Toolbar v1.3
by Gerald Washington

The "toolbar" application creates a window containing user-specified buttons
which are use to launch applications.  The buttons may contain a text name or
a color pixmap image.  The content of the toolbar is defined by the file
".toolbarrc" in the user's home directory.

Minimum Requirements:

Motif 1.2
X11 Release 4
Xpm 3.2
ANSI C compiler


1> Edit the makefile to specify your compiler, location of
   X11, Motif, and Xpm include files and libraries, and any
   preferred compiler options.

2> Type "make".


Type "make install", or follow these steps for manual installation.
NOTE:  you always have to modify the ".toolbarrc" file for proper
execution (step 3).

1> Place the "toolbar" application in your search path.

2> You may place the "XToolbar" resource file in your resource file
   path and customize the file as you please, or you may use the
   built-in resources.

3> Place the ".toolbarrc" file in your home directory.
   Customize this file to specify your toolbar layout.  The
   syntax is as follows, with one command per line.  The
   commands must be in all caps.

	TITLE "toolbar title"
	- specifies the title of the toolbar; this must be
	  the first command

	BUTTON "button name" "command"
	- creates a text button; the "button name" is displayed,
	  and the "command" is executed

	IMAGE "image file" "command"
	- creates an image button; the image is read from the
	  XPM file "image file", and the "command" is executed

	- creates a separator line

	IPATH "directory"
	- specifies the "directory" to use for finding image
	  files; this may be changed again in the file

	POPUP "window name"
	- creates a popup window with a button named "window name"

	POPUP_IMAGE "image file"
	- creates a popup window with a button showing "image file"

	- must match a POPUP or POPUP_IMAGE command; nested popup
	  windows are not allowed

4> Make sure the images specified by IMAGE commands are installed
   in the IPATH or current directories.  Some sample images are
   included in the sample_images directory.


Just type "toolbar".

# Gerald G. Washington		Voice:	301 953 3330		#
# Software Engineer		  Fax:	301 953 2368		#
# Century Computing, Inc.	email:	gwashington@cen.com	#