x3270 v3.0.1 Patch Set #2, 3 November 1993

  This file is in 'patch' format.  To apply, run 'patch <x3270-3.0.1.fix02'.
  If you don't have 'patch', it is readily available on the net.

Improve the handling of outbound data.  Set the socket back to blocking mode
after making the connection, and pop up an error message rather than crashing
on write failures.

*** telnet.c.orig	Fri Oct 22 18:27:57 1993
--- telnet.c	Fri Oct 22 18:27:58 1993
*** 93,98 ****
--- 93,99 ----
  static void	trace_netdata();
  static char	parse_ctlchar();
  static void	net_interrupt();
+ static int	non_blocking();
  /* telnet states */
  #define TNS_DATA	0	/* receiving data */
*** 143,150 ****
  	int			i;
  	int			on = 1;
! #	define CN_FAIL(t) { popup_an_error(t); return -1; }
! #	define CN_SYSFAIL(t) { popup_an_errno(t, errno); return -1; }
  	if (!t_valid) {
  		vintr   = parse_ctlchar(appres.intr);
--- 144,150 ----
  	int			i;
  	int			on = 1;
! #	define close_fail	{ (void) close(sock); sock = -1; return -1; }
  	if (!t_valid) {
  		vintr   = parse_ctlchar(appres.intr);
*** 175,182 ****
  	/* get the tcp/ip service (telnet) */
  	if (sp = getservbyname(portname, "tcp"))
  		port = sp->s_port;
! 	else if (!(port = htons(atoi(portname))))
! 		CN_FAIL("unknown service");
  	/* fill in the socket address of the given host */
  	(void) memset((char *) &sin, 0, sizeof(sin));
--- 175,184 ----
  	/* get the tcp/ip service (telnet) */
  	if (sp = getservbyname(portname, "tcp"))
  		port = sp->s_port;
! 	else if (!(port = htons(atoi(portname)))) {
! 		popup_an_error("unknown service");
! 		return -1;
! 	}
  	/* fill in the socket address of the given host */
  	(void) memset((char *) &sin, 0, sizeof(sin));
*** 200,223 ****
  	sin.sin_port = port;
  	/* create the socket */
! 	if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
! 		CN_SYSFAIL("socket");
  	/* set options for inline out-of-band data and keepalives */
! 	if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_OOBINLINE, (char *)&on, sizeof(on)) < 0)
! 		CN_SYSFAIL("setsockopt(SO_OOBINLINE)");
! 	if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char *)&on, sizeof(on)) < 0)
! 		CN_SYSFAIL("setsockopt(SO_KEEPALIVE)");
  	/* set the socket to be non-delaying */
! #ifdef FIONBIO
! 	i = 1;
! 	if (ioctl(sock, FIONBIO, &i) == -1)
! 		CN_SYSFAIL("ioctl(FIONBIO)");
! #else
! 	if (fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, fcntl(sock, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NDELAY) == -1)
! 		CN_SYSFAIL("fcntl(O_NDELAY)");
! #endif
  	/* connect */
  	if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, sizeof(sin)) == -1) {
--- 202,225 ----
  	sin.sin_port = port;
  	/* create the socket */
! 	if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) {
! 		popup_an_errno("socket", errno);
! 		return -1;
! 	}
  	/* set options for inline out-of-band data and keepalives */
! 	if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_OOBINLINE, (char *)&on, sizeof(on)) < 0) {
! 		popup_an_errno("setsockopt(SO_OOBINLINE)", errno);
! 		close_fail;
! 	}
! 	if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char *)&on, sizeof(on)) < 0) {
! 		popup_an_errno("setsockopt(SO_KEEPALIVE)", errno);
! 		close_fail;
! 	}
  	/* set the socket to be non-delaying */
! 	if (non_blocking(True) < 0)
! 		close_fail;
  	/* connect */
  	if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, sizeof(sin)) == -1) {
*** 233,242 ****
  			popup_an_errno(msg, errno);
! 			return -1;
! 	} else
  	/* clear statistics and flags */
  	(void) time(&ns_time);
--- 235,247 ----
  			popup_an_errno(msg, errno);
! 			close_fail;
! 	} else {
! 		if (non_blocking(False) < 0)
! 			close_fail;
+ 	}
  	/* clear statistics and flags */
  	(void) time(&ns_time);
*** 245,257 ****
  	ns_bsent = 0;
  	ns_rsent = 0;
  	syncing = 0;
! 	check_linemode(1);
  	/* all done */
  	return sock;
! #undef CN_FAIL
! #undef CN_SYSFAIL
   * net_disconnect
--- 250,261 ----
  	ns_bsent = 0;
  	ns_rsent = 0;
  	syncing = 0;
! 	check_linemode(True);
  	/* all done */
  	return sock;
! #undef close_fail
   * net_disconnect
*** 285,290 ****
--- 289,298 ----
  	nr = read(sock, (char *) netrbuf, BUFSZ);
  	if (nr < 0) {
  		if (HALF_CONNECTED && errno == EAGAIN) {
+ 			if (non_blocking(False) < 0) {
+ 				x_disconnect();
+ 				return;
+ 			}
*** 309,314 ****
--- 317,326 ----
  	/* Process the data. */
+ 		if (non_blocking(False) < 0) {
+ 			x_disconnect();
+ 			return;
+ 		}
*** 444,450 ****
  		telnet_state = TNS_DATA;
! 		check_linemode(0);
  	    case TNS_WONT:	/* telnet WONT DO OPTION command */
  		trace("%s\n", opt(c));
--- 456,462 ----
  		telnet_state = TNS_DATA;
! 		check_linemode(False);
  	    case TNS_WONT:	/* telnet WONT DO OPTION command */
  		trace("%s\n", opt(c));
*** 464,470 ****
  		telnet_state = TNS_DATA;
! 		check_linemode(0);
  	    case TNS_DO:	/* telnet PLEASE DO OPTION command */
  		trace("%s\n", opt(c));
--- 476,482 ----
  		telnet_state = TNS_DATA;
! 		check_linemode(False);
  	    case TNS_DO:	/* telnet PLEASE DO OPTION command */
  		trace("%s\n", opt(c));
*** 603,610 ****
  			} else if (errno == EINTR) {
  			} else {
! 				perror("x3270: write(net)");
! 				exit(1);
  		ns_bsent += len;
--- 615,623 ----
  			} else if (errno == EINTR) {
  			} else {
! 				popup_an_errno("write", errno);
! 				x_disconnect();
! 				return;
  		ns_bsent += len;
*** 939,945 ****
  static void
! int init;
  	int wasline = linemode;
--- 952,958 ----
  static void
! Boolean init;
  	int wasline = linemode;
*** 1227,1230 ****
--- 1240,1277 ----
  	c[8].name = 0;
  	return c;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Set blocking/non-blocking mode on the socket.  On error, pops up an error
+  * message, but does not close the socket.
+  */
+ static int
+ non_blocking(on)
+ Boolean on;
+ {
+ #ifdef FIONBIO
+ 	int i = on ? 1 : 0;
+ 	if (ioctl(sock, FIONBIO, &i) < 0) {
+ 		popup_an_errno("ioctl(FIONBIO)", errno);
+ 		return -1;
+ 	}
+ #else
+ 	int f;
+ 	if ((f = fcntl(sock, F_GETFL, 0)) == -1) {
+ 		popup_an_errno("fcntl(F_GETFL)", errno);
+ 		return -1;
+ 	}
+ 	if (on)
+ 		f |= O_NDELAY;
+ 	else
+ 		f &= ~O_NDELAY;
+ 	if (fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, f) < 0) {
+ 		popup_an_errno("fcntl(F_SETFL)", errno);
+ 		return -1;
+ 	}
+ #endif
+ 	return 0;

Fix a 3270 protocol problem with the PT order, which was nulling out fields
it shouldn't have.

*** ctlr.c.orig	Fri Oct 22 18:28:04 1993
--- ctlr.c	Fri Oct 22 18:28:05 1993
*** 791,796 ****
--- 791,802 ----
  					current_fa = &screen_buf[baddr];
  					buffer_addr = baddr;
+ #ifdef notdef
+ 					/*
+ 					 * Under certain conditions, PT is
+ 					 * supposed to null out the field,
+ 					 * but these ain't them.
+ 					 */
  					if (!last_cmd) {
  						while (!IS_FA(screen_buf[baddr])) {
  							ctlr_add(baddr, CG_NULLBLANK);
*** 797,802 ****
--- 803,809 ----
+ #endif
  				else {

Implement screen printing with new PrintText and PrintWindow actions.  Includes
HardPrint for minimal compatibility with v2.65, though using the environment
variable to change the print command doesn't work -- use resources instead.

*** kybd.c.orig	Fri Oct 22 20:00:43 1993
--- kybd.c	Fri Oct 22 20:00:44 1993
*** 1557,1562 ****
--- 1557,1565 ----
  	{ "PF7",	(XtActionProc)key_PF7 },
  	{ "PF8",	(XtActionProc)key_PF8 },
  	{ "PF9",	(XtActionProc)key_PF9 },
+ 	{ "PrintText",	(XtActionProc)print_text },
+ 	{ "HardPrint",	(XtActionProc)print_text },
+ 	{ "PrintWindow",(XtActionProc)print_window },
  	{ "Quit",	(XtActionProc)quit_event },
  	{ "Redraw",	(XtActionProc)redraw },
  	{ "Reset",	(XtActionProc)key_Reset },
*** screen.c.orig	Fri Oct 22 20:00:50 1993
--- screen.c	Fri Oct 22 20:00:52 1993
*** 1813,1815 ****
--- 1813,1885 ----
  	aicon_text = XtNewString(l);
+ /* Print the contents of the screen as text. */
+ void
+ print_text(w, event, params, num_params)
+ Widget	w;
+ XEvent	*event;
+ String	*params;
+ Cardinal *num_params;
+ {
+ 	char *filter = get_resource("printTextCommand");
+ 	FILE *f;
+ 	register int i;
+ 	char c;
+ 	int ns = 0;
+ 	if (*num_params > 0)
+ 		filter = params[0];
+ 	if (*num_params > 1)
+ 		XtWarning("PrintText: extra arguments ignored");
+ 	if (!filter) {
+ 		XtWarning("PrintText: no command defined");
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+ 	if (!(f = popen(filter, "w"))) {
+ 		XtWarning("PrintText: popen of filter failed");
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+ 	for (i = 0; i < ROWS*COLS; i++) {
+ 		if (i && !(i % COLS)) {
+ 			fputc('\n', f);
+ 			ns = 0;
+ 		}
+ 		c = cg2asc[screen_buf[i]];
+ 		if (c == ' ')
+ 			ns++;
+ 		else {
+ 			while (ns) {
+ 				fputc(' ', f);
+ 				ns--;
+ 			}
+ 			fputc(c, f);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	fputc('\n', f);
+ 	pclose(f);
+ }
+ /* Print the contents of the screen as a bitmap. */
+ void
+ print_window(w, event, params, num_params)
+ Widget	w;
+ XEvent	*event;
+ String	*params;
+ Cardinal *num_params;
+ {
+ 	char *filter = get_resource("printWindowCommand");
+ 	char *fb = XtMalloc(strlen(filter) + 16);
+ 	if (*num_params > 0)
+ 		filter = params[0];
+ 	if (*num_params > 1)
+ 		XtWarning("PrintWindow: extra arguments ignored");
+ 	if (!filter) {
+ 		XtWarning("PrintWindow: no command defined");
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+ 	sprintf(fb, filter, XtWindow(toplevel));
+ 	system(fb);
+ 	XtFree(fb);
+ }
*** X3270.ad.orig	Fri Oct 22 20:00:56 1993
--- X3270.ad	Fri Oct 22 20:00:57 1993
*** 2,8 ****
  ! piece of text but error and trace messages is defined here.
  ! Basics
! x3270.adVersion:	3.0.1
  ! The following resource definitions are commented out, because they are
  ! the defaults defined in x3270 itself.  They are listed here so you can
--- 2,8 ----
  ! piece of text but error and trace messages is defined here.
  ! Basics
! x3270.adVersion:
  ! The following resource definitions are commented out, because they are
  ! the defaults defined in x3270 itself.  They are listed here so you can
*** 119,124 ****
--- 119,128 ----
  x3270*optionsMenu.model4Option.label:		Model 4 (43x80)
  x3270*optionsMenu.model5Option.label:		Model 5 (27x132)
+ ! Print commands
+ x3270.printTextCommand:		lpr
+ x3270.printWindowCommand:	xwd -id %d | xpr | lpr
+ !
  ! Messages
  x3270.message.reconnect:			Reconnect to
  x3270.message.model:				Model
*** 261,266 ****
--- 265,271 ----
  	<Key>F10:		PF10()\n\
  	<Key>F11:		PF11()\n\
  	<Key>F12:		PF12()\n\
+ 	Meta<Key>b:		PrintWindow()\n\
  	Meta<Key>c:		Clear()\n\
  	Meta<Key>r:		Reset()\n\
  	Meta<Key>1:		PA1()\n\
*** 271,276 ****
--- 276,282 ----
  	Meta<Key>d:		Delete()\n\
  	Meta<Key>h:		Home()\n\
  	Meta<Key>l:		Redraw()\n\
+ 	Meta<Key>p:		PrintText()\n\
  	Meta<Key>q:		Quit()\n\
  	Ctrl<Key>u:		DeleteField()\n\
  	Ctrl<Key>w:		DeleteWord()\n\
*** x3270.man.orig	Fri Oct 22 20:01:01 1993
--- x3270.man	Fri Oct 22 20:01:02 1993
*** 501,511 ****
--- 501,513 ----
  Meta<Key>2:	PA2()
  Meta<Key>3:	PA3()
  Meta<Key>a:	Attn()
+ Meta<Key>b:	PrintWindow()
  Meta<Key>c:	Clear()
  Meta<Key>d:	Delete()
  Meta<Key>h:	Home()
  Meta<Key>i:	Insert()
  Meta<Key>l:	Redraw()
+ Meta<Key>p:	PrintText()
  Meta<Key>q:	Quit()
  Meta<Key>r:	Reset()
  Ctrl<Key>u:	DeleteField()
*** 584,589 ****
--- 586,593 ----
  Newline	move cursor to first field on next line (or send ASCII LF)
  PA1-PA3	Program Attention AID
  PF1-PF24	Program Function AID
+ PrintText(\fIcommand\fP)	print screen text on printer
+ PrintWindow(\fIcommand\fP)	print screen image (bitmap) on printer
  Quit	exit \fBx3270\fP
  Redraw	redraw window
  Reset	reset locked keyboard
*** 829,834 ****
--- 833,873 ----
  apl_uptackjot	ef
+ Screen printing is handled through the PrintText and PrintWindow actions.
+ .PP
+ The PrintText action (usually assigned to the key <Meta>p) sends the current
+ screen image to the printer as 
+ characters.
+ The default command used to print the data is controlled by
+ the "x3270.printTextCommand" resource; the default is
+ .BR lpr .
+ You may also use a keymap definition to pass a print command the PrintText
+ action itself.
+ The command receives the screen text as its standard input.
+ For example, the following keymap will save the screen text in a file:
+ .IP
+ Meta<Key>f: PrintText("cat >screen.image")
+ .PP
+ Note: HardPrint is an alias for PrintText.
+ .PP
+ The PrintWindow action (usually assigned to the key <Meta>b) sends the current
+ screen image to the printer as a bitmap.
+ The default command used to print the data is controlled by
+ the "x3270.printWindowCommand" resource; the default is
+ .IP
+ .BR "xwd -id %d | xpr | lpr" .
+ .PP
+ You may also use a keymap definition to pass a print command to the
+ PrintWindow action itself.
+ If the command contains the text "%d", the window ID of
+ .B x3270
+ will be substituted before it is run.
+ For example, the following keymap will pop up a duplicate of the current
+ screen image:
+ .IP
+ Meta<Key>g: PrintWindow("xwd -id %d | xwud &")
  Cursor highlighting will not work with if you use the
  .B NoTitleFocus
*** globals.h.orig	Fri Oct 22 20:01:06 1993
--- globals.h	Fri Oct 22 20:01:07 1993
*** 283,288 ****
--- 283,290 ----
  extern void mcursor_waiting();
  extern void mcursor_locked();
  extern void quit_event();
+ extern void print_text();
+ extern void print_window();
  extern void redraw();
  extern void ring_bell();
  extern void screen_change_model();
*** version.txt.orig	Mon Oct 25 14:45:58 1993
--- version.txt	Mon Oct 25 14:45:58 1993
*** 1 ****
! 3.0.1
--- 1 ----

Implement a "-once" option, which causes x3270 to exit when a host disconnects.

*** x3270.c.orig	Fri Oct 22 20:59:40 1993
--- x3270.c	Fri Oct 22 20:59:42 1993
*** 62,67 ****
--- 62,68 ----
  enum cstate	cstate = NOT_CONNECTED;
  Boolean		ansi_host = False;
  Boolean		ever_3270 = False;
+ Boolean		exiting = False;
  /* Statics */
  static XtInputId	ns_read_id;
*** 86,91 ****
--- 87,93 ----
  	{ "-keymap",	".keymap",	XrmoptionSepArg,	NULL },
  	{ "-model",	".model",	XrmoptionSepArg,	NULL },
  	{ "-mono",	".mono",	XrmoptionNoArg,		"true" },
+ 	{ "-once",	".once",	XrmoptionNoArg,		"true" },
  	{ "-port",	".port",	XrmoptionSepArg,	NULL },
  	{ "-tn",	".termName",	XrmoptionSepArg,	NULL },
*** 128,133 ****
--- 130,137 ----
  	  offset(visual_bell), XtRString, "false" },
  	{ "aplMode", "AplMode", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
  	  offset(apl_mode), XtRString, "false" },
+ 	{ "once", "once", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
+ 	  offset(once), XtRString, "false" },
  	{ "model", "Model", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
  	  offset(model), XtRString, "4", },
  	{ "keymap", "Keymap", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
*** 580,585 ****
--- 584,595 ----
  		net_sock = -1;
+ 		if (CONNECTED && appres.once) {
+ 			if (error_popup_visible)
+ 				exiting = True;
+ 			else
+ 				exit(0);
+ 		}
  		cstate = NOT_CONNECTED;
*** x3270.man.orig	Fri Oct 22 20:59:46 1993
--- x3270.man	Fri Oct 22 20:59:47 1993
*** 100,105 ****
--- 100,110 ----
  .B \-mono
  Forces monochrome emulation on a color display.
+ .B \-once
+ Causes
+ .B x3270
+ to exit after a host disconnects.
+ .TP
  .BI \-port " n"
  Specifies a different
*** globals.h.orig	Fri Oct 22 20:59:51 1993
--- globals.h	Fri Oct 22 20:59:52 1993
*** 42,47 ****
--- 42,48 ----
  	Boolean active_icon;
  	Boolean label_icon;
  	Boolean	apl_mode;
+ 	Boolean	once;
  	XtTranslations	default_translations;
  	Cursor	wait_mcursor;
  	Cursor	locked_mcursor;
*** 92,97 ****
--- 93,100 ----
  extern Font		efont;
  extern XFontStruct      **efontinfo;
  extern char		*efontname;
+ extern Boolean		error_popup_visible;
+ extern Boolean		exiting;
  extern char		*full_current_host;
  extern Boolean		*latin1_font;
  extern Pixmap		gray;
*** popups.c.orig	Fri Oct 22 20:59:56 1993
--- popups.c	Fri Oct 22 20:59:57 1993
*** 362,367 ****
--- 362,368 ----
  static Widget error_shell = NULL;
  static Widget error_form;
+ Boolean error_popup_visible;
  /* Called when OK is pressed on the error popup */
*** 374,379 ****
--- 375,392 ----
+ /* Called when the error popup is closed */
+ static void
+ error_popdown(w, client_data, call_data)
+ Widget w;
+ XtPointer client_data;
+ XtPointer call_data;
+ {
+ 	error_popup_visible = False;
+ 	if (exiting)
+ 		exit(1);
+ }
*** 387,392 ****
--- 400,407 ----
  	XtAddCallback(error_shell, XtNpopupCallback, place_popup,
  	    (XtPointer) CenterP);
+ 	XtAddCallback(error_shell, XtNpopdownCallback, error_popdown,
+ 	    (XtPointer) NULL);
  	/* Create a dialog in the popup */
*** 420,425 ****
--- 435,441 ----
  	XtVaSetValues(error_form, XtNlabel, msg, NULL);
+ 	error_popup_visible = True;
  	popup_popup(error_shell, XtGrabExclusive);

By popular demand, restore the combination of the MoveCursor and select-start
actions, now called move-select.  (The default is still to have them separate.)
If you want to use this action, add the following keymap definition:
    !<Btn1Down>: move-select()\n\

*** kybd.c.orig	Mon Oct 25 11:28:08 1993
--- kybd.c	Mon Oct 25 11:28:10 1993
*** 1575,1580 ****
--- 1575,1581 ----
  	{ "ignore",	(XtActionProc)ignore },
  	{ "start-extend",	(XtActionProc)start_extend },
  	{ "insert-selection",	(XtActionProc)insert_selection },
+ 	{ "move-select",	(XtActionProc)move_select },
  	{ "select-end",	(XtActionProc)select_end },
  	{ "select-extend",	(XtActionProc)select_extend },
  	{ "select-start",	(XtActionProc)select_start },
*** select.c.orig	Mon Oct 25 11:28:15 1993
--- select.c	Mon Oct 25 11:28:16 1993
*** 68,74 ****
--- 68,77 ----
  #define NS		5
  static Atom		want_sel[NS];
  static Atom		own_sel[NS];
+ static Boolean		cursor_moved = False;
+ static int		saved_cursor_addr;
  int			n_owned = -1;
+ Boolean	any_selected = False;
  extern Boolean		kybdlock;
  extern unsigned char	*screen_buf;
*** 170,182 ****
  	down1_time = down_time = event_time(event);
  	down1_x = event_x(event);
  	down1_y = event_y(event);
! 	if (down_time - up_time > CLICK_INTERVAL)
  		num_clicks = 0;
  	if (num_clicks == 0)
   * Begin extending the current selection.
   * Usually bound to <Btn3Down>.
--- 173,229 ----
  	down1_time = down_time = event_time(event);
  	down1_x = event_x(event);
  	down1_y = event_y(event);
! 	if (down_time - up_time > CLICK_INTERVAL) {
  		num_clicks = 0;
+ 		/* Commit any previous cursor move. */
+ 		cursor_moved = False;
+ 	}
  	if (num_clicks == 0)
+  * Alternate form of select_start, which combines cursor motion with selection.
+  * Usually bound to <Btn1Down> in a user-specified keymap.
+  */
+ void
+ move_select(w, event, params, num_params)
+ Widget w;
+ XEvent *event;
+ String *params;
+ Cardinal num_params;
+ {
+ 	int x, y;
+ 	register int baddr;
+ 	if (w != *screen)
+ 		return;
+ 	BOUNDED_XY(event, x, y);
+ 	baddr = ROWCOL_TO_BA(y, x);
+ 	f_start = f_end = v_start = v_end = baddr;
+ 	down1_time = down_time = event_time(event);
+ 	down1_x = event_x(event);
+ 	down1_y = event_y(event);
+ 	if (down_time - up_time > CLICK_INTERVAL) {
+ 		num_clicks = 0;
+ 		/* Commit any previous cursor move. */
+ 		cursor_moved = False;
+ 	}
+ 	if (num_clicks == 0) {
+ 		if (any_selected) {
+ 			unhighlight();
+ 		} else {
+ 			cursor_moved = True;
+ 			saved_cursor_addr = cursor_addr;
+ 			cursor_move(baddr);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ }
+ /*
   * Begin extending the current selection.
   * Usually bound to <Btn3Down>.
*** 239,244 ****
--- 286,297 ----
  		down1_time = 0L;
+ 	/* If we moved the 3270 cursor on the first click, put it back. */
+ 	if (cursor_moved) {
+ 		cursor_move(saved_cursor_addr);
+ 		cursor_moved = False;
+ 	}
  	BOUNDED_XY(event, x, y);
  	baddr = ROWCOL_TO_BA(y, x);
*** 318,323 ****
--- 371,383 ----
  	    case 2:
+ 		/*
+ 		 * If we moved the 3270 cursor on the first click, put it back.
+ 		 */
+ 		if (cursor_moved) {
+ 			cursor_move(saved_cursor_addr);
+ 			cursor_moved = False;
+ 		}
  		select_word(f_start, event_time(event));
  	    case 3:
*** 360,366 ****
  extern Boolean	screen_changed;
  extern unsigned int	**x_image;
- Boolean	any_selected = False;
  static Time	sel_time;
--- 420,425 ----
*** x3270.man.orig	Mon Oct 25 11:28:20 1993
--- x3270.man	Mon Oct 25 11:28:21 1993
*** 607,613 ****
  (the following are similar to xterm)
  ignore	do nothing
! insert\-selection	paste selection
  select\-extend	move the end of a selection
  select\-start	mark the beginning of a selection
  start\-extend	begin marking the end of a selection
--- 607,614 ----
  (the following are similar to xterm)
  ignore	do nothing
! insert\-selection([\fIatom\fP[\fI,atom...\fP]])	paste selection
! move-select	a combination of \fBMoveCursor\fP and \fBselect\-start\fP
  select\-extend	move the end of a selection
  select\-start	mark the beginning of a selection
  start\-extend	begin marking the end of a selection
*** globals.h.orig	Mon Oct 25 11:28:26 1993
--- globals.h	Mon Oct 25 11:28:27 1993
*** 306,311 ****
--- 306,312 ----
  /* select.c */
  extern void MoveCursor();
  extern Boolean area_is_selected();
+ extern void move_select();
  extern void select_end();
  extern void select_extend();
  extern void select_start();

For easier configuration debugging, report the actual keymaps that were found
on the "About x3270" popup.

*** x3270.c.orig	Mon Oct 25 12:06:01 1993
--- x3270.c	Mon Oct 25 12:06:03 1993
*** 744,773 ****
  	buf = xs_buffer("keymap.%s", name);
  	if (translations = get_resource(buf)) {
! 		add_trans(translations);
  	buf = xs_buffer("keymap.%s.user", name);
  	if (translations = get_resource(buf)) {
! 		add_trans(translations);
! 	if (!any) {
! 		buf = xs_buffer("Can't find keymap '%s'", name);
! 		XtWarning(buf);
! 		XtFree(buf);
! 	}
  static void
! add_trans(translations)
  char *translations;
  	struct trans_list *t;
  	t = (struct trans_list *)XtMalloc(sizeof(*t));
  	t->translations = translations;
  	t->next = NULL;
  	*last_trans = t;
--- 744,772 ----
  	buf = xs_buffer("keymap.%s", name);
  	if (translations = get_resource(buf)) {
! 		add_trans(name, translations);
  	buf = xs_buffer("keymap.%s.user", name);
  	if (translations = get_resource(buf)) {
! 		add_trans(buf + 7, translations);
! 	if (!any)
! 		xs_warning("Can't find keymap '%s'", name);
  static void
! add_trans(name, translations)
! char *name;
  char *translations;
  	struct trans_list *t;
  	t = (struct trans_list *)XtMalloc(sizeof(*t));
+ 	t->name = XtNewString(name);
  	t->translations = translations;
  	t->next = NULL;
  	*last_trans = t;
*** globals.h.orig	Mon Oct 25 12:06:07 1993
--- globals.h	Mon Oct 25 12:06:09 1993
*** 115,120 ****
--- 115,121 ----
  extern enum kp_placement { kp_right, kp_bottom, kp_integral } kp_placement;
  extern struct trans_list {
+ 	char			*name;
  	char			*translations;
  	struct trans_list	*next;
  } *trans_list;
*** popups.c.orig	Mon Oct 25 12:06:12 1993
--- popups.c	Mon Oct 25 12:06:13 1993
*** 480,485 ****
--- 480,486 ----
  extern char ttype_val[];
  extern Pixmap icon;
  extern Boolean *overstrike;
+ extern struct trans_list *trans_list;
  /* Called when OK is pressed on the options popup */
*** 582,588 ****
  	Widget w = NULL, w_prev = NULL;
  	Widget v = NULL;
  	int vd = 4;
! 	char fbuf[128];
  	char *ftype;
  	char *xbuf;
  	Dimension height, width;
--- 583,589 ----
  	Widget w = NULL, w_prev = NULL;
  	Widget v = NULL;
  	int vd = 4;
! 	char fbuf[1024];
  	char *ftype;
  	char *xbuf;
  	Dimension height, width;
*** 661,668 ****
  		MAKE_LABEL(get_message("defaultCharacterSet"), 4);
  	if (appres.key_map) {
  		MAKE_LABEL(get_message("keyboardMap"), 4)
! 		MAKE_VALUE(appres.key_map);
  	} else
  		MAKE_LABEL(get_message("defaultKeyboardMap"), 4);
  	if (appres.compose_map) {
--- 662,677 ----
  		MAKE_LABEL(get_message("defaultCharacterSet"), 4);
  	if (appres.key_map) {
+ 		struct trans_list *t;
+ 		fbuf[0] = '\0';
+ 		for (t = trans_list; t; t = t->next) {
+ 			if (fbuf[0])
+ 				(void) strcat(fbuf, ",");
+ 			(void) strcat(fbuf, t->name);
+ 		}
  		MAKE_LABEL(get_message("keyboardMap"), 4)
! 		MAKE_VALUE(fbuf);
  	} else
  		MAKE_LABEL(get_message("defaultKeyboardMap"), 4);
  	if (appres.compose_map) {

Additional keymap modifier definitions to cover the F11 and F12 keys under
Sun's XNeWS server.  Yes they are ugly, but OpenWindows and X11R5 use different
names for the same keys, and don't recognize each other's, so you can't put
them all in a common definition.

*** X3270.ad.orig	Mon Oct 25 14:25:52 1993
--- X3270.ad	Mon Oct 25 14:25:53 1993
*** 551,556 ****
--- 551,574 ----
  	!<Btn3Up>:		insert-selection(CLIPBOARD,PRIMARY)\n\
  	!<BtnUp>:		select-end(CLIPBOARD,PRIMARY)\n\
  	!<Key>F18:		insert-selection(CLIPBOARD,PRIMARY)\n
+ ! Additional OpenWindows keymap modifier.  Defines F11 and F12 keys on the Sun
+ ! Type 4 keyboard.  For use only with X11R4-based libraries such as OpenWindows
+ ! 3.  (If you are an OpenWindows-only site, you might as well just glue these
+ ! modifiers onto the end of the sun-k4 keymap.)
+ x3270.keymap.r4k4: \
+ 	!Shift<Key>SunXK_F36:	PF23()\n\
+ 	!Shift<Key>SunXK_F37:	PF24()\n\
+ 	<Key>SunXK_F36:		PF11()\n\
+ 	<Key>SunXK_F37:		PF12()\n
+ ! Truly obscure modifer, also for defining F11 and F12 on a Sun Type 4
+ ! keyboard.  For use with a client linked with X11R5 libraries, communicating
+ ! with a Sun XNeWS server.  (The MIT X11R5 server reports these keys as F11 and
+ ! F12, so there is no need for extra definitions.)
+ x3270.keymap.r5k4: \
+ 	!Shift<Key>SunF36:	PF23()\n\
+ 	!Shift<Key>SunF37:	PF24()\n\
+ 	<Key>SunF36:		PF11()\n\
+ 	<Key>SunF37:		PF12()\n
  ! APL keymap modifier.
  x3270.keymap.apl:	#override \
  	!:Alt<Key>bracketleft:	Key(apl_leftarrow)\n\

Trivial fix to add the charset default to the app-defaults file, so you don't
have to go fishing through the source to find the name or value.

*** X3270.ad.orig	Tue Oct 26 08:58:38 1993
--- X3270.ad	Tue Oct 26 08:58:39 1993
*** 36,41 ****
--- 36,42 ----
  ! x3270.eof:			^D
  !   Miscellaneous configuration parameters
+ ! x3270.charset:		us
  ! x3270.composeMap:		latin1
  ! x3270.keypad:			right
  ! x3270.keypadOn:		false

Put in missing AID keys in the ANSI-mode translation table.

*** kybd.c.orig	Wed Oct 27 14:00:07 1993
--- kybd.c	Wed Oct 27 14:00:08 1993
*** 98,104 ****
  			AID_PF7, AID_PF8, AID_PF9, AID_PF10, AID_PF11,
  			AID_PF12, AID_PF13, AID_PF14, AID_PF15, AID_PF16,
! 			AID_PF17, AID_PF18, AID_PF19, AID_PF20
  		static unsigned char pa_xlate[] = { 
  			AID_PA1, AID_PA2, AID_PA3
--- 98,105 ----
  			AID_PF7, AID_PF8, AID_PF9, AID_PF10, AID_PF11,
  			AID_PF12, AID_PF13, AID_PF14, AID_PF15, AID_PF16,
! 			AID_PF17, AID_PF18, AID_PF19, AID_PF20,
! 			AID_PF21, AID_PF22, AID_PF23, AID_PF24
  		static unsigned char pa_xlate[] = { 
  			AID_PA1, AID_PA2, AID_PA3

Fix a problem with multiple select targets.

*** select.c.orig	Wed Oct 27 14:00:13 1993
--- select.c	Wed Oct 27 14:00:14 1993
*** 642,675 ****
  	any_selected = True;
  	screen_changed = True;
  	if (really) {
- 		Boolean got_one = False;
! 		 * Check for any overlap between the owned and requested
! 		 * selections.
! 		for (i = 0; !got_one && i < NS; i++) {
  			if (want_sel[i] == None)
! 			for (j = 0; !got_one && j < NS; j++)
! 				if (own_sel[j] == want_sel[i])
! 					got_one = True;
! 		}
! 		if (!got_one) {
! 			/*
! 			 * Nope, gotta grab a new one.
! 			 */
! 			disown_sels();
! 			for (i = 0; i < NS; i++) {
! 				if (want_sel[i] == None)
! 					continue;
! 				if (XtOwnSelection(*screen, want_sel[i], t,
! 				    convert_sel, lose_sel, NULL))
! 					own_sel[n_owned++] = want_sel[i];
- 			if (!n_owned)
- 				unhighlight();
  		sel_time = t;
--- 642,680 ----
  	any_selected = True;
  	screen_changed = True;
  	if (really) {
! 		 * Try to grab any new selections we may want.
! 		for (i = 0; i < NS; i++) {
! 			Boolean already_own = False;
  			if (want_sel[i] == None)
! 			/* Check if we already own it. */
! 			for (j = 0; j < NS; j++)
! 				if (own_sel[j] == want_sel[i]) {
! 					already_own = True;
! 					break;
! 				}
! 			if (already_own)
! 				continue;
! 			/* Find an empty slot for it. */
! 			for (j = 0; j < NS; j++)
! 				if (own_sel[j] == None)
! 					break;
! 			if (j >= NS)
! 				continue;
! 			if (XtOwnSelection(*screen, want_sel[i], t,
! 			    convert_sel, lose_sel, NULL)) {
! 				n_owned++;
! 				own_sel[j] = want_sel[i];
+ 		if (!n_owned)
+ 			unhighlight();
  		sel_time = t;

Fix the cut/paste definitions in the "ow" keymap modifier, and remove the
redundant Up/Down definitions in the Sun keymaps, which were keeping the
Left2 and Right2 keys from working.

*** X3270.ad.orig	Wed Oct 27 14:00:18 1993
--- X3270.ad	Wed Oct 27 14:00:19 1993
*** 222,230 ****
  	!Shift<Key>Tab:		BackTab()\n\
  	<Key>Tab:		Tab()\n\
  	<Key>Home:		Home()\n\
! 	<Key>Left:		Left()\n\
  	!Meta<Key>Left:		Left2()\n\
! 	<Key>Right: 		Right()\n\
  	!Meta<Key>Right:	Right2()\n\
  	<Key>Up:		Up()\n\
  	<Key>Down:		Down()\n\
--- 222,230 ----
  	!Shift<Key>Tab:		BackTab()\n\
  	<Key>Tab:		Tab()\n\
  	<Key>Home:		Home()\n\
! 	!<Key>Left:		Left()\n\
  	!Meta<Key>Left:		Left2()\n\
! 	!<Key>Right: 		Right()\n\
  	!Meta<Key>Right:	Right2()\n\
  	<Key>Up:		Up()\n\
  	<Key>Down:		Down()\n\
*** 445,455 ****
  	<Key>F26:		EraseInput()\n\
  	<Key>F27:		Clear()\n\
  	<Key>F31:		Home()\n\
- 	<Key>Up:		Up()\n\
  	<Key>F29:		Redraw()\n\
- 	<Key>Left:		Left()\n\
- 	<Key>Right:		Right()\n\
- 	<Key>Down:		Down()\n\
  	<Key>KP_Enter:		Newline()\n\
  	<Key>Insert:		Insert()\n\
  	<Key>F35:		Delete()\n\
--- 445,451 ----
*** 480,490 ****
  	<Key>F26:		EraseInput()\n\
  	<Key>F27:		Clear()\n\
  	<Key>F31:		Home()\n\
- 	<Key>Up:		Up()\n\
  	<Key>F29:		Redraw()\n\
- 	<Key>Left:		Left()\n\
- 	<Key>Right:		Right()\n\
- 	<Key>Down:		Down()\n\
  	<Key>KP_Enter:		Newline()\n\
  	<Key>Insert:		Insert()\n\
  	<Key>F35:		Delete()\n\
--- 476,482 ----
*** 540,547 ****
  	<Key>KP_3:		PF24()\n\
  	<Key>KP_0:		PA2()\n\
  	<Key>KP_Decimal:	PA1()\n
! ! Keymap modifier for OpenWindows (swaps buttons 2 and 3; defines Paste key;
! ! uses CLIPBOARD).
  x3270.keymap.ow:	#override \
  	!<Btn1Down>:		select-start()\n\
  	!<Btn1Motion>:		select-extend()\n\
--- 532,539 ----
  	<Key>KP_3:		PF24()\n\
  	<Key>KP_0:		PA2()\n\
  	<Key>KP_Decimal:	PA1()\n
! ! Keymap modifier for OpenWindows (makes button 2 the extend key; defines the
! ! Paste key; uses CLIPBOARD).
  x3270.keymap.ow:	#override \
  	!<Btn1Down>:		select-start()\n\
  	!<Btn1Motion>:		select-extend()\n\
*** 549,556 ****
  	!<Btn2Motion>:		select-extend()\n\
  	!<Btn3Down>:		ignore()\n\
  	!<Btn3Motion>:		ignore()\n\
! 	!<Btn3Up>:		insert-selection(CLIPBOARD,PRIMARY)\n\
! 	!<BtnUp>:		select-end(CLIPBOARD,PRIMARY)\n\
  	!<Key>F18:		insert-selection(CLIPBOARD,PRIMARY)\n
  ! Additional OpenWindows keymap modifier.  Defines F11 and F12 keys on the Sun
  ! Type 4 keyboard.  For use only with X11R4-based libraries such as OpenWindows
--- 541,548 ----
  	!<Btn2Motion>:		select-extend()\n\
  	!<Btn3Down>:		ignore()\n\
  	!<Btn3Motion>:		ignore()\n\
! 	<Btn3Up>:		insert-selection(CLIPBOARD,PRIMARY)\n\
! 	<BtnUp>:		select-end(CLIPBOARD,PRIMARY)\n\
  	!<Key>F18:		insert-selection(CLIPBOARD,PRIMARY)\n
  ! Additional OpenWindows keymap modifier.  Defines F11 and F12 keys on the Sun
  ! Type 4 keyboard.  For use only with X11R4-based libraries such as OpenWindows

Don't give up the selection just because the region on the screen changed.

*** select.c.orig	Wed Oct 27 14:14:27 1993
--- select.c	Wed Oct 27 14:14:28 1993
*** 98,106 ****
  		y = ROWS - 1;		\
- static void unhighlight();
  static void
  select_word(baddr, t)
--- 98,103 ----
*** 179,185 ****
  		cursor_moved = False;
  	if (num_clicks == 0)
! 		unhighlight();
--- 176,182 ----
  		cursor_moved = False;
  	if (num_clicks == 0)
! 		unselect(0, ROWS*COLS);
*** 214,220 ****
  	if (num_clicks == 0) {
  		if (any_selected) {
! 			unhighlight();
  		} else {
  			cursor_moved = True;
  			saved_cursor_addr = cursor_addr;
--- 211,217 ----
  	if (num_clicks == 0) {
  		if (any_selected) {
! 			unselect(0, ROWS*COLS);
  		} else {
  			cursor_moved = True;
  			saved_cursor_addr = cursor_addr;
*** 521,527 ****
  	if (!n_owned)
! 		unhighlight();
  static void
--- 518,524 ----
  	if (!n_owned)
! 		unselect(0, ROWS*COLS);
  static void
*** 548,554 ****
  	int start_row, end_row;
  	int ix = 0;
! 	unhighlight();
  	if (start > end) {
  		int exch = end;
--- 545,551 ----
  	int start_row, end_row;
  	int ix = 0;
! 	unselect(0, ROWS*COLS);
  	if (start > end) {
  		int exch = end;
*** 674,680 ****
  		if (!n_owned)
! 			unhighlight();
  		sel_time = t;
--- 671,677 ----
  		if (!n_owned)
! 			unselect(0, ROWS*COLS);
  		sel_time = t;
*** 695,716 ****
!  * Unhighlight the region of selected text.  Return whether or not anything was
!  * highlighted before.
- static void
- unhighlight()
- {
- 	if (any_selected) {
- 		(void) memset((char *) selected, 0, (ROWS*COLS + 7) / 8);
- 		screen_changed = True;
- 		any_selected = False;
- 	}
- }
- /*
-  * Give up the selection, because a region of the screen has changed.
-  */
  unselect(baddr, len)
--- 692,699 ----
!  * Unhighlight the region of selected text -- but don't give up the selection.
  unselect(baddr, len)
*** 717,721 ****
  int baddr;
  int len;
! 	disown_sels();
--- 700,708 ----
  int baddr;
  int len;
! 	if (any_selected) {
! 		(void) memset((char *) selected, 0, (ROWS*COLS + 7) / 8);
! 		screen_changed = True;
! 		any_selected = False;
! 	}

Fix the last instance of x3270's inability to skip zero-length fields, by
calling common code in all five instances.  Yes, it makes the code smaller.

*** kybd.c.orig	Thu Oct 28 18:51:25 1993
--- kybd.c	Thu Oct 28 18:51:26 1993
*** 85,90 ****
--- 85,114 ----
+  * Find the next unprotected field.  Returns the address following the
+  * unprotected attribute byte, or 0 if no nonzero-width unprotected field
+  * can be found.
+  */
+ static int
+ next_unprotected(baddr0)
+ int baddr0;
+ {
+ 	register int baddr, nbaddr;
+ 	nbaddr = baddr0;
+ 	do {
+ 		baddr = nbaddr;
+ 		INC_BA(nbaddr);
+ 		if (IS_FA(screen_buf[baddr]) &&
+ 		    !FA_IS_PROTECTED(screen_buf[baddr]) &&
+ 		    !IS_FA(screen_buf[nbaddr]))
+ 			return nbaddr;
+ 	} while (nbaddr != baddr0);
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+ /*
   * Handle an AID (Attention IDentifier) key.  This is the common stuff that
   * gets executed for all AID keys (PFs, PAs, Clear and etc).
*** 214,231 ****
! 			/* Implement auto-skip. */
  			if (IS_FA(screen_buf[baddr]) &&
! 			    FA_IS_SKIP(screen_buf[baddr])) {
! 				do {
! 					INC_BA(baddr);
! 				} while (!IS_FA(screen_buf[baddr]) ||
! 					 FA_IS_PROTECTED(screen_buf[baddr]));
! 				INC_BA(baddr);
! 			}
! 			/* Skip field attribute bytes. */
  			else while (IS_FA(screen_buf[baddr]))
--- 238,249 ----
! 			/* Implement auto-skip, and don't land on attribute
! 			   bytes. */
  			if (IS_FA(screen_buf[baddr]) &&
! 			    FA_IS_SKIP(screen_buf[baddr]))
! 				baddr = next_unprotected(baddr);
  			else while (IS_FA(screen_buf[baddr]))
*** 306,311 ****
--- 324,330 ----
  static void key_AltCr()	{ do_toggle(ALTCURSOR); }
  void key_MonoCase()    	{ do_toggle(MONOCASE); }
   * Tab forward to next field.
*** 313,320 ****
- 	register int	baddr, nbaddr, count = 0;
  	if (IN_ANSI) {
--- 332,337 ----
*** 321,344 ****
  	if (kybdlock)
! 	nbaddr = cursor_addr;
! 	if (!IS_FA(screen_buf[nbaddr]))
! 		INC_BA(nbaddr);
! 	while (True) {
! 		baddr = nbaddr;
! 		INC_BA(nbaddr);
! 		if (IS_FA(screen_buf[baddr])
! 		    &&  !FA_IS_PROTECTED(screen_buf[baddr])
! 		    &&  !IS_FA(screen_buf[nbaddr]))
! 			break;
! 		if (baddr == cursor_addr && count != 0) {
! 			cursor_move(0);
! 			return;
! 		}
! 		count++;
! 	}
! 	INC_BA(baddr);
! 	cursor_move(baddr);
--- 338,344 ----
  	if (kybdlock)
! 	cursor_move(next_unprotected(cursor_addr));
*** 404,411 ****
- 	register int	baddr, nbaddr;
  	if (IN_ANSI) {
--- 404,409 ----
*** 416,435 ****
! 	baddr = nbaddr = 0;
! 	do {
! 		INC_BA(nbaddr);
! 		if (IS_FA(screen_buf[baddr]) &&
! 		    !FA_IS_PROTECTED(screen_buf[baddr]) &&
! 		    !IS_FA(screen_buf[nbaddr])) {
! 			cursor_move(nbaddr);
! 			return;
! 		}
! 		baddr = nbaddr;
! 	} while (baddr);
! 	/* No unprotected fields */
! 	cursor_move(0);
--- 414,420 ----
! 	cursor_move(next_unprotected(ROWS*COLS-1));
*** 581,604 ****
  	fa = get_field_attribute(baddr);
  	if (fa != (&screen_buf[baddr]) && !FA_IS_PROTECTED(*fa))
! 	else {	/* find next unprotected */
! 		if (fa == (&screen_buf[baddr]) && !FA_IS_PROTECTED(*fa)) {
! 			INC_BA(baddr);
! 		} else {
! 			while (True) {
! 				INC_BA(baddr);
! 				if (IS_FA(screen_buf[baddr])
! 				    &&  !FA_IS_PROTECTED(screen_buf[baddr]))
! 					break;
! 				if (baddr == cursor_addr) {
! 					cursor_move(0);
! 					return;
! 				}
! 			}
! 			INC_BA(baddr);
! 		}
! 		cursor_move(baddr);
! 	}
--- 566,573 ----
  	fa = get_field_attribute(baddr);
  	if (fa != (&screen_buf[baddr]) && !FA_IS_PROTECTED(*fa))
! 	else
! 		cursor_move(next_unprotected(baddr));
*** 608,635 ****
- 	register int	baddr, nbaddr;
  	if (IN_ANSI)
! 	if (key_Character(CG_DUP)) {
! 		nbaddr = cursor_addr;
! 		INC_BA(nbaddr);
! 		while (True) {
! 			baddr = nbaddr;
! 			INC_BA(nbaddr);
! 			if (IS_FA(screen_buf[baddr])
! 			    &&  !FA_IS_PROTECTED(screen_buf[baddr])
! 			    &&  !IS_FA(screen_buf[nbaddr]))
! 				break;
! 			if (baddr == cursor_addr) {
! 				cursor_move(0);
! 				return;
! 			}
! 		}
! 		INC_BA(baddr);
! 		cursor_move(baddr);
! 	}
--- 577,586 ----
  	if (IN_ANSI)
! 	if (key_Character(CG_DUP))
! 		cursor_move(next_unprotected(cursor_addr));

Added three new actions: Erase(), a more Unix-like backspace; ToggleInsert(),
a more heuristic way of setting and clearing insert mode; and FieldEnd(), which
moves the cursor to the end of the current field.  None are mapped by default;
add them if you like.

*** kybd.c.orig	Thu Oct 28 20:00:14 1993
--- kybd.c	Thu Oct 28 20:00:15 1993
*** 453,458 ****
--- 453,488 ----
+  * Destructive backspace, like Unix "erase".
+  */
+ void
+ key_Erase()
+ {
+ 	int	baddr;
+ 	unsigned char	*fa;
+ 	if (IN_ANSI) {
+ 		net_send_erase();
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+ 	if (kybdlock)
+ 		return;
+ 	baddr = cursor_addr;
+ 	fa = get_field_attribute(baddr);
+ 	if (fa == &screen_buf[baddr] || FA_IS_PROTECTED(*fa)) {
+ 		status_protected();
+ 		mcursor_locked();
+ 		kybdlock = True;
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+ 	if (baddr && fa == &screen_buf[baddr - 1])
+ 		return;
+ 	key_Left();
+ 	key_Delete();
+ }
+ /*
   * Cursor right 1 position.
*** 969,974 ****
--- 999,1060 ----
+  * Toggle insert mode key.
+  */
+ void
+ key_ToggleInsert()
+ {
+ 	if (IN_ANSI || kybdlock)
+ 		return;
+ 	if (insert)
+ 		insert_mode(False);
+ 	else
+ 		insert_mode(True);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Move the cursor to the first blank after the last nonblank in the
+  * field, or if the field is full, to the last character in the field.
+  */
+ void
+ key_FieldEnd()
+ {
+ 	int	baddr;
+ 	unsigned char	*fa, c;
+ 	int	last_nonblank = -1;
+ 	if (IN_ANSI || kybdlock || !formatted)
+ 		return;
+ 	baddr = cursor_addr;
+ 	fa = get_field_attribute(baddr);
+ 	if (fa == &screen_buf[baddr] || FA_IS_PROTECTED(*fa))
+ 		return;
+ 	baddr = fa - screen_buf;
+ 	while (True) {
+ 		INC_BA(baddr);
+ 		c = screen_buf[baddr];
+ 		if (IS_FA(c))
+ 			break;
+ 		if (c != CG_NULLBLANK && c != CG_BLANK)
+ 			last_nonblank = baddr;
+ 	}
+ 	if (last_nonblank == -1) {
+ 		baddr = fa - screen_buf;
+ 		INC_BA(baddr);
+ 	} else {
+ 		baddr = last_nonblank;
+ 		INC_BA(baddr);
+ 		if (IS_FA(screen_buf[baddr]))
+ 			baddr = last_nonblank;
+ 	}
+ 	cursor_move(baddr);
+ }
+ /*
   * X-dependent code starts here.
*** 1468,1475 ****
--- 1554,1563 ----
  	{ "Dup",	(XtActionProc)key_Dup },
  	{ "Enter",	(XtActionProc)key_Enter },
  	{ "EnterLeave",	(XtActionProc)enter_leave },
+ 	{ "Erase",	(XtActionProc)key_Erase },
  	{ "EraseEOF",	(XtActionProc)key_EraseEOF },
  	{ "EraseInput", (XtActionProc)key_EraseInput },
+ 	{ "FieldEnd",	(XtActionProc)key_FieldEnd },
  	{ "FieldMark",	(XtActionProc)key_FieldMark },
  	{ "FocusEvent",	(XtActionProc)focus_change },
  	{ "HandleMenu",	(XtActionProc)handle_menu },
*** 1523,1528 ****
--- 1611,1617 ----
  	{ "String",	(XtActionProc)string },
  	{ "SysReq",	(XtActionProc)key_SysReq },
  	{ "Tab",	(XtActionProc)key_FTab },
+ 	{ "ToggleInsert",(XtActionProc)key_ToggleInsert },
  	{ "Up",		(XtActionProc)key_Up },
  	{ "ignore",	(XtActionProc)ignore },
  	{ "start-extend",	(XtActionProc)start_extend },
*** x3270.man.orig	Thu Oct 28 20:00:19 1993
--- x3270.man	Thu Oct 28 20:00:20 1993
*** 1,5 ****
  '\" t
! .TH X3270 1 "22 September 1993"
  x3270 \-
--- 1,5 ----
  '\" t
! .TH X3270 1 "28 October 1993"
  x3270 \-
*** 578,585 ****
--- 578,587 ----
  Down	move cursor down
  Dup	duplicate field
  Enter	Enter AID (or send ASCII CR)
+ Erase	erase previous character (or send ASCII BS)
  EraseEOF	erase to end of current field
  EraseInput	erase all input fields
+ FieldEnd	move cursor to end of field
  FieldMark	mark field
  Home	move cursor to first input field
  Insert	set insert mode
*** 602,607 ****
--- 604,610 ----
  String(\fIstring\fP)	insert string (macro facility)
  SysReq	System Request AID
  Tab	move cursor to next input field
+ ToggleInsert	toggle insert mode
  Up	move cursor up
  (the following are similar to xterm)

Add new targets to Makefile.aux to help in testing what you built without
installing it (dryrun) and building under OpenWindows 3 (ow3 and ow3.install).

*** Makefile.aux.orig	Wed Nov  3 20:26:42 1993
--- Makefile.aux	Wed Nov  3 20:26:43 1993
*** 1,5 ****
--- 1,20 ----
  # Auxiliary makefile for x3270
+ all:
+ 	@echo "Must pick a specific make target."
+ # Dry run: Run x3270 with everything (app-defaults, fonts) in the current
+ # directory.
+ dryrun:
+ 	mkfontdir .
+ 	xset +fp `pwd`/
+ 	xset fp rehash
+ 	XFILESEARCHPATH=X3270.ad ./x3270
+ 	xset -fp `pwd`/
+ # Development tools.
  SOURCES = ansi.c apl.c ctlr.c keypad.c kybd.c menubar.c popups.c screen.c \
  	select.c tables.c status.c telnet.c x3270.c
  HEADERS = 3270.h 3270_enc.h globals.h telnet.h
*** 9,16 ****
  	README.3.0 Makefile.aux
- all: x3270
  x3270.tar.Z: $(FILES)
  	tar -cf - $(FILES) | compress > $@
--- 24,29 ----
*** 20,30 ****
--- 33,47 ----
  x3270.inflate: x3270.tar.Z
  	inflate x3270.tar.Z > $@
+ # Sample makefile.
  Makefile.sampl: Imakefile
  	sed -e 's/\.sa\.\$$(SO[A-Z]*REV)$$/.a/' \
  	    -e 's/CCOPTIONS = .*/CCOPTIONS =/' Makefile >Makefile.sampl
+ # Development tools.
  	mkid $(SOURCES) $(HEADERS)
*** 31,35 ****
  tags: $(SOURCES) $(HEADERS)
  	ctags $(SOURCES) $(HEADERS)
! man:
  	tbl x3270.man | nroff -man | less
--- 48,103 ----
  tags: $(SOURCES) $(HEADERS)
  	ctags $(SOURCES) $(HEADERS)
! lessman:
  	tbl x3270.man | nroff -man | less
+ ###############################################################################
+ # Build rules for Sun OpenWindows 3.  A lot easier than picking apart the
+ # Imakefile if your xmkmf isn't set up right.
+ ###############################################################################
+ OPENWINHOME=/usr/openwin
+ CFLAGS = -O -I$(OPENWINHOME)/include
+ OBJECTS = $(SOURCES:%.c=%.o)
+ OWFONTOBJS = $(FONTS:%.bdf=%.fb)
+ .bdf.fb:
+ 	convertfont -d. $<
+ .SUFFIXES: .bdf .fb $(SUFFIXES)
+ LIBS = -lXaw -lXmu -lX11 -lXt -lXext -lX11 -lm
+ # If you get the following ld error:
+ #
+ #     ld: Undefined symbol
+ #       _get_wmShellWidgetClass
+ #       _get_applicationShellWidgetClass
+ #
+ # then you need to get patches 100512-02 and 100573-03 from Sun.  In the
+ # meantime, use the following LIBS definition as a workaround:
+ #LIBS = -lXaw -Bstatic -lXmu -Bdynamic -lX11 -lXt -lXext -lX11 -lm
+ # For Solaris 2.x (SunOS 5.x), uncomment the line below:
+ #LIBS += -lnsl -lsocket
+ x3270: $(OBJECTS) version.o
+ 	$(CC) -o x3270 $(OBJECTS) version.o -L$(OPENWINHOME)/lib $(LIBS)
+ 	@$(RM) version.o
+ version.o: $(OBJECTS) version.txt
+ 	@echo "char *build = \"x3270 v`cat version.txt`, `date`\"; char *version = \"`cat version.txt`\";" >version.c
+ 	@$(CC) -c version.c
+ 	@$(RM) version.c
+ # Make x3270 for OpenWindows 3
+ ow3: x3270
+ # Install x3270 under OpenWindows 3: assumes you want to put everything in
+ ow3.install: ow3
+ 	install -m 755 x3270 $(OPENWINHOME)/bin
+ 	cp $(OWFONTOBJS) $(OPENWINHOME)/lib/fonts
+ 	mkfontdir $(OPENWINHOME)/lib/fonts
+ 	cp X3270.ad $(OPENWINHOME)/lib/app-defaults/X3270
+ 	cp x3270.man $(OPENWINHOME)/man/man1/x3270.1
+ 	cp ibm_hosts.man $(OPENWINHOME)/man/man5/ibm_hosts.5

README updates, so you don't have to go looking at the patch files.
*** README.3.0.orig	Tue Sep 28 16:30:57 1993
--- README.3.0	Wed Nov  3 20:38:39 1993
*** 1,4 ****
! x3270 3.0 -- Update 1
  0. Introduction
--- 1,4 ----
! x3270 -- (Version 3.0, Update 1, Patch Set 2)
  0. Introduction
*** 359,367 ****
  Fixed a problem in the implementation of auto-skip fields.
! Keep those cards and letters coming...
  				Paul Mattes
! 				pdm@cnt.com (note new e-mail address)
--- 359,445 ----
  Fixed a problem in the implementation of auto-skip fields.
+ 5.6 Bugs Fixed in Patch Set 1 (v3.0.1.1)
+ Fix to Home key.  A previous bug fix was really a "bugswap", changing a key
+ that sometimes malfunctioned into one that always malfunctioned.
+ Fix for numeric port numbers (e.g., -port 23), which didn't work on little-
+ endian machines.
+ Fix for boneheaded font definition.
+ Fix for symbol "DEC", which causes compile errors on DEC machines.
+ Fix for redundant manpage install rule in Imakefile.
+ 5.7 Bugs Fixed in Patch Set 2 (v3.0.1.2)
+ Fixed 'EWOULDBLOCK' crashes on network writes by restoring blocking mode on
+ the socket; changed socket write errors from crashes to pop-up error messages.
+ [Found by Rusty Wright.]
+ Elminated the incorrect NULLing out of fields in response to PT orders.  It
+ still isn't obvious exactly when this *should* happen, so this fix introduces
+ another, more tolerable problem.  [Found by Alan Sengillo and Ilia Levi.]
+ Put back v3.0's original combination of select-start and MoveCursor on the
+ left mouse button, with a new action called "move-select."  You have to map
+ this explicitly; the default is still to have select-start on Btn1 and
+ MoveCursor on Shift-Btn1.  [Requested by Steve Lodin.]
+ Added missing AID keys 21-24 to the ANSI-mode translation table.  [Found by
+ Raymond Wiker.]
+ Fixed subtle problems with multiple select targets.  [Found by Tjemsland Svein.]
+ Fixed the cut/paste definitions in the "ow" keymap modifier, and removed
+ redundant cursor-key definitions from the Sun keymaps, which kept Left2 and
+ Right2 from working.  [Found by Tjemsland Svein and Raymond Wiker.]
+ Fixed selections so they aren't given up with the screen changes.  [Found by
+ Mike Bird.]
+ Fixed a bug in Newline() which caused the cursor to sometimes land on a field
+ attribute.  Finally implemented common code for this, so now I can break Tab,
+ Dup, Home and auto-skip at the same time.  [Found by Mike Bird.]
+ 5.8 Enhancements in Patch Set 2 (v3.0.1.2)
+ Implemented screen printing via new PrintText and PrintWindow actions.
+ (HardPrint is an alias for PrintText for minimal compatibility with other
+ versions.)  [Suggested by Bill Oliver and Laura Ambrose.]
+ Added a "-once" option which causes x3270 to exit when a host disconnects.
+ [Suggested by Ilia Levi.]
+ Enhanced the "About x3270" popup to report all keymaps found, including
+ "user" keymaps.  This should simplify keymap debugging somewhat.  [This has
+ plauged quite a number of people.]
+ Added keymap definitions for F11 and F12 under OpenWindows.  The keysym names
+ are different (and incompatible) between X11R4/OpenWindows 3 and X11R5, so
+ there are three, unmnemonically separate definitions.  [Found by Raymond Wiker
+ and David St. Pierre.]
+ Added the default charset to the app-defaults file.  [Mine!]
+ Added three new actions: Erase (Unix-like backspace), ToggleInsert (obvious),
+ and FieldEnd (go to end of field).  [Suggested by Raymond Wiker.]
+ Added three new targets to Makefile.aux:
+     dryrun	Run x3270 in the current directory, getting fonts and
+ 		resources from the current directory.
+     ow3		Build x3270 under OpenWindows 3.0, for users without
+ 		xmkmf (or without one that works).
+     ow3.install	Install x3270 in /usr/openwin.
! Feel free to let me know what you think...
  				Paul Mattes
! 				pdm@cnt.com