Xgopher 1.3.1 (Xgopher 1.3, patch level 1)

The following bugs are fixed:

. text.c-293: if (!NULL) before free()   (crashes Interactive 3.2, even
					 though ANSI C permits free of a
					 NULL pointer.)
. itemInfo.c - oops, forgot to allocate a place for the '\0' terminator.

. version number is updated to 1.3.1

Following are the differences that will update Xgopher 1.3 to Xgopher 1.3.1:

% diff text.c.orig text.c
<       free(tep->stringValue);         /* free(), not XtFree() */
>       if (tep->stringValue != NULL) {
>               free(tep->stringValue);         /* free(), not XtFree() */
>       }

% diff itemInfo.c.orig itemInfo.c
<       if ((dispString = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(infoString)))
<           != NULL) {
>       if ((dispString =
>           (char *) malloc(1 + sizeof(char) * strlen(infoString))) != NULL) {

%diff version.h.orig version.h 
< #define VERSION_NAME "Xgopher 1.3"
> #define VERSION_NAME "Xgopher 1.3.1"