CPR - C Perl Run

A Perl interpreter 'embedded' in your C?
A C interpreter using Perl?
A new API for the Perl5 internals?

Welcome to the wacky world of CPR!

To take a test drive, just put a CPR hashbang at the top of your C program 
and run it like a Perl script.

Here is an example:


    /* hello.cpr - Just say "Hello" */

    int main(void) {
        printf("Hello, world\n");
        return 0;

Or (if your chitty hashbang is out for repairs) just run:

    cpr hello.cpr

After a few seconds, your CPR program will greet the Earth in the standard
fashion. Run it again for a faster response.


Inline::CPR version 0.12 is a minor release:

+ Made compatible with Inline 0.41


This module requires version 0.30 or higher, and the appropriate 
C compiler. (Where appropriate means the one referred to in your

To install Inline::CPR do this:

perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

(On ActivePerl for MSWin32, use nmake instead of make.)

This will not only install Inline::CPR, but will also install a binary 
program: 'cpr'. This is the CPR interpreter. Inline::CPR is just a support
module for the CPR interpreter. (You don't actually use it directly.)

The installation process will also generate a sample CPR program:


You have to 'make install' before you can run it successfully.


- For more information on CPR, see 'perldoc Inline::CPR'.
- For information about, see 'perldoc Inline'.
- For information about the Perl5 internal C API, see 'perldoc perlapi' or

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Please send questions and comments to "Brian Ingerson" <>

Copyright (c) 2001, Brian Ingerson. All Rights Reserved.