Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=[SCRIPT] checkaliases Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/checkaliases Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: checkaliases # File Size in BYTES: 2856 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Contr Karl E. Vogel) # Subject: [SCRIPT] checkaliases # Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994 # # $Id: checkaliases,v 1.1 1992/05/08 20:13:01 vogel Exp $ # DESCRIPTION: # "checkaliases" does consistency checking on a file in the format used # by /usr/lib/aliases. We are looking for any member of a mail group # which is not a user or another mail group. # The script also finds any "blank" userids in the aliases file, i.e. # two adjacent commas in the middle of a list of userids. # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=Re: expn program for sendmail Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/chkaddr Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: chkaddr # File Size in BYTES: 8570 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Trent A. Fisher) # Subject: Re: expn program for sendmail # Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994 # # Check a given (internet) e-mail address via smtp (vrfy command) # Well, here's my program to do something similar, except mine will # recursively resolve each address until it hits non-forwarding login or # an error. For example, running it on will give # you (indentation shows recursion level): # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=expn program for sendmail Type=1m Path=1m/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/expn Separator=^Article Section=^From: Text= <pre> # File Name: expn # File Size in BYTES: 42562 # Sender/Author/Poster: Tom Christiansen <tchrist@cs.Colorado.EDU> # Subject: expn program for sendmail # Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994 # # expn -- convince smtp to divulge an alias expansion # Submitted-by: # Here's a brief program to expand remote aliases using the # smtp daemon on the farside, e.g.: # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=Re: Processing ftpmail batches? Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/ftpmail.unbatch Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: ftpmail.unbatch # File Size in BYTES: 1979 # Sender/Author/Poster: (David Ferrington) # Subject: Re: Processing ftpmail batches? # Archived: Apr 30 15:02 1994 # # I've only just seen this question - YES i have a reasonably sophisicated # script for this, it will handle different formats (info-mac, mac-archives # BART, standard ftp etc) keep it in parts (Mac FETCH will handle parts), # join it together, use file name from subject line, let you specify the # name, use users default in-box, let you specify the in-box, a little bit # of checking for valid parts etc. # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=junkmail - a Perl script for customized mass e-mailing Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/junkmail Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: junkmail # File Size in BYTES: 50069 # Sender/Author/Poster: jfm@jupiter.SLAC.Stanford.EDU (John F. McGowan) # Subject: junkmail - a Perl script for customized mass e-mailing # Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994 # # Description: junkmail automates sending custom mailings to # multiple e-mail addresses (referred to as targets). The mailings # are customized using a database record for each target. The user # can specify database fields for information such as the target # name, organization, favorite color, political orientation, etc. # junkmail expects a database field named 'e-mail' to exist which # is the e-mail address of the target. # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=[SCRIPT] mailsort Path=9/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/mailsort.tar.gz Type=9 Text= <pre> # File Name: mailsort # File Size in BYTES: 12101 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Andras Salamon) # Subject: [SCRIPT] mailsort # Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994 # Updated: Dec 12 11:48 1995 # # $Id: mailsort,v 1.16 94/04/20 19:36:33 andras Exp Locker: andras $ # Heeding Larry's call to post scripts, here is `mailsort' to sort mbox # mail folders by the timestamps in the `From ' message separator lines. # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=Re: Trying to get back the "From {from} {date}" field... Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/mh2elm Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: mh2elm # File Size in BYTES: 5964 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Chris Sherman) # Subject: Re: Trying to get back the "From {from} {date}" field... # Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994 # # Perhaps the following program will help... It attempts to reconstruct # the From line using several rules... It's not perfect, but it usually # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=ANNOUNCE: renmail - mail reader/perl shell Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/renmail.announce Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: renmail.announce # File Size in BYTES: 4795 # Sender/Author/Poster: (David Rensin) # Subject: ANNOUNCE: renmail - mail reader/perl shell # Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994 # # Renmail can be obtained from in /pub/misc/renmail.tar.z. <a href="">Use this link if you have a web browser</a> # Renmail - 1.0 - a perl mail reader/shell # mail reader that is very user configurable, fast, and will run in tty mode. # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=Re: Stumped at To: header parsing Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 7900 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Cameron Simpson) # Subject: Re: Stumped at To: header parsing # Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994 # # Code to support RFC822-style message headers. # </pre> EndText= Text= <pre> Comments, suggestions, or criticisms on this archive to <> #</pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=a2iprog - alternative Mprog for sendmail Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/a2iprog Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: a2iprog # File Size in BYTES: 7292 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Rahul Dhesi) # Subject: perl prog mailer for sendmail # Archived: Nov 10 12:47 1994 # # # $Id: a2iprog,v 1.12 1993/11/09 12:43:02 dhesi Exp $ # from sendmail's prog mailer. The reason I wrote it was because smrsh # requires the argument supplied to it to be the name of a program. This # is more restrictive than /bin/sh, which simply wants any command line. # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= - Convert Base 64 messages Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 2750 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Rudolph T Maceyko) # Subject: Re: Base 64? # Archived: Nov 1 1993 # # >Does anyone have a sub to convert from/to base 64? thanks. # If you mean base 64 the way AMS (Andrew Message System) does it, then this # might help you: # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name= b64decode - decode MIME base 64 encoded documents Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/b64decode Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: b64decode # File Size in BYTES: 2639 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Alan Barrett) # Subject: MIME encoding/decoding in perl # Archived: Oct 17 1993 # # b64decode -- decode a raw BASE64 message # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= - another base 64 encoder/decoder Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 5991 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Alan Barrett) # Subject: Re: Base 64? # Archived: Nov 1 1993 # # A. P. Barrett <>, October 1993 # $Revision: 1.2 $$Date: 1993/11/01 12:12:29 $ # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=Cmail - check to see who's read their mail - UNIX Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/cmail.shar Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: cmail.shar # File Size in BYTES: 5281 # Sender/Author/Poster: tchrist@convex.COM (Tom Christiansen) # Subject: Re: Cmail - check to see who's read their mail - UNIX # Archived: Apr 6 1993 # # Sigh. Yet another piece of system administrative hackery written in C. # This one took over 300 lines and contains various and sundry data structures # and subroutines. I don't mean to impune the competence of the original # author. It *is* a neat little program. But it seems like terrific overkill # to do this in C. So as an exercise, I rewrote the program in perl (version # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=Re: Conversion /etc/passwd --> /usrc/lib/aliases ? Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 3465 # Sender/Author/Poster: Tom Christiansen <tchrist@cs.Colorado.EDU> # Subject: Re: Conversion /etc/passwd --> /usrc/lib/aliases ? # Archived: Aug 14 1993 # # # :I know there is a nifty little program (shell/perl script?) that turns the # :Personal Name information in the /etc/passwd file into /usr/lib/aliases # :entries for mail programs. This will greatly enhance mail addressing # :for the particular machine. # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 3429 # Sender/Author/Poster: (David J. Camp) # Subject: Oops, Here Comes "digest" Again # Archived: Sep 14 1993 # # This is 'digest' a program to run elm on a digest as a folder. # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= run elm on a digest as a folder Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 2962 # Archived: May 23 1993 # # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=Script to manage a SunOS mailbox Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 14631 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Phil Male) # Subject: Re: Script to manage a mailbox (SunOS) # Archived: Jul 1 1993 # # This is what we use, I knocked this up a while ago from expire_mail by Steve # Mitchell ( We install it in /usr/local/sbin on # all our Suns then get cron to tidy up everyone's mailbox, removing messages # older than 2 months. It leaves a message in the users mailbox detailing the # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=gmail 1.01: mail-to-Gopherspace interface and events calendar Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 58916 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Prentiss Riddle) # Subject: gmail 1.01: mail-to-Gopherspace interface and events calendar # Archived: Apr 6 1993 # # gmail: mail-to-Gopherspace interface # Attached below is version 1.01 of gmail and gmailcal, a # mail-to-Gopherspace interface and an accompanying tool which maintains # an events calendar. # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=Inter-Network Mail Guide query utility Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 11651 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Andy Linton) # Subject: Re: R E P O S T : I N T E R - N E T W O R K M A I L G U I D E # Archived: May 25 1993 # # inmgq - Inter-Network Mail Guide Query utility # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 8632 # Sender/Author/Poster: (DS Curtis, ISB2 108, 375-2152) # Subject: Re: aging mail in the mail spool # Archived: Jun 23 1993 # # > I have a question regarding aging mail in the mail spool. As in how # >do you do it? I understand how to age files in the print spool, that's # >easy, they are all seperate files, but a users mail is all kept in # >usr/spool/mail/user_id. # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= - Mail Filter Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 26043 # Sender/Author/Poster: # Subject: Re: Mail Filter # Archived: Apr 6 1993 # # | I'm posting this here because I've heard that perl would be best # | for this sort of thing. If there's anyone who has a program that can be # | adapted for this (or who can tell me how to build my own), I'd greatly # | appreciate it. # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=expn - expand/verify mail addresses Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 21278 # Sender/Author/Poster: (David Muir Sharnoff) # Subject: late night doodle -- expn - expand/verify mail addresses # Archived: Apr 6 1993 # # This program traces mailing lists. For each address under # consideration, it opens a SMTP connection to the system and # executes the EXPN command. # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= - parse out an rfc822 header Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 2826 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Gene Spafford) # Subject: Re: Looking for # Archived: Jun 21 1993 # # It hasn't been updated in a while, but here it is: # package MailStuff; # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=mailsummary - summarize the mail syslog Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/mailsummary Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: mailsummary # File Size in BYTES: 4026 # Sender/Author/Poster: # Subject: # Archived: Apr 6 1993 # # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=Re: listserv program Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/majordomo Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: majordomo # File Size in BYTES: 1568 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Bob Friesenhahn) # Subject: Re: listserv program # Archived: Sep 1 1993 # # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=pearmail - send and extract uuencoded, t'archived mail Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/pearmail Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: pearmail # File Size in BYTES: 8877 # Archived: Apr 6 1993 # # filename "pearmail". # Pearmail - tar and compress and uuencode stuff, and send it automatically # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=perl-mailagent.tar Path=9/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/perl-mailagent.tar.Z Type=9 Text= <pre> # File Name: perl-mailagent.tar.Z # File Size in BYTES: 326857 # Archived: Mar 11 1993 # # Tarred and compressed binary file # The complete perl mailagent # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 21963 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Justin Mason) # Subject: Re: perl script to unpack ftpmail (and other) binaries # Archived: Jun 24 1993 # # At present, procftpmail knows about, #,, and # Formats known are: uuencoding, btoa-encoding, # and BinHex (which it leaves alone). # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= - a package to manipulate RFC822 headers Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 10992 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Alan Barrett) # Subject: -- A perl package to manipulate RFC822 headers # Archived: Jun 28 1993 # # Are you sick of writing perl regexps to try to parse RFC822 header # lines? Then this might help a little. # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= - a perl program which is run from inetd Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 7249 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Bennett E. Todd @ Salomon Brothers Inc., NY ) # Subject: Re: a perl program which is run from inetd # Archived: Apr 6 1993 # # Location of hosts DBM database # Smtpd: SMTP daemon # Install with a line like so in /etc/inetd.conf: # smtp stream tcp nowait root .../smtpd %A # Here's an example daemon. I continue to twiddle and tweak it periodically. # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=sortmail: sort Pine mail folders Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 4514 # Sender/Author/Poster: (Christopher Thomas) # Subject: sortmail: sort Pine mail folders # Archived: Jun 27 1993 # # Tells if d1 is less than d2. dates in the form: MMM DD HH:MM:SS YYYY # This Perl script goes through a Pine mail folder, and prints out the messages # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= - summarize sendmail syslog Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/ Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: # File Size in BYTES: 3181 # Sender/Author/Poster: unk # Subject: Get statistics for the sendmail syslog # Archived: Apr 6 1993 # # $logdir = "/usr/spool/logs"; # $secperday = 24 * 60 * 60; # $shortdelay = $secperday / 2; # $K = 1024; # format q_top = # Syslog Input: (total) (mail11) Output Statistics: # File Date Msgs Kbytes AvgSz Sndrs Rcips Sent AvgDelay Dferd Que'd Other # format q_line = # $logfn,$date,$msgs,$kbytes,$avgsiz,$m11sndr,$m11rcip,$sent,$avgdly,$dferd,$queued,$other # $^ = "q_top"; # $~ = "q_line"; # </pre> EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=vacation - the classic Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/mailstuff/vacation Type=0 Text= <pre> # File Name: vacation # File Size in BYTES: 6053 # Sender/Author/Poster: # Subject: send out vacation mail # Archived: Apr 6 1993 # # I will not be reading my mail for a while. # Your mail regarding "$SUBJECT" will be read when I return. # EOF # </pre> EndText= Text= <pre> Comments, suggestions, or criticisms on this archive to <> #</pre> EndText=