#  Net-Fu (version 971022):
#   A WWW graphic-art generation system
#  Copyright 1997 by:
#   Spencer Kimball       (spencer@xcf.berkeley.edu)
#   Peter Mattis          (petm@xcf.berkeley.edu)
#   Yaroslav Faybishenko  (yaroslav@xcf.berkeley.edu)

Brief Description:

****  Net-Fu: Automatic Logo Generation  ****

Have you ever been faced with the unhappy task of creating a web-page?

Unless you make your living cranking out HTML, you probably have about
a million other things you ought to be doing.  Still, in this age of
sound bites and glitzy packaging, it's difficult to be noticed amid
the overwhelming clutter of the WWW without putting effort into the
appeal of your presentation.  It is an unusual web-monkey, indeed, who
will browse content which lacks concessions to visual stimulation.

Net-Fu is a system which automagically generates eye-catching logos
which can lend your web page that special something that HTML header
directives lack.  It removes the burden of artistic talent and frees
you to focus your concentration on what's really important: the
informative content of your page.  You simply select a style of logo
from among such choices as "neon", "chrome", and "crystal", specify
parameters such as text string, typeface, size, and colors,
and Net-Fu returns your logo without further ado.

This Version:  (971022)

NOT for the faint of heart or the inexperienced hacker.  There are few
concessions to ease installation.  This thing is not fun to install.
Anyone who decides to attempt installing net-fu should record the
problems encountered and the solutions.  All help in terms of
reorganizing things for easier installation will be quite welcome.

Also, I'm looking for improvements to the standard issue net-fu html
pages.  I think they're a bit vanilla and could use some spiffy
polishing.  Anyone who is interested in maintaining net-fu should
contact me.  I'd like to have it set up permanently on gimp.org and
maintained in a cvs repository.

A Wishlist:

*) Permanent gimp.org locale

*) Globally available CVS repository

*) Better html pages

*) More net-fu scripts

*) Better Java interface