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             	  A Path To Object Oriented Graphics


	GoPATH is an environment for graphical and interactive application
	development. At this time, it includes a object oriented toolkit: Go
	and utilities: Go Companions.

	Go is a portable and extensible 2D graphic object library for
	application data presentation and interaction. Go intends to extend
	with powerful graphical capabilities the standard  toolkits
	(ie. OSF/Motif(TM) or MS-Windows(TM)). Go allows to create,
	to modify and to compose graphical objects. These objects can
	be displayed in a window (or a pixmap) or can be written in a
	PostScript(TM) format. When displayed on the screen, the user can
	directly manipulate objects, the user events are interpreted with
	respect to UI description files. An external stream format allows
	to export/import structured graphical objects, it can be used to
	store/retrieve structured graphics on disk or to exchange graphics
	between applications (cut/copy/paste). Available predefined
	graphical objects are geometric, formatted texts, images,
	graphs, trees and grid.

	The Go Companions are utilities which come with the Go library in
	order to help application developers to draw the graphical
	presentation and to define its behavior.  Mainly, Go Companions
	include graphical objects editors (godraw, gopaint, gowrite,
	gohyper) and resource editors (gopen, godash, gobrush, gocolor, ...).
	The Go Companions constitute for the application  programmer
	a real 2D presentation builder.

	Go as well as editors runs on a number of Unix(TM) environments
	(Bull, Sun, SGI, MIPS, IBM,  SCO,  ...) and on MS-Windows(TM) 3.1.


	GoPATH version 1.2 and previous has been funded by Bull/OIS (Office
	and Imaging Solutions) and the EEC (European Economic Comunity)
	within 	the projects MultiWorks and Ithaca.

	People who are or were involved in the GoPATH developments (Unix
	and PC) are:

		Jacques Davy		(Bull)
		Olivier Jojic		(Bull)
		Philippe Smadja		(Bull)
		Gilles Benati		(Bull)
		Yuanzhang Song		(Bull)
		Michel Andre		(Telesystemes)
		Aline Jacomet		(Telesystemes)
		Sylvie Begards		(Telesystemes)
		Patricia Langle		(Coframi)
		Aboobacker		(PSI)
		Michel Marcus		(Bull)
		Jean-Louis Rosset 	(Bull)
		Serge Mbikina		(Ifatec)
		Jean-Philippe Kommer	(Cedria)
		Gerard Kuta		(Bull)
		Giuseppe Corrente	(Bull Italy)

Copyright (Public Release):

  Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992 Bull S.A., Paris, France
  Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute FREE OF CHARGE this software
  and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided
  that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in
  all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the name of
  Bull may not be used in any advertising or publicity relating to the
  software without the specific, prior written permission of Bull.
  The permission to distribute or sublicense FOR CHARGE either this software
  (all or part) or products derived from this software is subject to prior
  license from Bull under separate agreement.

  The information in this software is subject to change without
  notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Bull.

  Bull assumes no responsibility for the use or inability to use any of its
  software. The software is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any
  kind, and Bull expressly disclaims all implied warranties, including
  but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and
  fitness for a particular purpose.

  In no event shall Bull be liable for any special, incidental, indirect
  or consequential damages of any kind, or any damages whatsoever
  resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether or not advised of
  the possibility of damage, and on any theory of liability, arising out
  of or in connection with the use or performance of this software.

How to get Go?

	Go is available on the following machines:

	Location	Host			Address		Directory

	France		avahi.inria.fr	/pub/gopath
	USA		export.lcs.mit.edu	/contrib/gopath

        A distribution is identified like "v.r.i", where:
		v: gives the functionality level,
		r: gives the release level,
		i: index of sub-release (fixed bugs, minor changes).

	Usually a Go version distribution contains 5 files.

		go-v.r.i-ReadMe:	this file,
		go-v.r.i-RelNote:	the current release note,	
		go-v.r.i-src.tar.Z	the source files for generation,
		go-v.r.i-doc.tar.Z	the source and postscript files of
		go-v.r.i-str.tar.Z	some GoStreams files for example

	For convenient reason, we deliver the sun4 version compiled with

Contacts and mailing list:

    Technical Contacts:

	mailing lists:

	go-talk@frmy.bull.fr    	(any discussion)
	go-talk-request@frmy.bull.fr 	(any request)
	go-bug@frmy.bull.fr     	(bugs and fixes, use bugs/BugReport
					 form please)

	people:			email:			   domain:

	Jacques Davy		J.Davy@frmy.bull.fr	   mgmt, general
	Olivier Jojic		O.Jojic@frmy.bull.fr	   Go, GoUI
	Philippe Smadja		P.Smadja@frmy.bull.fr	   GoUI, GoInterf
	Gilles Benati		G.Benati@frmy.bull.fr	   GoStream, Geometric
	Gerard Kuta		G.Kuta@frmy.bull.fr	   Res. Editors
	Aline Jacomet		A.Jacomet@frmy.bull.fr	   Graph, Go Editors
	Michel Andre		M.Andre@frmy.bull.fr	   Text, GoWrite
	Serge Mbikina		S.Mbikina@frmy.bull.fr	   GoStream, Images
	Yuanzhang Song		Y.Song@frmy.bull.fr	   PC - MS-DOS
	Jean-Philippe Kommer	J.P.Kommer@frmy.bull.fr	   PC - MS-DOS

		PC: EA/129
		7, rue Ampere
		91300 Massy

	Tel:	+33 1 69 93 88 57
	Fax:	+33 1 69 93 76 69

    Marketing Contacts:

	Philippe Breil		Bull SA
				Product Manager
				7, Rue Ampere
				91300 Massy
				Tel: +33 1 69 93 88 97
				Fax: +33 1 69 93 84 71

	Diane Riemer		Bull HN
				OEM Account Manager
				300 Concord Road
				Billerica, MA 01821
				Tel: (508) 294-4366
				Fax: (508) 294-6109
