This is version 3.2 of the sun microsystems xview/openlook toolkit.

i did several patches to be able to compile it under x11r6. The patches are
clean, no XLIB_ILLEGAL_ACCESS or modifications of include files are necessary.

This is the whole release 3.2 patchlevel 1 + X11R6 patches. Diffs will be
available at a later time as soon as i figure out how to do them :-) Never did
that before.

Tested environments;

sunos 4.1.{2,3}, sun4c - should run on sun4m too. No solaris version yet, since
we don't run solaris here.

No known bugs, all applications i tested (includs olwm, ftptool, etc.) ran fine.Clients and Contrib build without errors.

Be informed that xview can right now not be compiled yet with gcc.

Joern Lubkoll,