Release 1.1 of xpick

xpick is an X11 Athena Widget implementation of pick, from "The Unix
Programming Environment" by Kernighan and Pike. It  displays its
arguments in a window, lets you select any of them with the mouse
and/or shell style pattern, then outputs the selected ones (on standard
output) and exits when a command button is hit.

To build xpick say:

make depend

then ./xpick *


(setenv XFILESEARCHPATH; ./xpick *)

to  try it out, and if you're happy with it:

make install

I've included a shell script 'xapply' to show how you can use xpick as
a "wrapper" around Unix commands. xapply applies an arbitrary command
to files in the current directory selected via xpick.

xpick was developed   on  a Sun-4, SunOS 4.1.1
and has also been built & run on

Encore Multimax Umax 4.3 X11R5
DEC microVax Ultrix V2.2-1 X11R5
Apple A/UX X11R5

Thanks to Brian Totty <> for the Free Widget
Foundation Multilist widget (a version of which I have hacked
slightly), and Byron Rakitzis <> for the pattern
matching code from his wonderful rc shell.

	Gerry Tomlinson, June 1993
