*           GoPATH				    Version 1.2.0     	    *
*									    *
*			***  R E L E A S E   N O T E  ***		    *
*									    *

	GoPATH Version 1.2.0:				Dec 31st, 1992


	GoPATH is the new name of what we previously called Go. Like Go,
	GoPATH components include a set of libraries (for graphical
	application developpement) still called "Go" libraries, a set of
	editors (for graphical presentation design) called "Go companions"
	and the documentation.

	In order to promote GoPATH, a part of it is distributed on the network
	with a restrictive copyright (see file Copyright of the distribution).
	Any commercial use of GoPATH is controlled by a license.

	At the end of this note, restrictions concerning the public release
	are listed.


	This Go release runs on top of X.V11R4 and MS-Windows 3.1
	and has been generated

		Hardware	OS		Compiler

		Sun4/60		SunOS 4.1.1	g++ 2.1
		Sun4/60		SunOS 4.1.1	C++ 2.1
		Bull/486	SCO 3.2		g++ 2.1
		Bull/Zenith 486	MS-Windows	MS-C/C++ 7.0
		Bull/Zenith 486	MS-Windows	Borland 3.0
		Bull/DPX20	BOSX 3.2	g++ 2.3.0
		SGI/Indigo	IRIS 4.0.5	g++ 2.2.2
		SGI/Indigo	IRIS 4.0.5	C++ 2.1

	Note that GoPATH has been test on an X.V11R5 server and takes
	advantages of the scalable fonts.


	The complete version source volume is about 14 Mb, the
	public one is about 9 Mb.

	The documentation volume (fully available in the public release) is
	about 2,3 Mb.


	Major features coming with the 1.2.0 release are:

	   Go librairies

		o New GoUI:
		    Go User Interactions have been rewritten! Here we have
		    broken the compatibility with Go-1.1.

		    The term GoUI now represents both the "Go User Interaction
		    Toolkit" and the GoUI class.

		    The Go User Interaction Toolkit includes the following
		    basic classes:
		      - GoSensor: This object class allows to define sensitive
			areas (areas interested by user events).
			GoSensor subclasses which are Gos can graphically
			show the sensitive areas (see GoHyper). When
			receiving an event (from a GoUI instance), GoSensor
			starts an interaction (if not already started) and
			sends the event to it.

		      - GoUI: There is one GoUI instance per GoInterf (window).
			It is responsible for dispatching events to sensors.
			It also manages sensor asking for the keyboard focus
			or grabs, and generates "Enter/LeaveSensor" events.

		      - GInteractor: This object class is the execution
			context of an interaction. A GInteractor executes
			an interaction program (GInteractorPgm). The
			GInteractor class is an abstract class. For example
			GGrabber and GTranslator classes are subclasses
			of GInteractor.
		      - GInteractorPgm: This object class is the abstract
			class for the interaction program class. A
			GInteractorPgm subclass can be a C++ program or
			a piece of interpretable code like the simple
			GoUI language for event translation or Wool for
			more sophisticated interactions (not yet available).

		o GoStreams:
		    A portable binary format (GoBinary) is now available.
		    It allows to reduce the disk or memory space (up to 75%)
		    and the coding/encoding time. It is used by default
		    for the "cut/copy/paste" operations.

		o GoInterf:
		    Double click for XGoInterf, scalable fonts with X.V11R5.

		o GoTextual extensions:
		    non-textual segments, it is now possible to include
		    images, geometric objects, ... in a text object. These
		    non-textual segments follow the textual behavior.

		    extra-baseline: this functionality provides capabilities
		    for indiced or exponentiated segments (useful in
		    mathematical formulae, trade mark notations, ...)

		    style management: this allows to define style objects
		    which are used to highlight text segments on the textual
		    objects. Style attributes include: font, color, underline
		    position/color/thickness, extra-baseline, ...

		    margins (top, bottom, left, right)

		    merging and extracting functions

		o New Text Formatters:
		    Formatter objects are available in order to fill Text
		    objects in:
		        a list of boxes
			several columns
			a circle
		    These formatters inherits capabilities (justification,
		    international hyphenation, presentation, ...).

		o Application Oriented Objects (Extensions library):
		    A new library, called "Go Extensions", comes with
		    GoPATH 1.2.0. It contains application
		    oriented objects for minimizing the Go based
		    application development effort.

		    These objects includes:

			Clipboard Interface (cut/copy/paste support),
			Converters (export/import support),
			Filters (TIFF, GIF),
			GoEditors (base for writing Go Editors)
			ResEditor (base for writing Resource Editors)
			Help (help support)

		o Xb Widgets (Unix version):
		    Some Motif(tm) widgets have been developed to be used
		    in some Go Companions, they are gathered in the libXb.a

	   Go Companions

		o godraw:
		    Clipboard management
		    Binary streams management
		    New object interactions

		o gohyper:
		    Sensor editor. Allows to create sensitive areas on
		    top of graphical object and edit a script as the

		o gowrite:
		    Text editor. Allows sophisticated text formatting
		    using Formatter objects.

		o gopen:
		    Pen editor. Allows to create named or unamed Pens and
		    to manage Pen dictionaries. Copy/Paste can be used
		    in conjunction with applications.

		o gocolor:
		    Color editor. Allows to create named or unamed colors
		    and to manage Color dictionaries. Copy/Paste can be used
		    in conjunction with applications.

		    On X/Unix, the rgb.txt format is managed.

		o godash:
		    Dash editor. Allows to create named or unamed dashes
		    and to manage Dash dictionaries. Copy/Paste can be used
		    in conjunction with applications.


		o CreateGoClass is a script allowing to create the skeleton
		  (.cc and .h files) of a Go subclass including the Metaclass.


	Uncompatibilities with Go-1.1:

		The only uncompatibility between Go-1.1 and GoPATH 1.2
		is GoUI. A document (src/doc/Papers/old-new-GoUI) gives the
		way to move from the old GoUI to the new one.

		The GoSensor format in the GoStream has been modified. If
		some GoSensors exist in your ASCII GoStream remove them
		(by using your prefered editor).


	Further extensions:

		o GoInterf class:
			The cursor management is not complete.

		o XGoInterf class does not support 
			DTriple click
			Images with bit_per_pixel which is not 1 or 8.

		o Resource Editors: gobrush, gotextbrush,

		o Go Editors: gopaint

		o Go Desktop: some utilities integrated in a desktop
		        (clipboard, converter, print, ...).

		o Filters:
			Simple popular formats like XPM or PCX, and
			JPEG compression.

		o Graphic widget:
			XmNeditable resource is not implemented.

		o PostScript interface is incomplete (some level2 capabilities
			need to be simulated).


	The following bugs will fixed with patches.

	        o On-Line Help is not yet available in GoWrite, GoPen,
		  GoDash, GoColor.

		o Revision of the Go Advanced Programmer's Manual.

		o Some ergonomic unconsistencies in Go Editors,

		o Link errors when linking examples on Sun4/60 with C++ 2.1 
		  using shared libraries.
		  It is possible to link by calling the	XtToolkitInitialize() 
		  function at the beginning of the main(). 

	GoPATH 1.2.0 Public Release:

	The GoPATH 1.2.0 Public Release functionalities are similar to
	the functionalities available in Go-1.1, so people who started
	to work with Go-1.1 will be able to continue their work (except
	for some text capabilities).

	The public release restrictions:

	    Go Kernel:
		GoBinary: portable binary coding for GoStream. It allows
		to reduce the disk/memory space and increase the time coding/

	    Predefined Go's:
		Some GoText extensions:
		  - sophisticated formatters: multicolumn, multibox, circle.
		    The single column formatter is still delivered.
		  - non-textual segments: the capability to include non-textual
		    segments (images, geometric objects, ...) in a GoText
		    is not delivered.
		  - indiced or exponentiated segments, this capability is
		    useful for mathematical formulae for example.
		  - style management for text segment highlighting

		The GoScrolledText (no more delivered):
		    This text object allows to scroll characters (horizontally)
		    or lines and pages (vertically). This object is useful
		    in tabular or spread sheet cells.

	    Application oriented objects (extension library):
		This library containting objects for minimizing the Go based
		application development (clipboard interface, converters and
		filters, go editors and resource editors, sensor for
		hypermedia, ...) is NOT delivered except:

		  - Converters to/from Ascii GoStream files,
		  - Filter from GIF format.

	    Xb Widget library:
		Some widgets have been developed for Go Companions, they are
		not delivered.

	    Go Editors:
		Only GoDraw is delivered . Meanwhile, inter-application
		communication, GoBinary exporting/importing capabilities,
		GoScrolledText and Multi-column Text are no more supported
		on the public release.

	    C Binding:
		The C Binding is not part of the public release.

		No restriction.

	    PC (MS-Windows 3.1) version is not part of the public release.