Tooltalk for TCL

                Cedric BEUST (

TooCL is a Tooltalk interface to Tcl/Tk. It will allow Tcl/Tk applications
to connect to Tooltalk and send and receive messages just like any other
application. This is an almost fully-blown interface to Tooltalk 1.0.2
(it has been compiled with Tooltalk 1.1.1 but doesn't cover the new
functions yet).

TooCL is based on Tcl 7.0 and Tk 4.0. You must have these distributions
handy to compile this package.

To compile,

$ cd src

Then edit the Makefile. You will have to provide the following
information :
# Where to find Tk's includes
# Where to find Tk's sources
# Where to find Tcl's includes
# Where to find Tcl's sources
# Where to find Tooltalk's tt_c.h
# Where to find the libtcl.a, libtk.a, libtt.a

Then :

$ make all

At this point, you should have a ttwish executable. You can then go and take
a look the examples directory (see the README there) :

$ cd ../examples
$ ../src/ttwish ./tclttmon.tcl