README is a perl script to freeze a configuration of
     sources checked in under RCS.

     This perl script is a complete rewrite of the shell
     script contained in  the RCS package with its RCS ID:
           ",v  4.6  1993/11/03 17:42:27 eggert Exp"
     The major differences between the shell script and the perl
     script are the following:
     the input argument "symb revision number"
         - is optional for the shell script. Internally an unique
           revision number is used.
         - is mandatory for the perl script. Only this symbolic
           revision number is used.
     the log message
         - is saved by the shell script in its own file
           rcsfreeze.log. But there are no tools available to
           retrieve the log messages for a given revision number.
         - is saved by the perl script amongst the other RCS log
           messages.  Therefore they can be retrieved with the
           appropriate rlog command.

     For more information on how to use the script, see the pod
     documentation or view the man pages.

     For instructions on how to install the script, see the file

     Problems, questions, etc. may be sent to nog@MPA-Garching.MPG.DE

     For Copyright see the pod documentation.