To whom it may concern, This is the preliminary, uninspected and largely untested source for a version of xstdcmap and associated Xmu routines that supports creation of color ramps for PEX. The specification for the changes has previously been distributed on pex-spec. Almost all the source is directly leveraged from the familiar Xmu and xstdcmap source available from In fact, I have included a side-by-side difference listing (180-character-wide format) where the left side is the original Xmu/xstdcmap code and the right side only shows the changes made during addition of the PEX support. You will also see a couple of defect fixes I made. At this point, I have only done some cursory testing of an earlier version of the code at the PEX-IC, and some hand-testing has been done on HP and IBM systems. I have made some changes since the PEX-IC testing but nothing I think would invalidate the success I had there. I have tried it on a variety of HP systems and it seems to be working, but I plan to eventually write some kind of test script that will verify that without the new options (-pex, -fullDefault, -ramp), the xstdcmap client still behaves the same as always (except for a couple of defects I fixed), and will also produce some output so that correct behavior under the new options can be verified (probably only by an expert on the particular PEX implementation being tested). To aid in early testing, I have found the following tools to be useful: xdpyinfo tells you general info about the X server xprop tells you about the properties that exist on the server; its main flaw in this usage is that it only dumps one entry of the RGB_DEFAULT_MAP property; usage for this testing is xprop -root xwininfo handy to find out the IDs of Windows and Colormaps, and the Visuals they've been created in colorinq a somewhat HP-specific inquiry program I hacked that can dump all the entries in the properties; this should be easy to port to other systems; takes no paramaters, uses DISPLAY dump_cmap another program I wrote to dump out the contents of an X colormap; usage is either of these forms: dump_cmap <window_id> dump_cmap <colormap_id> <visual_id> delete_all just a shell script that removes all the properties I still need to try to make an Imakefile for this code; since I'm not an expert in Imake arcana, I've been procrastinating it. I have included a Makefile that works on HP and IBM but of course will need to be modified for other systems. It's not even a very good Makefile. John Waitz Hewlett-Packard 6/17/93