README for xscdemo
		      Version  2.2

xscdemo		: 
	Animated spinning cube display for X11.
How to compile  :
	If X11 is installed in your system at appropriate place,
	you just have to say 
	  cc -o xscdemo xscdemo.c -lX11 -lm

Colors		:
	If the color of one or more face(s) is same as that of
	background color, change your terminal :)

Try		:
	Try various combinations of cube sizes, window sizes and
	time delays.  Watch the 20 size cube shooting in a
	600x800 window with a time delay of 0 and enjoy.

Obscured window :
	If the window is fully obscured or iconified, the program 
	waits until the window becomes visible.

What you can do :
	You may copy xscdemo in whole or in part.

Don't		:
	Don't try to make money out of this program.  Don't say
	you wrote this program.

Copyright	:
	Copyright (c) 1992, Sudarshan Karkada

Version 2.0	:
	Converted DOS based scdemo into X based xscdemo.
Version 2.1	:
	Noticed bugs are eliminated.
Version 2.2	:
	More demos added.