Hello, and welcome to the Boston Amateur Radio Club's FTP area on Oakland. I hope you find navigation through the subdirectories easy and painless. Files here are updated as often as possible. Please feel free to include new files in /pub/hamradio/incoming and to also inform the ~/hamradio FTP administrator, Scott Ehrlich, WY1Z, e-mail: wy1z@neu.edu of your uploaded files. Please also e-mail any comments, suggestions, and/or questions you have about this site or any of the files to me. I will try to answer questions as best I can. A reminder that Binhex is available in binary form, and can be used to convert .hqx files back into Macbinary. FYI: files ending in .cpt are compressed using Compact Pro files ending in .sit are compressed using Stuffit files ending in .hqx have been converted to Hexadecimal (text) via Binhex, and require either Binhex to convert them back to binary, or Stuffit or Compact Pro to reconvert them back into binary form, then uncompressed using whatever compression method was used. 73, and happy browsing! Scott Ehrlich, WY1Z