone needing to create matching forward and reverse DNS entries for large netblocks may want to ue bulkzone to automate the task. Bulkzone only creates unique entries based on the host portion of an IP address. If you have three large netblocks, you should not merge the entries from three different bulkzone runs together. Each batch of entries should be in a seperate DNS zone, otherwise you will have conflicting host records. Bulkzone was based on an article written on www.perl.com about how to automate the creation of DNS records necessary to facilitate forward and reverse DNS authentication. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item --netmask [network in CIDR notation] Identifies the network to create entries for. =item --reverse Creates reverse PTR records instead of A records. =item --revzone [domain] Creates reverse PTR records only for a specified zone. If the domain is outside of the network range, no output is given. =item --zoneid Creates 2 A records for the zone itself, set to the network address and the broadcast address of the block. =item --prefix [string] Appends a string prefix to the record. By default a prefix of "h" is used. =item --domain [string] For creating PTR records, identifies the domain the record belongs in. =back =head1 AUTHOR Chris Josephes, E<lt>chrisj@onvoy.comE<gt> =head1 README Bulkzone is a program that creates bulk DNS records, with a little intelligence. =head1 PREREQUISITES This program requires C<Net::Netmask> which is available on CPAN. =head1 SCRIPT CATEGORIES You can find this script in the CPAN scripts archive, under the C<Networking> and C<Unix:System administration> categories. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2002, Chris Josephes. All rights reserved. This program is free software. It may be used, redistributed, and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.