This patch contain a few fixes needed to make SCIX v0.97 compile with the new Scheme->C compiler (28sep90) from DECWRL. It is mostly trivial removal of unnecessary eval-when clauses. Apply by doing "patch -p1 < this-file" when standing in the SCIX root directory. This is only a patch to make SCIX compile correctly. No new stuff is included. You'll have to wait for that. Johan Ihren <> diff -c -r scix-0.97/macros/ scix-0.97-fix/macros/ *** scix-0.97/macros/ Fri Jul 6 00:41:24 1990 --- scix-0.97-fix/macros/ Thu Nov 8 23:43:14 1990 *************** *** 99,105 **** ;; Object oriented system - (eval-when (compile load eval) (extend-syntax (define-class locals inherit methods init) ;; All parts - #1 ((define-class (name . idlist) --- 99,104 ---- *************** *** 407,411 **** ;; (methods) ;; (init))) ) - - ) ;; End of eval-when --- 406,408 ---- diff -c -r scix-0.97/macros/ scix-0.97-fix/macros/ *** scix-0.97/macros/ Fri Jul 6 00:41:52 1990 --- scix-0.97-fix/macros/ Thu Nov 8 23:43:15 1990 *************** *** 97,111 **** ;; Convenience macro ! (eval-when (compile load eval) (extend-syntax (insert-method!) ((insert-method! object message func) (object 'insert-method! message ! (let ((me object)) func)))) ) ;; Object oriented system ! (eval-when (compile load eval) (extend-syntax (define-class locals inherit methods init) ;; All parts - #1 ((define-class (name . idlist) --- 97,111 ---- ;; Convenience macro ! (extend-syntax (insert-method!) ((insert-method! object message func) (object 'insert-method! message ! (let ((me object)) func)))) ;; Object oriented system ! (extend-syntax (define-class locals inherit methods init) ;; All parts - #1 ((define-class (name . idlist) *************** *** 523,527 **** ;; (methods) ;; (init))) ) - - ) ;; End of eval-when --- 523,525 ---- diff -c -r scix-0.97/macros/ scix-0.97-fix/macros/ *** scix-0.97/macros/ Fri Jul 6 00:42:00 1990 --- scix-0.97-fix/macros/ Thu Nov 8 23:43:15 1990 *************** *** 40,46 **** ;;; system. ;;; Inheritance is not supported for light-weight objects. ;;; ! (eval-when (compile eval load) (extend-syntax (define-lw-class locals methods init) ((define-lw-class (name . idlist) (locals (loc-var loc-val) ...) --- 40,46 ---- ;;; system. ;;; Inheritance is not supported for light-weight objects. ;;; ! (extend-syntax (define-lw-class locals methods init) ((define-lw-class (name . idlist) (locals (loc-var loc-val) ...) *************** *** 121,125 **** (init) )) ) - - ) ;; End of eval-when --- 121,123 ---- diff -c -r scix-0.97/macros/ scix-0.97-fix/macros/ *** scix-0.97/macros/ Thu Mar 8 22:46:41 1990 --- scix-0.97-fix/macros/ Thu Nov 8 23:43:16 1990 *************** *** 281,287 **** ;;; End of eval-when (compile eval) ) - (eval-when (compile load eval) (define-macro extend-syntax (let ((x (gensym "X"))) (lambda (form expander) --- 281,286 ---- *************** *** 329,333 **** 'proc)))) (else (error 'extend-syntax/code "invalid syntax: ~a" form))) expander )))) - - ) ;;; End of eval-when --- 328,330 ---- diff -c -r scix-0.97/macros/ scix-0.97-fix/macros/ *** scix-0.97/macros/ Tue Jun 19 17:55:13 1990 --- scix-0.97-fix/macros/ Thu Nov 8 23:43:16 1990 *************** *** 50,57 **** ;;; is to keep the symbolic names as far as possible, we have ;;; chosen this implementation. - (eval-when (load compile eval) - (extend-syntax (make-mask) ((make-mask ((id type) ...)) (with (((ids ...) (remq 'unused '(id ...)))) --- 50,55 ---- *************** *** 188,191 **** ;;; but the code would never be executed, so it doesn't cause any trouble ;;; when used interactively. Alas, the compiler doesn't understand this fact... ((make-mask (id ...)) ! (make-mask ((id '()) ...)) )) ) --- 186,189 ---- ;;; but the code would never be executed, so it doesn't cause any trouble ;;; when used interactively. Alas, the compiler doesn't understand this fact... ((make-mask (id ...)) ! (make-mask ((id '()) ...)) )) diff -c -r scix-0.97/src/ scix-0.97-fix/src/ *** scix-0.97/src/ Tue Jun 26 09:46:48 1990 --- scix-0.97-fix/src/ Thu Nov 8 23:43:16 1990 *************** *** 77,84 **** the-mask)) (define (make-pointerevent-mask . initial-settings) ! (let ((the-mask (make-mask (unused ! unused ButtonPress ButtonRelease EnterWindow --- 77,84 ---- the-mask)) (define (make-pointerevent-mask . initial-settings) ! (let ((the-mask (make-mask (unused-1 ! unused-2 ButtonPress ButtonRelease EnterWindow *************** *** 102,111 **** KeyRelease ButtonPress ButtonRelease ! unused ! unused PointerMotion ! unused Button1Motion Button2Motion Button3Motion --- 102,111 ---- KeyRelease ButtonPress ButtonRelease ! unused-1 ! unused-2 PointerMotion ! unused-3 Button1Motion Button2Motion Button3Motion diff -c -r scix-0.97/src/ scix-0.97-fix/src/ *** scix-0.97/src/ Fri Jul 6 00:28:40 1990 --- scix-0.97-fix/src/ Thu Nov 8 23:43:17 1990 *************** *** 46,52 **** (define-external x-reply? scixmu) ! (eval-when (compile eval load) (define-class (colormap scr &optional id) (locals (write-enabled '()) ; List of write-enabled pixels --- 46,52 ---- (define-external x-reply? scixmu) ! (define-class (colormap scr &optional id) (locals (write-enabled '()) ; List of write-enabled pixels *************** *** 233,236 **** (number? (car id)) ) ; i e id given by server (me 'scix-announce-id! me) )) ) - ) ;; End of eval-when --- 233,235 ---- diff -c -r scix-0.97/src/ scix-0.97-fix/src/ *** scix-0.97/src/ Mon May 7 11:34:58 1990 --- scix-0.97-fix/src/ Thu Nov 8 23:43:17 1990 *************** *** 34,40 **** ;;; The SCIX Font Object. - (eval-when (compile eval load) (define-class (font fontname scr &optional id) (inherit (resource scr (if (null? id) #f --- 34,39 ---- *************** *** 60,63 **** (number? (car id)) ) ; i e id given by server (me 'scix-announce-id! me) )) ) - ) ;; End of eval-when --- 59,61 ---- diff -c -r scix-0.97/src/newtypes.tmpl scix-0.97-fix/src/newtypes.tmpl *** scix-0.97/src/newtypes.tmpl Tue Jun 26 09:53:38 1990 --- scix-0.97-fix/src/newtypes.tmpl Fri Nov 9 00:02:15 1990 *************** *** 3,17 **** ;;; syntax (define-enum-type type name alist) ;;; a-name and d-name are automaticly defined ! (eval-when (eval compile load) - (define (turn alist) ; reverses the pairs in alist - Obs alist must be quoted - (let loop ((alist (cadr alist)) (res '())) - (if (null? alist) - res - (let ((el (car alist))) - (loop (cdr alist) (append res (list (cons (cdr el) (car el))))))))) - (extend-syntax (define-enum-type) ((define-enum-type type name alist) (with ((dlist (turn 'alist)) --- 3,18 ---- ;;; syntax (define-enum-type type name alist) ;;; a-name and d-name are automaticly defined ! ;;; turn -- reverses the pairs in alist - Obs alist must be quoted ! (eval-when (eval compile) ! (define (turn alist) ! (let loop ((alist (cadr alist)) (res '())) ! (if (null? alist) ! res ! (let ((el (car alist))) ! (loop (cdr alist) (append res (list (cons (cdr el) (car el))))))))) ! ) (extend-syntax (define-enum-type) ((define-enum-type type name alist) (with ((dlist (turn 'alist)) *************** *** 32,39 **** (define d-name (lambda (str dpy) ((d-const #t d-type 'dlist) str dpy))) )))) - - ) ; end of eval-when (define-enum-type CARD8 bitgravity '((Forget . 0) (NorthWest . 1) --- 33,38 ---- diff -c -r scix-0.97/src/ scix-0.97-fix/src/ *** scix-0.97/src/ Fri Jul 6 00:27:10 1990 --- scix-0.97-fix/src/ Thu Nov 8 23:43:18 1990 *************** *** 61,67 **** ((scr 'scix-id-vector) 'insert-with-key! me id) )) ;;; Drawables -- windows and pixmaps. ! (eval-when (compile eval load) (define-class (drawable width height depth scr id) (locals (callbacks '()) ) --- 61,67 ---- ((scr 'scix-id-vector) 'insert-with-key! me id) )) ;;; Drawables -- windows and pixmaps. ! (define-class (drawable width height depth scr id) (locals (callbacks '()) ) *************** *** 168,177 **** (if (x-reply? reply) (list (reply 'width) (reply 'height)) reply)))) ! ))) ;;; Pixmaps. ! (eval-when (compile eval load) (define-class (pixmap width height depth scr &optional id) (locals (drawable (scr 'root)) ) --- 168,177 ---- (if (x-reply? reply) (list (reply 'width) (reply 'height)) reply)))) ! )) ;;; Pixmaps. ! (define-class (pixmap width height depth scr &optional id) (locals (drawable (scr 'root)) ) *************** *** 189,195 **** (init (if (or (null? id) (not (number? (car id))) ) ! (me 'scix-announce-id! me) )))) ;;; If a 'fill method is wanted for a pixmap it can be inserted like this: ;;; (pmap 'insert-method! --- 189,195 ---- (init (if (or (null? id) (not (number? (car id))) ) ! (me 'scix-announce-id! me) ))) ;;; If a 'fill method is wanted for a pixmap it can be inserted like this: ;;; (pmap 'insert-method! diff -c -r scix-0.97/src/ scix-0.97-fix/src/ *** scix-0.97/src/ Mon May 7 11:36:22 1990 --- scix-0.97-fix/src/ Thu Nov 8 23:43:18 1990 *************** *** 46,52 **** ;;; (view 'set! <list of graphics>) -- set the display list ;;; (view 'contents) -- spew out the display list ;;; ! (eval-when (compile eval load) (define-lw-class (view) (locals (display-list '())) --- 46,52 ---- ;;; (view 'set! <list of graphics>) -- set the display list ;;; (view 'contents) -- spew out the display list ;;; ! (define-lw-class (view) (locals (display-list '())) *************** *** 65,71 **** (set! (lambda (obj-list) (set! display-list obj-list))) )) - ) ;; End of eval-when --- 65,70 ---- diff -c -r scix-0.97/src/ scix-0.97-fix/src/ *** scix-0.97/src/ Fri Jul 6 00:21:49 1990 --- scix-0.97-fix/src/ Thu Nov 8 23:43:19 1990 *************** *** 47,53 **** (include "../macros/") (include "../macros/") - (eval-when (compile eval load) (define-class (window width height depth x y parent border-width class visual scr &optional id) (locals --- 47,52 ---- *************** *** 214,217 **** (parent 'scix-announce-child me) )))) ) ;; End of define-class - ) ;; End of eval-when --- 213,215 ---- diff -c -r scix-0.97/toolkit/ scix-0.97-fix/toolkit/ *** scix-0.97/toolkit/ Thu Jun 28 23:20:11 1990 --- scix-0.97-fix/toolkit/ Thu Nov 8 23:43:19 1990 *************** *** 15,21 **** ;;; Generic button. ;;; ! (eval-when (compile load eval) (define-class (button width height x y button-semantics gc-draw gc-rev parent scr) (locals --- 15,21 ---- ;;; Generic button. ;;; ! (define-class (button width height x y button-semantics gc-draw gc-rev parent scr) (locals *************** *** 105,115 **** (me 'scix-announce-id! me) (if parent ; i e this is not the root window (parent 'scix-announce-child me) ))) ; all buttons are just "buttons" - ) ;; End of eval-when ;;; Text-button (was push-button-text). ;;; ! (eval-when (compile load eval) (define-class (text-button width height x y legend gc-draw gc-rev gc-inv parent appl scr) (locals --- 105,114 ---- (me 'scix-announce-id! me) (if parent ; i e this is not the root window (parent 'scix-announce-child me) ))) ; all buttons are just "buttons" ;;; Text-button (was push-button-text). ;;; ! (define-class (text-button width height x y legend gc-draw gc-rev gc-inv parent appl scr) (locals *************** *** 147,157 **** (if (eq? input 'ButtonRelease) (appl))))) gc-draw gc-rev parent scr) )) - ) ;; End of eval-when ;;; Pixmap-button (was push-button-pixmap). ;;; ! (eval-when (compile load eval) (define-class (pixmap-button width height x y pixmap gc-draw gc-rev gc-inv parent appl scr) (locals --- 146,156 ---- (if (eq? input 'ButtonRelease) (appl))))) gc-draw gc-rev parent scr) )) + ;;; Pixmap-button (was push-button-pixmap). ;;; ! (define-class (pixmap-button width height x y pixmap gc-draw gc-rev gc-inv parent appl scr) (locals *************** *** 175,185 **** (if (eq? input 'ButtonRelease) (appl))))) gc-draw gc-rev parent scr) )) - ) ;; End of eval-when ;;; Toggle-button. ;;; ! (eval-when (compile load eval) (define-class (toggle-button width height x y gc-draw gc-rev gc-inv parent appl-on appl-off scr) (locals --- 174,184 ---- (if (eq? input 'ButtonRelease) (appl))))) gc-draw gc-rev parent scr) )) + ;;; Toggle-button. ;;; ! (define-class (toggle-button width height x y gc-draw gc-rev gc-inv parent appl-on appl-off scr) (locals *************** *** 210,213 **** (me 'draw button-area gc-draw) (scr 'flush!) ))) 'R #f) )) ! ) ;; End of eval-when --- 209,212 ---- (me 'draw button-area gc-draw) (scr 'flush!) ))) 'R #f) )) !