$Id: Scrollbar2.README,v 1.2 1999/04/30 22:31:42 falk Rel $

Scrollbar2 v1.0 -- Athena scrollbar with improved callbacks

  The Athena scrollbar widget suffers from a number of flaws:

    1) Client apps have no way to know when the user has finished
       an interaction.

    2) There is no way to specify the scroll amount for clicks in
       arrows (Xaw3d).

    3) Thumb is not automatically moved for clicks in the
       background or arrows (Xaw3d) or button 1,3 clicks (Xaw).

  This widget is subclassed from the Athena Scrollbar widget and adds
  the features needed to correct these problems:

    * New "ArrowJump" resource which controls how far the scrollbar
      should move in response to button presses in the end arrows (Xaw3d)
      or keyboard arrow keys.

    * New translation table which allows keyboard keys to move the
      scrollbar, which works with scrollwheel mice, and most importantly,
      calls the Notify() action procedure described below:

    * New "Notify()" action proc.  Sends a Scrollbar2Rep structure to
      the XtNcallback list.  This report informs the client of the
      following events:

      	SC_JUMP:	scrollbar has moved as a result of a keypress.
	SC_START:	user has begun to scroll
	SC_DONE:	user has finished scroll.

      The Scrollbar2Rep also includes the new scrollbar position.

    * Scrollbar2Callback() utility function.  Add this to the scrollbar's
      XtNscrollProc callback list to cause the scrollbar to automatically
      be adjusted for clicks in the background or arrows.  This function
      then calls XtNjumpProc.

  How to use:

    * Create the Scrollbar2 widget the same as a Scrollbar widget.

    * Add a callback to the XtNjumpProc list to receive notification
      as the scrollbar is adjusted.  (This is the same as for Scrollbar.)

    * Add a callback to the XtNcallback list to receive notification
      whenever the user starts or finishes adjusting the scrollbar.

    * Put Scrollbar2Callback() in the XtNscrollProc list to provide for
      automatic scrollbar motion in response to background and arrow clicks.

  To view the man page:  tbl Scrollbar2.man | nroff -man


  Edit Imakefile and set EXTRA_INCLUDES and EXTRA_DEFINES as appropriate for
  your system.

  It should then be sufficient to type
	xmkmf ; make

  This will build the widget and a demo program.

  Alternatively, makefiles for Solaris, SunOS and Linux have been

  IMPORTANT:  Since this widget is subclassed from an Athena widget,
  it is extremely important that the correct header files be installed
  in /usr/X11/include/X11/Xaw/.  If you have installed Xaw3d or another
  Athena variant in your system, you must also install the new header
  files.  The Makefile should point to the proper location of the
  header files.

  (This is true for any widget subclassed from an Athena widget, but is
  a very common mistake so I mention it here.)

  In addition, the -DARROW_SCROLLBAR flag in the Imakefile must match
  the flag used to compile Xaw3d.

  When including Scrollbar2 in a library, you may want to add a line
  to the Imakefile that looks like this:

    SpecialCLibObjectRule(Scrollbar2,,-DARROW_SCROLLBAR -I$(INCDIR)/X11/Xaw)

X11 Xt Intrinsics Xaw Athena

Author:		Edward A. Falk <falk@falconer.vip.best.com>