Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=Re: Does a gopher "Editor" exist? Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/infoserv/gopher/tools/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 10855 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Booker C. Bense) # Subject: Re: Does a gopher "Editor" exist? # Archived: Apr 6 1993 # # This script installs a file in gopher. # - Well, this is not an editor by any means, but I think you might # find it a handy first step. It is set up for the way I run my gopher # server, but should be easy to modify. # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=Pipe mail to gopher files, with .cap Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/infoserv/gopher/tools/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 3053 # Sender/Author/Poster: jpw@sansfoy.lib.Virginia.EDU (John Price-Wilkin) # Subject: help assessing efficiency of perl script, and testing file content size # Archived: Apr 6 1993 # # Special thanks to Hal R. Pomeranz and Michael J. Corrigan for the # pieces that helped me get this together. This is a filter that is # piped to by mail (MH) and resulting files get put into the appropriate # gopher directory along with a .cap file. I understand what I've done, # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=alcuin: organize WAIS indexes in a gopher Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/infoserv/gopher/tools/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 4615 # Sender/Author/Poster: Eric Lease Morgan <> # Subject: Alcuin: a script to organize WAIS indexes # Archived: May 3 1993 # # Alcuin is a perl script used to organize WAIS indexes in a gopher # server's data directory. # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=statistics generator for FTP, gopher, WAIS, and WWW Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/infoserv/gopher/tools/fgwstat.0.3 Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: fgwstat.0.3 # File Size in BYTES: 2822 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Jonathan Magid) # Subject: statistics generator for FTP, gopher, WAIS, and WWW # Archived: Oct 4 1993 # # This is the announcement of a new version of fwgstat. It is heavily based # on the 'xferstats' script accompanying wuarchive's FTPD. # Its available by FTP at # <file://> # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=Gopher Environment Editor - gee Path=1/perlinfo/scripts/infoserv/gopher/tools/gee Type=1 Text= <pre> # File Name: gee - gopher environment editor # File Size in BYTES: 1024 # Archived: Mar 31 16:43 1994 # # # Sub-Directory. # Gopher Environment Editor - alpha version # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=gmail: mail-to-Gopherspace interface and events calendar Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/infoserv/gopher/tools/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 58916 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Prentiss Riddle) # Subject: gmail 1.01: mail-to-Gopherspace interface and events calendar # Archived: Apr 6 1993 # # gmail: mail-to-Gopherspace interface # Attached below is version 1.01 of gmail and gmailcal, a # mail-to-Gopherspace interface and an accompanying tool which maintains # an events calendar. # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=gophinger: finger from the gopher Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/infoserv/gopher/tools/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 5227 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Scott Balneaves) # Subject: Fingering under gopher - gophinger # Archived: Apr 15 1993 # # A couple of weeks ago I saw someone who wanted to be able to do a "finger" # under a gopher server. To this person (whose name escapes me) and to # anyone else that ever wanted to finger people via a gopher, this bud's # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=gonnrp: gopher to nntp gateway (nov threaded) Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/infoserv/gopher/tools/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 6433 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Chad Adams) # Subject: gonnrp - gopher to nnrp gateway (nov threaded) # Archived: Jun 8 1993 # # I have rewritten gonntp for use with INN/nov. I call it gonnrp. For # non INN people nnrp is the newsreading part of nntp in INN. Gonnrp # does not need the tin index files like gonntp did. Note that it will # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=gopher2ftp: gateway to ftp Path=1/perlinfo/scripts/infoserv/gopher/tools/gopher2ftp Type=1 Text= <pre> # File Name: gopher2ftp # Sub-Directory. # A gateway to ftp for gopherd # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=clone gophers with all the files on the remote host Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/infoserv/gopher/tools/gopherclone Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: gopherclone # File Size in BYTES: 6220 # Subject: clone gopher heirarchies # Archived: Apr 6 1993 # # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=gopherhunt: find dead links on a gopher Path=1/perlinfo/scripts/infoserv/gopher/tools/gopherhunt Type=1 Text= <pre> # File Name: gopherhunt # # Sub-Directory. # find dead links on the server # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=Re: Getting Gopher links Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/infoserv/gopher/tools/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 2477 # Sender/Author/Poster: (John Doyle) # Subject: Re: Getting Gopher links # Archived: Sep 24 1993 # # copies gopher site data maintained in a single file ($INFILE) # and outputs it to $OUTFILE in gopher format # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/infoserv/gopher/tools/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 3866 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Edward Moy) # Subject: [comp.infosystems.gopher] New relational search Perl Gopher server (schedule of classes) # Archived: May 15 1993 # # Available now via anonymous ftp to quantum.Berkeley.EDU is the gophersoc # distribution, which is a set of Perl scripts that implement a schedule of # classes Gopher server that allows relational searches to be performed, # using simple to fairly complex queries such as: # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=gophertree: generate a listing for a gopher Path=1/perlinfo/scripts/infoserv/gopher/tools/gophertree Type=1 Text= <pre> # File Name: gophertree # Sub-Directory. # gophertree - generate a listing for the gopher heirarchy # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=GopherReport v.2.0 - summarize the gopher syslog Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/infoserv/gopher/tools/gophreport2.0 Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: gophreport2.0 # File Size in BYTES: 18846 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Eric Katz) # Subject: GopherReport v.2.0 # Archived: Apr 6 1993 # # Following is the new release of GopherReport version 2.0. Thanks to all # who have contributed comments and bug reports. There are 2 important # items to remember with this new release. # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=new tool for FTP and gopher archives Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/infoserv/gopher/tools/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 2016 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Jonathan Magid) # Subject: new tool for FTP and gopher archives # Archived: Aug 11 1993 # # I've just put the first publically available version of Index2cap up for FTP. # Index2cap is a Perl script which will rewrite FTP area index files into # .cap files suitable for gopher. From the README: # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=linkmerge: a tool to merge remote Gopher directories Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/infoserv/gopher/tools/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 15617 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Prentiss Riddle) # Subject: linkmerge: a tool to merge remote Gopher directories # Archived: Apr 6 1993 # # linkmerge 0.1 -- merge a group of links to gopher resources # usage: linkmerge < links-to-dirs-to-be-merged > .merged-links # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=Script to automate your local veronica menu (maltshop-0.2). Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/infoserv/gopher/tools/mkvermenu Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: mkvermenu # File Size in BYTES: 13921 # Sender/Author/Poster: Steven Foster # Subject: Script to automate your local veronica menu (maltshop-0.2). # Archived: May 3 13:53 1994 # # automate veronica # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=newitems: generate list of newer items on a gopher Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/infoserv/gopher/tools/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 3989 # Subject: Find new items in the archive, and dump a list # Archived: Jun 28 1993 # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=goform: version 0.2, telnettable form fillout daemon Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/infoserv/gopher/tools/telnet.form.fillout.02 Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: telnet.form.fillout.02 # File Size in BYTES: 15662 # Sender/Author/Poster: # Subject: # Archived: Apr 9 1993 # # goform -- crude telnettable Gopher form fillout daemon # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=tstb: lister and searcher for gopher Path=1/perlinfo/scripts/infoserv/gopher/tools/tstb Type=1 Text= <pre> # File Name: tstb # File Size in BYTES: 1024 # Archived: Mar 31 16:43 1994 # # Sub-Directory. # tstb - lister and searcher for gopher # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=new Log stats program Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/infoserv/gopher/tools/xferstats.gopher Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: xferstats.gopher # File Size in BYTES: 10784 # Sender/Author/Poster: (David Datta) # Subject: new Log stats program # Archived: Aug 14 1993 # # I have just finished modifying the xferstats program that analyzes data # from wuarchive's ftpd program to also handle Gopher logfiles. # It only does stats on Gopher file transfers (it doesn't do stats on # directory requests.) It turns out, the music archives gets about 18,000 # </pre> EndText=