XET  --   X Entertainment (a tool to create animated images)

   Xet is an X application program based on X11R5.  Xet has sophisticated 
   mechanisms to create and to display animated images. I named the program 
   Xet, X Entertainment System, is because I intended to make Xet as a tool 
   to  create animated images for visual pleasure. If you find Xet has 
   practical usefulness please let me know.

I. System Requirements

   Xet was developed on Sun/IPC/SunOS-4.1.1 and it hasn't been ported 
   to other platforms yet.
   To install Xet, you must have the following software packages installed
      1. X11R5
      2. Motif-1.1.1
      3. WCL-2.3
      4. Sun/C++-2.1
   To run Xet, you must have the following 
      1. Sun/Sparc with a color monitor
      2. Installed pbmplus10dec91 programs
      3. djpeg (only required for using jpeg/jpg images with Xet)
   To run Xet, you better have the following
      1. a lot of memory 
      2. a lot of swap space
      3. a lot of disk space
      4. a lot of free CPU cycles
      5. a lot of free time
      6. a lot of interest

   Never try to do the following
      1. operate Xet on a X11R4 server
      2. operate Xet on a B/W monitor
      3. operate Xet on Openwin 2.0
II. Distribution Package
    1. xet/ad              -- X resource files used by WCL
    2. xet/src             -- c++ code 
    3. xet/data/colormap   -- several fine turned colormaps
    3. xet/data/help       -- on-line help files
    3. xet/data/icons      -- icon files and Xet logo image
    4. xet/demo            -- many demo sessions
    5. xet/bin             -- staticly linked xet executable for Sun/Sparc,
                              striped for saving disk space,
III. Installation

step 1: Build X resource file

        If you are using imake then

           cd ad
           xmkmf;make;make install


           cd ad
           make -f Makefile.NoImake
           cp XET.ad (to somewhere)

step 2: Compile C++ code 
        If you are using imake then

           cd src
           xmkmf;make Makefiles;make depend;make;make install install.man 

        If you want to build a shareable library for Xet on SunOS then

           cd src
           make -f Makefile.Share
           (you may need to modify the Makefile.Share)        

     If you don't have C++ compiler/WCL/Motif, you still can exercise Xet.
     A staticly linked xet executable is located at xet/bin/xet.
     If you are running X11R5 you have no problem. Xet may be executed
     under X11R4 server. It was my experience running Xet under X11R4
     server will cause the following: (1) can not use scaleable font,
     (2) mysterious crashes, and (3) improperly displayed images.

IV. Start Running Xet
    The "man xet" tells you everything about the command line arguments.

    The only documentation came with Xet are those on-line help files located
    at $XET_ROOT_DIRECTORY/data/help. You should at least glance through those
    files. If you want to have a quick start, you should read and do exercises
    along with the $XET_ROOT_DIRECTORY/data/help/demo.hlp. It tells you how to 
    run various demos and it may serve as a tutorial.

V. Trouble Shooting

    1. Xet can not find it's resource file

       This is because of the resource file, XET, is not properly installed.
       One of the following will fix the problem.
       a. install XET to the proper place
       b. install XET to your $HOME directory
       c. setenv XENVIRONMENT `the pathname of XET`
       d. xet -rf `the pathname of XET`

    2. Xet can not find it's help files, icons, and logo images

       There are two ways to fix the problem.
       a. setenv XET_ROOT_DIRECTORY `where is your xet directory'
       b. create a $HOME/.xetrc
             It is described in xet/data/help/general.hlp.

    3. Xet Cannot allocate colormap entry for "skyblue4" and ...

       You must have other programs which occupy a lot of color cells.
       Terminate those programs and restart xet.

VI. Other Inforamtion
  Other information such as, Xet's past/present/future, known bugs, todo list,
  etc... can be found in $XET_ROOT_DIRECTORY/data/help/overview.hlp.

I hope Xet can bring you a lot of fun.

Please e-mail me your comments, suggestions and bug reports.
The next major release is scheduled in the Summer 1993, I hope.

Ko-Haw Nieh
December, 1992