NAME Mandel - Async model layer for MongoDB objects using Mango VERSION 0.29 SYNOPSIS # create your custom model class package MyModel; use Mojo::Base "Mandel"; 1; # create a document class package MyModel::Cat; use Mandel::Document; use Types::Standard 'Str'; field name => ( isa => Str, builder => sub { "value" } ); field 'type'; belongs_to person => 'MyModel::Person'; 1; # create another document class package MyModel::Person; use Mandel::Document; use Types::Standard 'Int'; field [qw( name )]; field age => ( isa => Int ); has_many cats => 'MyModel::Cat'; has_one favorite_cat => 'MyModel::Cat'; 1; # use the model in your application package main; my $connection = MyModel->connect("mongodb://localhost/my_db"); my $persons = $connection->collection('person'); my $p1 = $persons->create({ name => 'Bruce', age => 30 }); $p1->save(sub { my($p1, $err) = @_; }); $persons->count(sub { my($persons, $err, $n_persons) = @_; }); $persons->all(sub { my($persons, $err, $objs) = @_; for my $p (@$objs) { $p->age(25)->save(sub {}); } }); $persons->search({ name => 'Bruce' })->single(sub { my($persons, $err, $person) = @_; $person->cats(sub { my($person, $err, $cats) = @_; $_->remove(sub {}) for @$cats; }); $person->remove(sub { my($person, $err) = @_; }); }); DESCRIPTION THIS IS ALPHA SOFTWARE! THE API MAY BE CHANGED AT ANY TIME! PLEASE CONTACT ME IF YOU HAVE ANY COMMENTS OR FEEDBACK. Mandel is an async object-document-mapper. It allows you to work with your MongoDB documents in Perl as objects. This class binds it all together: * Mandel::Model An object modelling a document. * Mandel::Collection A collection of Mandel documents. * Mandel::Document A single MongoDB document with logic. ATTRIBUTES Mandel inherits all attributes from Mojo::Base and implements the following new ones. namespaces The namespaces which will be searched when looking for Types. By default, the (sub)class name of this module. model_class Returns Mandel::Model. storage An instance of Mango which acts as the database connection. If not provided. METHODS Mandel inherits all methods from Mojo::Base and implements the following new ones. connect $self = $class->connect(@connect_args); $clone = $self->connect(@connect_args); @connect_args will be passed on to "new" in Mango, which again will be set as "storage". Calling this on an object will return a clone, but with a fresh "storage" object. all_document_names @names = $self->all_document_names; Returns a list of all the documents in the "namespaces". class_for $document_class = $self->class_for($name); Given a document name, find the related class name, ensure that it is loaded (or else die) and return it. collection $collection_obj = $self->collection($name); Returns a Mango::Collection object. model $model = $self->model($name); $self = $self->model($name => \%model_args); $self = $self->model($name => $model_obj); Define or returns a Mandel::Model object. Will die unless a model is registered by that name or "class_for" returns a class which has the "model()" method defined. initialize $self->initialize(@names, \%args); $self->initialize(\%args); Takes a list of document names. Calls the "initialize" in Mandel::Document method on any document given as input. @names default to "all_document_names" unless specified. %args defaults to empty hash ref, unless specified as input. The "initialize()" method will be called like this: $document_class->initialize($self, \%args); SEE ALSO Mojolicious, Mango Still got MongoDB 2.4 on Ubuntu? Check out <> to upgrade. SOURCE REPOSITORY <> AUTHORS Jan Henning Thorsen - "" Joel Berger - "" Holger Rupprecht - "" Huo Linhe - "" This project is a fork of MangoModel <>, created by Joel Berger, "". COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2013 by Jan Henning Thorsen This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.