
This software is the GINA++ Application Framework. 

The software is publicly available by anonymous ftp from
The complete system is stored in /gmd/gina/GINA++1.x.tar.Z
Please read the COPYRIGHT file for details.

The directory contains sources, documentation and papers related to GINA++:

	name		       status		contents

GINA++1.7.beta.tar.Z		BETA  *Experimental* beta test version 1.7
				      of GINA++. Compiles with Cfront 3.0
				      on SUN and (some) HP systems. Requires

GINA++1.6.tar.Z                 REL   Version 1.6 of GINA++                   A draft of the User Guide in compressed
USER-GUIDE-1.6.dvi.tar.Z              PostScript and DVI format. ca. 115 pages.

PAPERS (Do not publish - only for personal use)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------                  Andreas Baecker
                                      "Designing Reusable Widget Classes
                                       with C++ and OSF/Motif", 1991, 24 pp.

Overview.PS.Z                         Andreas Baecker, Andreas Genau,
				      Markus Sohlenkamp
				      GINA++ - An Object-Oriented Application
				      Framework. An Overview                 Michael Spenke, Andreas Baecker,
                                      Thomas Berlage, Christian Beilken
                                      "GINA - A User Interface Development
                                       Environment based on OSF/Motif"
                                      1991, 10 pp.

  Old stuff

oldstuff/GINA++1.5.tar.Z        REL   Version 1.5 of GINA++

oldstuff/GINA++.1.5.1.tar.Z     REL   Some new demos and many bug fixes

oldstuff/GINA++.1.5.2.tar.Z     REL   Added SUN shared library support.
				      Functionally identical to Version 1.5.1

oldstuff/GINA++.1.5.3.tar.Z     REL   Enhanced menu system classes. Provides
				      mechanisms for easy construction of
				      hirarchical menu systems. Also compiles
				      with X11R4 and X11R5.

oldstuff/GINA++.1.5.4.tar.Z     REL   Makefile and source code cleanups.
				      GINA++ now compiles with SUN C++ 2.1,
				      gcc 2.2.2 and with Lucid's lcc

oldstuff/VPSLEUTH.tar.Z         REL   The compiled vp-sleuth demo program.
				      Runs on SUN 4.


Software requirements for GINA++:
    X11R4 Xlib and Xt libraries with patchlevel 18
    or X11R5
    Motif 1.1.[34] libraries and headers
    Sun C++ or 2.1

The software has been tested on Sun Sparcstations with SunOS 4.1.x
It compiles with Sun C++ 2.1. 

The software does not run with Motif versions earlier than 1.1.3 !

We are interested in your opinion about this software. Please send
bug reports, suggestions, enhancements, etc. to

The subdirectories in the GINA++ distribution contain the following stuff:

./include      Gina include files
./GnBasic      Meta-Object Protocal and data structures
./GnMotif      Motif-Encapsulation and Widget-Framework
./GnFramework  The framework-related classes
./GnGraph      Widget classes for viewing graph-like structures
./demos        Source and Makefiles of the demos applications
./sample       sample GINA++ application and Makefile
./bin          binaries of the demos applications
./lib          GINA++ shared and static libraries
./doc          Documentation 
./doc/ug.pos and ./doc/ Documentation

The GINA Interface Builder, which generates Code for GINA in Lisp/CLOS and C++,
is only implemented in Lisp. There are two standalone versions of the IB for
- SUN Sparc Station 10 running SunOS 4.1.3 sun4m   and
- SUN Sparc Station  2 running SunOS 4.1.3 sun4c.
Each occupies packed more than 10 MB and requires unpacked 26 MB disk space.
You need a Sparc with more than	16 MB main memory to run the IB.
You find the IB in directory /gmd/gina.
Please read the README first.
(This text about IB added by Christian Beilken, 7/23/93.)