Netmaze - V0.71 - Jan. 1994
[Don't run this version with older ones!!!!]
[there was a change in the netprotocol from v0.62 to v0.7 !!]

  written and copyrights (c) by M.Hipp


 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 (at your option) any later version.

 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.


This is the pre-release of a multiplayercombatgame.
I release this incomplete version, because I think, that I
won't have the time to complete it in the next months.
In this version there are a lot of bugs, but
you can play it without getting 'core's. Most of the bugs are
in the gfx/clip-functions.

The game requires:
  - fast X11-Grafix (copying offscreen-pixmap to the foreground-window, 
    drawing polygons)
  - a (semi)fast Network with 'ping'-times lower than 30ms from EVERY client to 
    the servermachine. (if one connection isn't fast enough, it slows down 
    all players.) (For LAN's (e.g. in a pool) this shouldn't be a problem!)
    (if your network isn't fast enough, you can try to change the beat-divider
     in the netserv from 1 to 2 or 4.) 

Don't try to patch the code if you want to cheat. It should be near

I have tested the program on HPUX,SunOS4.1.3 and Linux-Machines.
There is also a RS6000 port. (see CREDITS)

******** FOR LINUX: You have to compile the IPC-Stuff in your kernel *******

If you find any bugs or port netmaze to a new environment,
please let me know. I'm also happy about fanmails, showing me that the hundreds
of hours I need for coding this game weren't a waste of time.

Hope you enjoy it, 

how to install: (short! ;-) )
 - Get a ANSI-C-Compiler. (in the Makefile, 'gcc' is selected).
 - Now there is an Imakefile. Just type 'xmkmf' to create a Makefile for
   your machine. (there is also an alternate Makefile (Makefile.alt), which
   you can use, if there is a problem with the 'imake'-generated one.
 - Now you have to select one of the environments at the top of the netmaze.h
 - Sorry, but most of the comments/names in the program are in german, 
   so this won`t help.
 - The warnings about the 'select'-command aren't important.

how to use:  (short help with 'netmaze -h')
  Start the server 'netserv' on a machine. 
  Then every player can start his netmaze-client.
  example: netmaze -server <servermachinename>
  Without calling a server-machine the program enters
  a one-player-(team)-test-mode.
  The 'dummy' is a demo-robot. You can connect some of them
  to the netserv if you want more enemies. (But this 
  demo-robot is really a stupid one.)
  You can write your own robots. (see dummy.c)
  Always try to run the netmaze-client on a machine with 
  less load and in the foreground.
  You can first do a 'xset -r' if you want a better 
  keyboard-handling. (use 'xset r' to switch it on again.)
  You can select an experimental teammode by adding a teamlist
  to the (2)-Command in the netserv.
  You can select an extended (and an extended just-for-fun) mode.
  Set the NETAMZE_NAME or NETMAZE_COMMENT environment-variable to choose
  another default name and comment.

known bugs: (this is a preversion!!)
  x11: (some) bugs in the refresh
  gfx: bugs in the (re)sort and clip-functions
  allmove: sometimes the game is out-of-sync (different machines are having 
           different game-states) (a very strange bug!)
           somtimes problems with shot-rebounce
  subserv: not complete .. very ugly (don't use it!!)
  on Linuxmachines: The program allocates more and more memory .. but
         I think that's a Xlib-Problem
  .. and many more .. ;-)