LIBXEARTH(3) LIBXEARTH(3) NAME Earth - The earth widget class SYNOPSIS #include <Earth.h> extern void XearthSetViewMag( Widget self, float view_mag ); extern void XearthSetViewRot( Widget self, float view_rot ); extern void XearthSetViewLat( Widget self, float view_lat ); extern void XearthSetViewLon( Widget self, float view_lon ); extern void XearthChildGetLatitude( Widget child, float *latitude ); extern void XearthChildGetLongitude( Widget child, float *longitude ); extern void XearthChildSetLatitude( Widget child, float latitude ); extern void XearthChildSetLongitude( Widget child, float longitude ); extern int XearthGetXY( Widget self, float latitude, float longitude, Position *xret, Position *yret ); DESCRIPTION _E_a_r_t_h is the reentrant version of the well known _x_e_a_r_t_h. Is is a constraint widget ant manages visibility of its children according their geographical positions. XXeeaarrtthhGGeettXXYY(()) returns 1 if position is visible, otherwise zero. Resources pprroojjTTyyppee might be mmeerrccaattoorr or oorrtthhooggrraapphhiicc. vviieewwPPoossTTyyppee might be ffiixxeedd, ssuunnrreell, or oorrbbiitt. vviieewwLLaatt is the view latitude. vviieewwLLoonn is the view longitude. ppeerriioodd is the orbital period. iinncclliinn is the orbital inclination. vviieewwRRoott is the view rotation. vviieewwMMaagg is the view magnification. ssttaarrFFrreeqq is the star frequency, bbiiggSSttaarrss displays big stars. ddaayy defines the day percentage. nniigghhtt defines the night percentage. tteerrmmiinnaattoorr see _x_e_a_r_t_h. mmoonnoo displays the earth in monochrome (even on color displays). nnuummCCoolloorrss defines the number of colors used. xxGGaammmmaa defines the xxggaammmmaa of the display. ttiimmee defines the _u_n_i_x time (ttiimmee__tt) of the earth. sshhiiffttXX defines the horizontal shift. sshhiiffttYY defines the vertical shift. ccoommppuutteeSSuunnPPooss computes the sun position. ddooSShhaaddee does a day/night rendering. ddooSSttaarrss displays stars instead of a dark space. ddooGGrriidd displays the position vertices. ggrriiddBBiigg displays a big grid. ggrriiddSSmmaallll displays a small grid. Constraint resources llaattiittuuddee defines the latitude of the child. lloonnggiittuuddee defines the longitude of the child. NOTES TO IMPLEMENTORS To make the code reentrant and to interface correctly with the code of xearth (to respect the original code), We've had to create some kind of structures (t_map_scan_input, t_map_scan_output, etc...). The simplest thing is to understand well the meaning of these structures. Be careful, when a Resize() occurs, we have to call the correct reallocation methods because we've tried to limit them. By example, when the resource XtNtime changes, we don't realloc the rendermap nor the XImage (because XtNwidth and XtNheight hasn't changed). Not all the resources are deeply implemented (but almost all the most interesting ones). You have to know that there is some big problems with XtRfloat!!! On a 32 bit system, you can't pass them trough a XtSetValues and the best thing you've got to do (to be portable) is to pass them in using XtRString (and by example XtVaTypedArg). There is also another method by implementing public procedures (as in XawScrollbar for the thumb resource). It's what it has been done. SEE ALSO xxeeaarrtthh((11)) TODO XearthDrawLine() to draw lines on the earth surface. We have to find a way to keep a context concerning these lines to correctly redraw them on expo- sures. AUTHORS Kirk Lauritz Johnson <> - original author of xearth. Martin Gall ( - widget version.