Netmaze - V0.81 - April 1994
[Don't run this version with older ones!!!!]
[there were changes in the netprotocol from v0.62 to v0.7 to 0.8 !!]

  written and copyrights (c) by M.Hipp


 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 (at your option) any later version.

 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.


This is the pre-release of a multiplayercombatgame.
I release this incomplete version, because I think, that I
won't have the time to complete it in the next months.
In this version there still bugs, but you can play it (I hope) without
getting 'core's. Most of the bugs are in the gfx/clip-functions (and the
netserv, of course).

What is netmaze:
Netmaze is a client/server multiplayergame.
You play in a virtuell maze and the goal of the game is to hunt down
your opponents. The view is full animated 3D. On fast machines, you can
even run it smooth with texturemaping at the walls and the floor.

The game requires:
  - fast X11-Grafix (copying offscreen-pixmap/image to the foreground-window, 
    drawing polygons)
  - a (semi)fast Network with 'ping'-times lower than 30ms from EVERY client to 
    the servermachine. (if one connection isn't fast enough, it slows down 
    all players.) (For LAN's (e.g. in a pool) this shouldn't be a problem!)
    (if your network isn't fast enough, you can try to change the beat-divider
     in the netserv from 1 to 2 or 4 and/or start it with -nowait) 

Don't try to patch the code if you want to cheat. It should be near

I have tested the program on HPUX,SunOS4.1.3 and Linux-Machines.
There is a RS6000 & NeXT port. (see CREDITS)
It was also reported, that the program runs on SGI and DEC 5000 machines.

******** FOR LINUX: You have to compile the IPC-Stuff in your kernel *******

If you find any bugs or port netmaze to a new environment, please let me know. 
I'm also happy about fanmails, showing me that the hundreds of hours I spend 
since late 1991 to code this game weren't a waste of time.

Hope you enjoy it, 

how to install: (short! ;-) )
 - Get an ANSI-C-Compiler. (in the Makefile, 'gcc' is selected).
 - Now there is an Imakefile. Just type 'xmkmf' to create a Makefile for
   your machine. (there is also an alternate Makefile (Makefile.alt), which
   you can use, if there is a problem with the 'imake'-generated one.
 - Now you have to select one of the environments in the config.h file.
 - Sorry, but a lot of the comments/names in the program are in german, 
   so this won`t help.
 - The warnings about the 'select'-command aren't important.
 - if your system doesn't support asyncronous input/output you can try to
     add a: '#define USE_IPC' at the the end of the config.h file.
 - if your machine doesn't support the shared memory extension for X11, remove
   the -DSH_MEM in the Makefile/Imakefile.

how to use:  (short help with 'netmaze -h')
  Start the server 'netserv' on a machine. 
  Then every player can start his netmaze-client.
  example: netmaze -server <servermachinename>
  Without calling a server-machine the program enters
  a one-player-(team)-test-mode.
  The 'dummy' is a demo-robot. You can connect some of them
  to the netserv if you want more enemies. (But this 
  demo-robot is really a stupid one.) 
  You can write your own robots. (see dummy.c) 
  Always try to run the netmaze-client on a machine with 
  less load and in the foreground.
  You can first do a 'xset -r' if you want a better 
  keyboard-handling. (use 'xset r' to switch it on again.)
  You can select a teammode by adding a teamlist
  to the (2)-Command in the netserv.
  You can select an extended (and an extended just-for-fun) mode.
  Set the NETMAZE_NAME or NETMAZE_COMMENT environment-variable to choose
  another default name and comment.

known bugs: (this is still a preversion!!)
  x11: (some) bugs in the refresh
  gfx: bugs in the (re)sort and clip-functions
  allmove: sometimes the game is out-of-sync (different machines are having 
           different game-states) (I hope, that I found it)
           somtimes problems with shot-rebounce
  textures in huge-mode: sometimes cores. (I think that's an overflow)
  on Linuxmachines: The program allocates more and more memory .. but
         I think that's a Xlib-Problem
  .. and many more .. ;-)