# NAME Cache::KyotoTycoon::REST - Client library for KyotoTycoon RESTful API # SYNOPSIS use Cache::KyotoTycoon::REST; my $kt = Cache::KyotoTycoon::REST->new(host => $host, port => $port); $kt->put("foo", "bar", 100); # store key "foo" and value "bar". $kt->get("foo"); # => "bar" $kt->delete("foo"); # remove key # DESCRIPTION Cache::KyotoTycoon::REST is client library for KyotoTycoon RESTful API. # CONSTRUCTOR - port - host - timeout - db Database name or number. # METHODS - my $val = $kt->get($key); Retrieve the value for a _$key_. _$key_ should be a scalar. _Return:_ value associated with the _$key_ and _$expires_ time in RFC1123 date format of GMT, empty string on no expiration time, or undef on $key is not found. - my $expires = $kt->head($key); Check the _$key_ is exists or not. _Return:_ _$expires_: RFC 1123 date format of GMT, empty string on no expiration time, or undef if $key not found. - $kt->put($key, $val[, $expires]); Store the _$val_ on the server under the _$key_. _$key_ should be a scalar. _$value_ should be defined and may be of any Perl data type. _$expires_: expiration time. If $expires>0, expiration time in seconds from now. If $expires<0, the epoch time. It is never remove if missing $expires. _Return:_ 1 if server returns OK(201), or _undef_ in case of some error. - $kt->delete($key); Remove cache data for $key. _Return:_ 1 if server returns OK(200). 0 if server returns not found(404), or _undef_ in case of some error. # AUTHOR Tokuhiro Matsuno <tokuhirom AAJKLFJEF GMAIL COM> # SEE ALSO [Cache::KyotoTycoon](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Cache::KyotoTycoon) # LICENSE Copyright (C) Tokuhiro Matsuno This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.